
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

1.1.3 Functionality and associated manuals

The functional description manuals for the application server are divided according to the types of functionality.

The table below lists the types of functionality provided by the application server, and the associated manuals.

Table 1‒1: Types of functionality and associated manuals




Basic development functionality

Web container

Web Container Functionality Guide

Use of JSF and JSTL

Use of JAX-RS 2.0


NIO HTTP server

Servlet and JSP implementation

EJB container

EJB Container Functionality Guide

EJB client

Notes on enterprise bean implementation

Naming management

Common Container Functionality Guide

Resource connection and transaction management

Application server call from OpenTP1 (TP1 inbound integrated function)

Use of JPA 2.1

Cosminexus JMS provider

Use of JavaMail

Use of CDI on an application server

Use of Bean Validation on an application server

Java Batch


Concurrency Utilities

Application attribute management

Use of annotations

Format and deployment of J2EE applications

Container extension library

Extended functionality

Application execution with a batch server

Expansion Guide

Request scheduling and load balancing with CTM

Batch application scheduling

Session information transfer between J2EE servers (session failover functionality)

Database session failover functionality

Suppression of Full GC by using the Explicit Memory Management functionality

Application user log output

Security management functionality

Authentication through integrated user management

Security Management Guide#2

Authentication through application setup

Use of TLSv1.2 for SSL/TLS communication

Use of an API for direct access to load balancers, and control of load balancers using operation management functionality

Operation functionality

System start and stop

Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide

J2EE application operation

Monitoring functionality

Monitoring of operation information (collection of operation information)

Resource shortage monitoring

Audit log output functionality

Database audit trail linkage functionality

Output of operation information via operation management commands

Automatic process execution through management event notification and management actions

CTM operation statistics collection

Console log output

Linkage functionality

Operation of systems linked using JP1

System configuration definition and system management (linkage with JP1/IM-CM)

Centralized monitoring of the system (linkage with JP1/IM)

Automatic operation of the system by job (linkage with JP1/AJS)

Audit log collection and centralized management (linkage with JP1/NETM/Audit)

Linkage with cluster software

1-to-1 node switching system (linkage with cluster software)

Mutual node switching system (linkage with cluster software)

N-to-1 recovery system (linkage with cluster software)

Node switching system for per-host management models (linkage with cluster software)

Maintenance functionality

Troubleshooting functionality

Maintenance and Migration Guide

Performance analysis with performance analysis traces

The product's Java VM functionality (abbreviated hereafter to Java VM)

Migration functionality

Migration from earlier versions of the application server

Migration to versions of the application server with the recommended functionality

#1: The phrase uCosminexus Application Server is omitted from the manual titles.

#2: Security Management Guide refers to this manual.