
uCosminexus Application Server Compatibility Guide

14.2.1 isapi_redirect.conf (Redirector action definition file for Microsoft IIS)

Organization of this subsection

(1) Format

Specify the key as follows:

key-name = value
Specification method
  • The string up to the linefeed is a value.

  • The line beginning with a hash mark (#) is a comment.

  • If you define a line without a value, the line is ignored. The parameters not defined as valid key names are also ignored even if defined in the action definition file.

  • Up to 1023 characters are valid as key-name=value. The part exceeding this number is truncated.

(2) File storage location


(3) Functionality

This action definition file defines the action parameters of the redirector for Microsoft IIS.

(4) Specifiable keys

The specifiable keys and default values are described below. If you specify an invalid value in these keys, the operations may not produce the desired results. If you specify two or more keys, the last specified key becomes valid.

Key name


Default value


Specify whether to share a connection between workers.

If you specify true:

The workers connected to the same host and the same port share a connection, even if the worker definitions are different.

If you specify false:

The workers having different worker definitions do not share a connection.



Specify an integer (units: seconds) from 0 to 3600 for the timeout value to connect to the Web container when a request is sent.

If you specify a non-numeric value, or a numeric value outside the range, a message will be output and the default value will be used.

If you set the timeout as 0 or a time period longer than the resend timer of data transmission in TCP, the timeout value becomes the timeout value of TCP. In such a case, a message indicating that an invalid timeout value has been specified will not be output.



Specify the priority order used when the redirector is registered as an ISAPI filter.

The following strings can be specified:

  • high (priority order is set to "high")

  • medium (priority order is set to "medium")

  • low (priority order is set to "low")



Specify the host name or the IP address of the gateway.

When requests without a Host header are redirected to files, such as the welcome file, the host name of the Location header URL becomes the specified value.



When a client request uses https as a scheme, and the scheme for a Web server will become http by using an SSL accelerator, specify true.

If you specify true, https is assumed to be used as the scheme for requests sent to the Web server. If you specify false, no action occurs.



Specify the port number of the gateway. If a request has no Host header and the request is to be redirected to a location such as a welcome file, the port number portion of a URL that is specified in the Location header becomes the specified value. Always specify this parameter together with gateway_host.

If you specify gateway_host and omit this parameter, an access via http uses 80, and an access via hppts uses 443.



Specify the output location directory of the log file.

When specified as a relative path:

Specify a directory name present in Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\web\redirector.

When specified as an absolute path:

Specify the coded directory name.

Note that you must specify write permission to the Users group, as the access permission to the directory specified as the output destination. If access permission is not set, the log file is not output.

If the same value has been specified in log_file_prefix and trace_log_file_prefix, you need to specify a value different from trace_log_file_dir for this key. If you specify the same value, the redirector will not run.



Specify the maximum number of redirector log files. If this number is exceeded, the old log files are overwritten.

Specify an integer value from 1 to 64.



This is a prefix for the log file name. The actual log file name will be the value specified by this key with serial-number.log added.

If the same value has been specified in log_file_dir and trace_log_file_dir, you need to specify a value different from trace_log_file_prefix for this key. If you specify the same value, the redirector will not run.



Specify the size for each redirector log file in bytes.

Specify an integer value from 4096 to 16777216.



Specify the output level of redirector log files. You specify only one log level.

You can specify debug, info, or error.



Specify the character string that was specified in the PRF identifier when invoking the PRF daemon.



Specify in seconds the timeout period used when the POST data is received from the client.

Specify an integer value from 60 to 3600 in multiples of 60 (seconds).

If the specified value is not a multiple of 60, a value rounded off to a multiple of 60 becomes the timeout period.



Specify an integer (units: number of times) from 1 to 16 for the retry count to connect to the Web container when a request is sent and the retry count to send requests.

The retry count also includes the first establishment of connection and the request sending process.

When a timeout occurs, retry occurs in the following cases:

  • When a timeout occurs while connection is being established

  • When a timeout occurs while the request header is being sent

After the above processes, if a timeout occurs while the request body is being sent, retry does not occur.

If you set the retry count to an abnormal value, such as a value outside the range or a value that is not an integer, the default value is set.



Specify an integer (units: seconds) from 0 to 3600 for the timeout period for sending requests.

If you specify a non-numeric value, or a numeric value outside the range, a message will be output and the default value will be used.

If you set the timeout as 0 or a time period longer than the resend timer of data transmission in TCP, the timeout value becomes the timeout value of TCP. In such a case, a message indicating that an invalid timeout value has been specified will not be output.



Specify whether to output the trace log for the maintenance of redirector. Specify true if trace log is to be output and false if it is not to be output.



Specify the output destination directory for the maintenance trace log files.

When coded as a relative path:

Specify a directory name present in Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\web\redirector.

When coded as an absolute path:

Specify the coded directory name.

Note that you must specify write permission for the Users group in the access permission to the directory specified as the output destination#. If access permission is not set, the log file is not output.

If the same value has been specified in log_file_prefix and trace_log_file_prefix, you need to specify a value different from log_file_dir for this key. If you specify the same value, the redirector will not run.



Specify the maximum number of maintenance trace log files. If this number is exceeded, the old log files are overwritten.

Specify an integer value from 1 to 64.



Specify the prefix for the maintenance trace log file name. The actual log file name will be the value specified by this key with serial-number.log added.

If the same value has been specified in log_file_dir and trace_log_file_dir, you need to specify a value different from log_file_prefix for this key. If you specify the same value, the redirector will not run.



Specify the size for each maintenance trace log file in bytes.

Specify an integer value from 4096 to 16777216.



Specify the location and file name of the worker definition file.

When specified as a relative path:

Specify a file name present in Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\web\redirector.

When specified as an absolute path:

Specify the coded file name.


Specify the location and file name of the mapping definition file.

When specified as a relative path:

Specify a file name present in Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\web\redirector.

When specified as an absolute path:

Specify the coded file name.


For integration with Microsoft IIS:

For a new installation, the default log output destination directory does not exist. You either create a directory and grant access permission or grant access permission to the directory redirector that exists one level above.

Moreover, if the log output destination directory of the redirector is changed and only half of that path exists, you either grant the access permission to the lowest level of the existing directory or create the entire specified path, and then grant the access permission.

(5) Examples of coding


(6) Precautions

If you change the user definition of the redirector by editing this file, you will need to restart the Web server. The changed definition will be applied after the Web server is restarted.