
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

convpw (Password encryption)

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convpw [-f {md5|sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384|sha512}] ldif_file_name password_attribute


This command encrypts the ldif file when registering it in the user information repository. The command reads the specified ldif file, encrypts the contents specified by <password_attribute>, and then outputs the result in the standard output. Excluding the attribute name value specified by <password_attribute>, the ldif file content is output in the standard output as is.

When the attribute name specified by <password_attribute> is not found, the file content is output in the standard output as is.

This command can be executed by users with root privilege or permissions to execute the command. To learn more about how to grant permissions to execute the command to specific users, see mngenvsetup (setup management group) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.


-f {md5|sha1|sha224|sha256|sha384|sha512}

This specifies the format used to encrypt the value specified by "password" in the file specified by <ldif_file_name>. When omitted, the default "sha1" is used. This argument is not case sensitive.

  • md5

    The value is encrypted in the MD5 format.

  • sha1

    The value is encrypted in the SHA-1 format.

  • sha224

    The value is encrypted in the SHA-224 format.

  • sha256

    The value is encrypted in the SHA-256 format.

  • sha384

    The value is encrypted in the SHA-384 format.

  • sha512

    The value is encrypted in the SHA-512 format.


This specifies the name of the ldif file storing the user information in which the password is to be converted.


This specifies the attribute name used when the password field content is converted.


When Japanese is included in the ldif file to be converted, convert it to UTF-8 and then encode it in base64. For details about LDIF, see RFC 2849 "The LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF) - Technical Specification".