
uCosminexus Application Server Application Setup Guide

3.4.1 Changing the log output destination

To change the log output destination of server management commands, specify the output-destination directory of logs in usrconf.bat (in Windows) or usrconf (in UNIX) for server management commands.

Changing the log output destination

The default log output destination is as follows:

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


You can change the output destination for the logs of server management commands with the option of the USRCONF_JVM_ARGS key of usrconf.bat (in Windows) or usrconf (in UNIX).

Setting example
  • In Windows

    set USRCONF_JVM_ARGS="\CClogs\admin"

  • In UNIX


Current directory

The current directory when the log output destination is specified by a relative path is the current directory when a server management command is executed.

For example, when the user ID is user1 and the home directory of the user is C:\Documents and Settings\user1, and you log in with this user ID, the current directory immediately after login becomes C:\Documents and Settings\user1. Here, if you execute a server management command, the current directory becomes C:\Documents and Settings\user1.

Important note
  • When you set the output destination of Java VM maintenance information and GC log data, note that the specification in the usrconf.cfg file (add.jvm.arg=-XX:HitachiJavaLog:destination) prevails over the specification in the user definition file.

  • When you perform operations with the Management Server remote management function, you cannot change the log output destination of server management commands.