
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

5.10.3 Execution environment settings (When the Smart Composer functionality is not used)

This section describes the settings to use the gateway specification functionality.

When a gateway such as an SSL accelerator or load balancer is placed between a client and a Web server, you can use the gateway specification functionality to report the gateway information to the Web Container and can properly redirect the access to the top page of the Web application or Form authentication window.

Organization of this subsection

(1) How to set

To use the gateway specification functionality:

  1. Specify the gateway host name, port number, and URL scheme for redirect destination for each redirector.

  2. Restart the Web server.

Specify the gateway host name, port number, and URL scheme for redirect destination in mod_jk.conf when using Cosminexus HTTP Server as the Web server and in isapi_redirect.conf when using Microsoft IIS as the Web server. The keys specified are as follows:

For details on mod_jk.conf (redirector operation definition file for HTTP Server), see 14.2.2 mod_jk.conf (Redirector action definition file for Cosminexus HTTP Server).

For details on isapi_redirect.conf (redirector operation definition file for Microsoft IIS), see 14.2.1 isapi_redirect.conf (Redirector action definition file for Microsoft IIS).

(2) Example settings

The following figure shows the example settings for the gateway specification functionality:

Figure 5‒26: Example settings for the gateway specification functionality


In this example, an SSL accelerator is placed between the client and Web server. Even if a client accesses an SSL accelerator via HTTPS, the SSL accelerator accesses a Web server via HTTP, which causes the Web container to assume that the access uses HTTP. For this reason, HTTP is used for the URL scheme for the top page of the Web application or Form authentication window that is the redirection destination. In this situation, by using the gateway specification function to specify that the scheme be always considered as HTTPS, you can ensure that accesses are properly redirected.

Examples of the mod_jk.conf and isapi_redirect.conf files are shown below. Specify On in the JkGatewayHttpsScheme key of mod_jk.conf and true in the gateway_https_scheme key of isapi_redirect.conf so that the URL scheme for redirect destination is always considered to be HTTPS.

Example of mod_jk.conf (in Cosminexus HTTP Server)

JkGatewayHost host1

JkGatewayPort 4443

JkGatewayHttpsScheme On

Example of isapi_redirect.conf (In Microsoft IIS)


