
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

5.16.1 Registration by using commands

To use the commands provided by Application Server and the LDAP directory server to register user information:

  1. Put the user information in the LDIF file.

  2. Use the convpw command to encrypt the passwords in the LDIF file.

    The passwords specified in the LDIF will be encrypted. For details about the convpw command, see convpw (Password encryption).

  3. Use the ldapmodify command provided by the LDAP directory server to register the encrypted LDIF file in the user information repository.

The LDAP directory server may provide the GUI used to register the user information. For details, see the LDAP directory server documentation.

When you use IBM Tivoli Directory Server as the LDAP server for integrated user management, users cannot be registered just by registering suffix DNs. You must add coding as shown in the example below at the beginning of the LDIF file used for user registration, and then execute the ldapmodify command.

Example: Adding to the suffix DN
objectclass: top
objectclass: organization