
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

17.4.3 Tuning parameters for setting the timeout

This section explains how to set up tuning parameters used for timeout settings.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Timeout set in the Web server for receiving requests from the client and sending the data to the client

This is a tuning parameter for setting the timeout at point 1 of Figure 17-2 or Figure 17-3. The location of setup differs according to the Web server used.

In the case of Web server integration, set the tuning parameter for each Web server. You edit the files for specifying the settings.

Table 17‒6: Tuning parameters for the timeout to be set in the Web server for receiving requests from the client and sending the data to the client (for Web server integration)

Setup item

Location of setup

Timeout for receiving requests from the client and sending data to the client

Timeout directive of httpsd.conf


When you are using Microsoft IIS as the Web server, edit the receive_client_timeout key in isapi_redirect.conf.

For an in-process HTTP server, specify the settings in each J2EE server.

You set up the items listed in the following table using the Smart Composer functionality. Define the parameters in the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 17‒7: Tuning parameters for the timeout to be set in the Web server for receiving requests from the client and sending the data to the client (for an in-process HTTP server)

Setup item

Setup target

Location of setup (parameter name)

Timeout for receiving requests from the client

Logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)


Timeout for sending data to the client

Logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)


(2) Timeout set in the redirector for sending the data to the Web container

This is a tuning parameter for setting the timeout at point 2 and point 3 of Figure 17-2.The following table describes the tuning parameters for the timeout to be set in the redirector. You can specify the tuning parameter only in the case of Web server integration.

Specify the items listed in the following table with the Smart Composer functionality. You define the parameters in the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 17‒8: Tuning parameters for the timeout to be set in the redirector


Setup item

Setup target

Location of setup

(parameter name)#


Connection timeout for Web container when sending requests

Logical Web server (web-server)



Timeout for sending requests

Logical Web server (web-server)



When you are using Microsoft IIS as the Web server, edit the connect_timeout key in isapi_redirect.conf.

(3) Timeout set in the redirector for receiving the data from the Web container

This is a tuning parameter for setting the timeout at point 4 of Figure 17-2.

You set up the tuning parameters for each worker definition of the redirector. The following table describes the tuning parameters for the timeout to be set up in the redirector.

You specify the items listed in the following table using the Smart Composer functionality and define the parameters in the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 17‒9: Tuning parameters for the timeout to be set in the redirector

Setup item

Setup target

Location of setup (parameter name)

Communication timeout of waiting for response data

Logical Web server (web-server)


You can specify this tuning parameter only in the case of Web server integration.

(4) Timeout set in the Web container for receiving the data from the redirector

This is a tuning parameter for setting the timeout at point 5 of Figure 17-2.

You set up the tuning parameter for each J2EE server. The following table describes tuning parameters for the timeout to be set in the Web container.

You specify the items listed in the following table using the Smart Composer functionality and define the parameters in the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 17‒10: Tuning parameters for the timeout to be set in the Web container

Setup item

Setup target

Location of setup (parameter name)

Timeout in waiting for reply from redirector

Logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)


You can specify this tuning parameter only in the case of Web server integration.

(5) Timeout set in the Web container for receiving the data from the redirector

This is a tuning parameter for setting the timeout at the point 13 of Figure 17-2.

You set up the tuning parameter for each J2EE server. The following table describes the tuning parameters for the timeout to be set up in the Web container.

You specify the items listed in the following table using the Smart Composer functionality and define the parameters in the Easy Setup definition file.

Table 17‒11: Tuning parameters for the timeout to be set in the Web container

Setup item

Setup target

Parameter name

Timeout of response sending process

Logical J2EE server (j2ee-server)


You can specify this tuning parameter only in the case of Web server integration.