
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

5.11.2 Implementation of the tag library-based session to obtain user ID

After authentication is completed, the authenticated user ID can be displayed or obtained by using the <ua:getPrincipalName> tag. The following is an example of displaying the user ID.

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="ua" %>
User ID: <ua:getPrincipalName name="lc" />

The above example specifies the LoginContext identifier (lc) that was specified at the time of login as the name attribute of the <ua:getPrincipalName> tag.

The following is an example of obtaining the user ID.

<%@ taglib uri="" prefix="ua" %>
<ua:getPrincipalName name="lc" id="userid" />User ID: <%= userid %>

The above example specifies the id attribute in addition to the name attribute of the <ua:getPrincipalName> tag. The identifier that identifies the instance referencing the user ID is specified as the id attribute.