
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

17.4.1 Points where a timeout can be set

In the systems used for executing J2EE applications, you can set up timeouts at the points shown in the following figure. In the following figure, a Web browser is used as the client. The points will differ when you integrate with a Web server, and when you use an in-process HTTP server.

Figure 17‒2: Points where a timeout can be set (for Web server integration)


If the client is an EJB client, replace the Web container with the EJB client. You can set the timeout ranging from the EJB client up to the database.

A redirector will not be applicable when you use an in-process HTTP server, and therefore, a timeout will not be set up at points 2 to 5, and 13. The following figure shows the points where you can set up timeouts to use in-process HTTP servers:

Figure 17‒3: Points where timeouts can be set up (for in-process HTTP servers)


The timeout specified at each point has a specific use that is described in the table below:

Table 17‒5: Purpose of timeout set at each point and default timeout settings


Type of timeout

Primary usage


Timeout set in the server for receiving the request from the client and sending the data to the client

For Web server integration

Detecting failures in the communication path or the Web server

For in-process HTTP servers

Detecting failures in the communication path, or access from an invalid client


Connection timeout specified in the redirector in the processes for sending the requests to the Web container

Detecting failures in the communication path or the Web container


Timeout for sending the request header and request body set in the redirector in the processes for sending the requests to the Web container

Detecting failures in the communication path or the Web container


Timeout set in the redirector for receiving data from the Web container

Detecting failures in business processing (such as infinite loop and deadlock) of the J2EE server or the communication path


Timeout set in the Web container for receiving data from the redirector

Detecting failures in the communication path or the Web server


Timeout set in the Web application for the method execution time

Detecting failures in business processing (such as infinite loop and deadlock) of the J2EE server


Timeout set in the EJB client for remotely invoking the Enterprise Bean (RMI-IIOP communication) and for invoking the JNDI Naming Service

Detecting failures in business processing (such as infinite loop and deadlocks) of the J2EE server or the communication path


Timeout set up in the EJB client for invoking the Enterprise Bean from CTM

Detecting failures in business processing (such as infinite loop and deadlocks) of the J2EE server or the communication path


Timeout set in the EJB for the method execution time

Detecting failures in business processing (such as infinite loop and deadlock) of the J2EE server


Timeout set in the EJB container for the database transaction

Detecting failures in database server (such as server is down or a deadlock has occurred) or preventing the extended exclusive use of the resources


Timeout set in DB Connector for acquiring a connection

Detecting errors when a connection is acquired (communication path errors or resource depletion)


Database timeout

Detecting failures in database server (such as server is down or a deadlock has occurred) or preventing the extended exclusive use of the resources


Timeout set in the Web container for sending a response to the redirector

Detecting failures in the communication path or the redirector


This point exists only when you are using CTM. For a configuration in which CTM is not used, the range of point 7 extends from the time of execution of remote invocation of the EJB from the Web container to the EJB container, until the dispatch of execution result from the EJB container to the Web container.

The basic guidelines for setting the above timeouts are as follows:

The points 1 to 13 can be divided into the following three categories depending on their location in the system:

For details on settings at the each point, see 17.4.3 Tuning parameters for setting the timeout, or 8.6.8 Tuning parameters for setting the timeout in the uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide.

Reference note

The default values for each point are as follows:


Default value


300 seconds


30 seconds


100 seconds


3,600 seconds


600 seconds


Not set. No timeout.


Not set. Continues to wait for response.


A value same as point 7 is automatically inherited and set up when the Enterprise Bean is invoked.


Not set. No timeout.


180 seconds


Differs according to the location of the timeout setup.

  • A timeout in establishing a physical connection: 8 seconds

  • A timeout in the request for connection during connection depletion: 30 seconds

  • A timeout in detecting a connection error: 5 seconds


Differs according to the type of database and the location of timeout setting.


Unlock waiting timeout: 180 seconds

Response timeout: 0 seconds (The HiRDB client continues to wait until there is a response from the HiRDB server)

Request interval timeout: 600 seconds

For Oracle (when global transaction is used)

Unlock waiting timeout: 60 seconds

For SQL Server

Timeout in acquiring memory: -1 (For details about the operations when -1 is specified, see the SQL Server documentation)

Unlock waiting timeout: -1 (Continues to wait until the lock is released)


Unlock waiting timeout: None (timeout is not monitored)

CPU timeout during SQL execution: 10 seconds

SQL execution timeout: 0 seconds (timeout is not monitored)

Transaction timeout: 600 seconds

Response timeout: 0 seconds (The HiRDB client continues to wait until there is a response from the XDM/RD E2 server)


600 seconds