
uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide

3.4.2 Changing the log level

The log level of server management commands represents the importance of logs. There are four log levels; Error, Warning, Information, and Debug. If you set a log level, the log of the set level is output. By default, only the log of the Error level is acquired. In normal cases, use the default settings.

A log level is set by the following key of for the server management commands:


In the level name, specify either one or multiple character strings from Error, Warning, Information, and Debug. To specify multiple levels, demarcate the character strings of the level name with a comma (,).

Coding examples:
  1. ejbserver.logger.enabled.*=Error

  2. ejbserver.logger.enabled.*=Error,Warning

  3. ejbserver.logger.enabled.*=Error,Warning,Information

  4. ejbserver.logger.enabled.*=Error,Warning,Information,Debug

Important note
  • The number of logs that can be acquired increases in the order of 1, 2, 3, and 4 of the coding examples. If you set multiple log levels and acquire the logs, performance deteriorates, and switching of the number of log files occurs frequently.

  • When you specify a character string other than Error, Warning, Information, or Debug in the level name, or when you specify a blank value, the KDJE90009-W message is output. The log of the Error level is acquired.