
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

4.4.2 Acquiring the Application User Log (systems executing batch applications)

You can acquire the user log of the batch application when the settings are set so that the user log is output in the Hitachi Trace Common Library format. For details on the log in the Trace Common Library format, see 5.2 Application Server Log.

For the output destination of a batch application user log, the log is output to a file that has a name containing the prefix specified in the ejbserver.application.userlog.CJLogHandler.handler-name.path parameter within the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file, in the following directory. Note that the handler name is specified in the handler-name to identify the key values.

For details about settings to output batch application user logs, see 2.3.5 Log output of a batch application in the uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide.