
uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

5.7.2 Settings for accessing network resources

To access the network resources, specify the following settings. Note that the following description uses Windows Server 2019 as an example:

  1. From the Control Panel, open Management Tools, and then Services.

  2. Change the logon account of Administration Agent to an account belonging to the Administrators group.

    Change the logon account Cosminexus Management Server - Administration Agent to an account belonging to the Administrators group of the local host.

  3. In adminagentuser.cfg, specify the network drive to be used in the J2EE application.

    Add the following description to Cosminexus-installation-directory\manager\config\adminagentuser.cfg. In this example, \\host\dir is allocated to X drive.\\host\dir

    Note that you implement these settings only when using network drives for accessing network resources. Settings are not required when you use the UNC to access resources.


    Settings for network drive allocation in step 3

    Perform the following settings before invoking the Administration Agent. The specified network drive is allocated when the Administration Agent is invoked. However, the network drive is not allocated if the logon account of the Administration Agent is a local system account. The detailed description of the contents specified in step 3 is as follows:

    • Files used


    • Settings

      In the key, specify the name and the directory path of the drive you want to allocate as the network drive.

      Specification example: X=\\host\dir

      Note that if you specify these settings in the UNIX environment, KEOS21401-E message is output to Manager-log-output-directory/adminagent.err and the Administration Agent terminates with end code 1.

      Note that you can also allocate multiple network drives.

    The following table describes the example of settings and operations of the key:

    Table 5‒28: Example of settings and operations of the key

    Specified value

    Setting example


    No key

    ( is not defined)

    The network drive is not allocated.

    No value

    Specify one network drive\\host\dir

    Outputs KEOS21304-I message and allocates \\host\dir to X drive.

    Specify multiple network drives\\host\dir\\host\dir2

    Outputs KEOS21304-I message and allocates \\host\dir to X drive and \\host\dir2 to Y drive#1.

    Specify multiple network drives (when the drive name is the same)\\host\dir\\host\dir2

    Outputs KEOS21304-I message and allocates \\host\dir to X drive#1.

    Outputs KEOS21305-W message and fails in an attempt to allocate the \\host\dir2#2.


    If the logon account of the Administration Agent is a local system account, the KEOS21307-W message is output to Manager-log-output-directory\adminagent.err and the processing continues without allocating the network drive.


    If the specified network drive is allocated successfully, the KEOS21304-I message is output to Manager-log-output-directory\adminagent.err and the processing continues.


    If an attempt to allocate the specified network drive fails, the KEOS21305-W message is output to Manager-log-output-directory\adminagent.err and the processing continues.

  4. From the Control Panel, open User Account and then Manage network passwords.

    If the logon account is the domain user, open Manage passwords. In this window, specify the settings to omit the access authentication processing for accessing the network resources. Implement these settings from the desktop of the logon account that invoked the Administration Agent.

  5. In the Save user name and password dialog box, specify the host name, user name, and password for the resource to be accessed.

    However, the specified user must be allowed to access the shared directory.


    Specifying the host name for resource to be accessed in step 5

    Specify the host name and not the IP address in the 'host name to be accessed' that you will specify in step 5. If IP-address is specified for the host name in the network drive settings in step 5, and if the host to be allocated in step 3 is host-name, an attempt to allocate the host fails as you cannot login to the host you want to access according to Windows specifications.

    The following table uses the allocation of host name 'host' (IP= as an example to describe whether the network can be allocated for different combinations of the host names specified in step 3 and the host names specified in step 5:

    Table 5‒29: Availability of network allocation

    Host name specified in step 5

    Host name specified in step 3








    Y: Network can be allocated

    --: Network cannot be allocated