
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

5.11.3 Implementation of the tag library-based session to obtain user attributes

To obtain user attributes, it is required to specify the list of attributes that should be obtained by using the <ua:attributeEntries> tag. The following is an example of implementing the session to specify the list of user attributes.

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="ua" %>
<ua:attributeEntries id="ae">
  <ua:attributeEntry attrName="cn" alias="full name" />
<ua:login id="lc" entry="Portal" attrEntName="ae" />
Full Name: <ua:getAttribute name="lc" attrName="full name" />

Then, the specified user attributes are obtained by using the <ua:getAttribute> tag.

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="ua" %>
<ua:login id="lc" entry="Portal" attrFile="MyAttrs.csv" />
<ua:getAttribute name="lc" attrName="full name" id="fullname" />
Full Name: <%= fullname %>
Notes on referencing or obtaining user information
  • The UserAttributes values are for reference only. Changes in these values are not applied to the repository. The obtained attributes are not modified in the user authentication library.

  • The registered attributes are in the String type only.

  • If no attributes are specified in the attribute list, a null character is assigned.