
uCosminexus Application Server Maintenance and Migration Guide

4.4.1 Acquiring the Cosminexus Component Container Logs (systems executing batch applications)

This section describes the types and output destinations of Cosminexus Component Container logs. There are two types of Cosminexus Component Container logs:

The output destination of each of the log is described below.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Acquiring the batch server, server management commands, batch application logs

This point describes how to acquire the batch server, server management commands, and batch application logs.

Furthermore, in Cosminexus Component Container, the migration command logs are output in addition to these logs. When the resource depletion monitoring functionality is used, the resource depletion monitoring log is output.

Each of these logs is described below:

Message log

The operation status of a batch server, server management command, and migration command is output. Message log is used as the operation monitoring information for various types of servers and commands.

User log

The information of the standard output and the standard error output in the application is output in the user log. Use this log to check the operation when developing the application. Note that if you specify the property and start the server, the standard output and standard error output information is not output to the user log. This log also includes the JavaVM memory related logs.

Exception log

The exception information of Cosminexus Component Container is output when a problem occurs in the system. Note that you need not monitor the exception log in daily operations. Use this log to reference exception information if a message is output to the log.

Maintenance log

The error maintenance information of Cosminexus Component Container is output when a problem occurs in the system. Maintenance personnel use this log to analyze the errors that occur in Cosminexus Component Container.

Event log (in Windows)

The information indicating start, stop, or abnormal termination of a batch server is output to this log. The output destination differs depending on the Windows event log settings.

Note that the event log is not output depending on how the batch server has been stopped. In the following cases, there are times when the log is not output correctly:

  • When a problem occurs in JavaVM itself when the batch server is running

  • When the batch server process is stopped externally by TerminateProcess

  • When the batch server terminates abnormally due to insufficient memory when the -XX:+HitachiOutOfMemoryAbort option is specified to start the JavaVM.

    Note that the -XX:+HitachiOutOfMemoryAbort option is set by default.

syslog (in UNIX)

The information indicating start, stop, or abnormal termination of a batch server is output to this log. The output destination differs depending on the settings in the UNIX syslog.

Note that the event log is not output depending on how the batch server has been stopped. In the following cases, there are times when the log is not output correctly:

  • When a problem occurs in JavaVM itself when the batch server is running

  • When the batch server process is stopped externally by the SIGKILL signal (such as kill -9)

  • When the batch server terminates abnormally due to insufficient memory when the -XX:+HitachiOutOfMemoryAbort option is specified to start the JavaVM.

    Note that the -XX:+HitachiOutOfMemoryAbort option is set by default.

Resource depletion monitoring log

When using the resource depletion monitoring function, the resource depletion monitoring information about the resources being monitored is output. Use it for investigating the cause if the resource usage or the used resource quantity exceeds the threshold value.

The log is recorded in an order starting from the log file attached with the smallest file number. When one log file size attains the maximum size for one file, the log is recorded in the log file attached with the next file number. When the last log file (log file attached with the file count number) size attains the maximum size for one file, the log file of file number 1 is made empty and the log is recorded in that file. Thereafter, the log is recorded in the log files in the order of the file number by emptying those log files before recording a new log.

The following table describes the default of log output destination. The Cosminexus Component Container log can be acquired according to the server or command.

The working-directory shown in the log output destination indicates a directory specified in the parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file. The default value is Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\server\public (in Windows) or /opt/Cosminexus/CC/server/public (in UNIX).

(a) Batch server log

Table 4‒19: Output destination of the batch server log (Default)



Log output destination and log file name#1

Default size × number of files

Channel name

Message log

Operation log

  • In Windows\cjmessage[n].log

  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


Log operation log#3

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


1 MB × 2


Operation log of resource adapter that is deployed and used in batch server#4

  • In Windows\connectors\resource-adapter-display-name[n].log

  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


User log

User output log

  • In Windows\user_out[n].log

  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


User error log

  • In Windows\user_err[n].log

  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


JavaVM maintenance information and GC log

  • In Windows\javalog[nn].log

  • In UNIX[nn].log

4MB × 4


Event log of the Explicit Memory Management functionality

  • In Windows\ehjavalog[nn].log

  • In UNIX[nn].log

4MB × 4


Exception log

Exception information when an error occurs

  • In Windows\cjexception[n].log

  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


Maintenance log

Maintenance information

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


16MB × 4


Console message

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


EJB container maintenance information

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


Start process standard output information#5

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX



Start process standard error information#5

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX



Termination process information

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

4KB × 2#6


Event log

Log showing batch server start, stop or abnormal termination

Application log of Windows event viewer#7




Log showing batch server start, stop or abnormal termination

Depends on UNIX syslog settings. #8




--: Not applicable


Channel name is the name that identifies the log output destination.


In the [n] part of the log file name, add the file number (from 1 to the maximum number of files for each log).

Moreover, in the [nn] part, a serial number from 01 to 99 is added.


<> indicates a directory specified in the parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file. The default value is Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\server\public\ejb\server-name\logs.

For details about the parameter, see 3.2.1 usrconf.cfg (Option definition file for batch servers) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.


Check the file size when the file is output. If the maximum size is exceeded when the file size is checked, change the name of the cjlogger.log file to the name of the backup file (cjlogger_save.log).


Decision about acquiring the resource adapter log depends on the contents specified in server management commands. Moreover, you can use the simple setup definition file to change the size and number of files for a resource adapter log. For details about settings for acquiring resource adapter logs, see 3.3.11 Settings for Acquiring the Resource Adapter Logs.


It is a log in which only the start process information is acquired. As it is output mainly while starting and terminating the batch server, this log is almost not output online. When the file size reaches the upper limit, it is saved in cjstdout_save.log or cjstderr_save.log under working-directory\ejb\server-name\logs (in Windows) or under working-directory/ejb/server-name/logs (in UNIX). If cjstdout_save.log or cjstderr_save.log already exists, it is overwritten.


The size and number of files cannot be changed.


The output destination of the log file differs depending on the Windows event log settings.


To output messages related to batch server start, stop, and abnormal termination, to syslog, it is necessary to set the priority for the facility daemon to info or debug in the syslog settings. For details about the syslog settings, see the manual provided with the OS.

(b) Server management command log

Table 4‒20: Output destination of server management command logs (Default)



Log output destination and log file name#1

Default size × number of files

Channel name

Message log

Operation log#2, #3

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


1024KB × 3


Log operation log#2

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX

    /opt/Cosminexus/CC/admin/logs/ cjlogger.log

1024KB × 2


Exception log

Exception information when an error occurs#2, #3

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


1024KB × 6


Maintenance log

Maintenance information#2

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


1024KB × 3


Console message#2

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


32KB × 3


Maintenance information of the server management command#2

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


32KB × 3



--: Not applicable


Channel name is the name that identifies the log output destination of the log. Use it as a key value when changing log attributes (size, number of files).


In the [n] part of the log file name, add the file number (from 1 to the maximum number of files for each log).


The command name is displayed in the output message (application identification name) of the Hitachi Trace Common Library format. For details on the log in the Trace Common Library format, see 5.2 Application Server Log.


For the compatibility mode, the output destination of the operation log and the exception information when an error occurs will differ from the standard mode. For the compatibility mode, the output destination, default size, and the number of files are as follows:

Table 4‒21: Output destination of server management command log (Compatibility mode)


Log output destination and log file name#

Default size × number of files

Operation log

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


128KB × 2

Exception information when an error occurs

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


256KB × 2


In the part of the log file name [n], the file number (number of files from 1 (maximum 16)) is added.

In the messages output to the message log of the server management commands, there are the cases when the message ID field is blank and message ID (such as KDJEnnnnn-Y) is included in the message text field. This is an additional information of the messages output before or after the message is output at the server side.

(c) Batch application log

Table 4‒22: Output destination of the Batch application log (Default)



Log output destination and log file name#1

Default size × number of files

Message log

Operation log of the cjexecjob command, the cjkilljob command, and the cjlistjob command

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


In the part of the log file name [n], the file number (number of files from 1 (maximum 16)) is added.


The <> indicates a directory specified in the of option definition file (usrconf.cfg file) for batch applications. The default values are as follows:

In Windows




(d) Resource adapter version-up command (cjrarupdate) log

Table 4‒23: Output destination of the resource adapter version-up command (cjrarupdate) log



Log output destination and log file name#

Default size × number of files

Message log

Operation log

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


1MB × 2

Exception log

Exception information when an error occurs

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


1MB × 2

Maintenance log

Maintenance information

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


1MB × 2


In the part of the log file name [n], the file number (number of files from 1 (maximum 16)) is added.

(e) Migration command (cjenvupdate) log

Table 4‒24: Output destination of the migration command (cjenvupdate) log



Log output destination and log file name#

Default size × number of files

Message log

Operation log of the cjenvupdate command

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


4MB × 4

Exception log

Exception information of the cjenvupdate command

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


4MB × 4

Maintenance log

Maintenance information of the cjenvupdate command

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


4MB × 4


In [n], the file number (number of files from 1 (maximum 16)) is attached.

(f) Resource depletion monitoring log

Table 4‒25: Output destination of resource depletion monitoring log



Log acquisition location and log file name#1

Default size × number of files

Channel name


  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


File descriptors

  • In UNIX#3[n].log

1MB × 2



  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


Thread dump

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


HTTP requests pending queue

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


HTTP session numbers

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2


Connection pool

  • In Windows


  • In UNIX[n].log

1MB × 2



Channel name is the name to identify the output destination of the log. Use it as a key value when changing log attributes (size, number of files).


In [n], the file number (number of files from 1 (maximum 16)) is attached.


<> indicates a directory specified in the parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file. The default value is Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\server\public\ejb\server-name\logs.

For details about the parameter, see 3.2.1 usrconf.cfg (Option definition file for batch servers) in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.


The file descriptor cannot be monitored in Windows and AIX.

For details about the information output to the resource depletion monitoring log file and the output format of the log file, see 4.3 Resource depletion monitoring functionality and output of resource depletion monitoring information in the uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide.

(g) User definition file to set output destination of the log

When the batch server and server management command log output destination is changed, reference the user definition file in which the log output destination is set, described in the following table and confirm the output destination. Note that if the output destination of a log is changed, that log is not collected when the snapshot log is collected in a batch. Change the collection destination of the snapshot log as and when required.

Table 4‒26: User definition file in which the output destination of log is set


Location specified for user definition file

Batch server

The parameter specified in the <configuration> tag of the logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file

The default is Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\server\public\ejb\server name\logs (in Windows) or /opt/Cosminexus/CC/server/public/ejb/server-name/logs (in UNIX).

Server management commands key of the server management command usrconf.bat (in Windows) or usrconf (in UNIX)

The default key is Cosminexus-installation-directory\CC\admin\logs (in Windows) or /opt/Cosminexus/CC/admin/logs (in UNIX).

You cannot change the output destination of the server management command logs when operating from the Management Server Remote Management functionality.

For details about settings of the data acquisition for troubleshooting, such as how to change the output destination of log, see 3. Preparing for Troubleshooting.

(2) Acquiring the log of Administration agent, Management agent, and Management Server

This point describes the output destination of Administration Agent, Management Agent, and the Management Server log.

For the Administration Agent, Management Agent, and the Management Server logs, besides acquiring separately, you can also acquire these logs by compiling as a integrated log.

For details about the output destination when acquiring the Administration Agent, Management Agent, and the Management Server log by compiling as an integrated log or separately, see 4.3.1(2) Acquiring the log of Administration agent, Management agent, and Management Server.

(3) Required information to be acquired other than a log

For details about the required information to be acquired other than a log, see 4.3.1(6) Required information to be acquired other than a log.