
uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide

1.1 Classifications of functionality

Application Server is a product for building an application execution environment based on a J2EE server that supports Java EE 7 and for developing applications that can operate in the execution environment. It offers various types of functionality including Java EE functionality and extended functionality specific to application servers. By selecting and using functions that are appropriate to your purposes, you can build and operate a highly reliable and capable system.

The application server has two major types of functionality:

These two types of functionality can be further subdivided according to their positioning and uses. The application server manuals are classified according to the types of functionality they cover.

The following figure shows the types of functionality provided by the application server and the associated manuals.

Figure 1‒1: Types of functionality provided by the application server and the associated manuals



The words uCosminexus Application Server are omitted from the manual titles.


The application server enables you to run SOAP Web Service and RESTful Web Service. In addition to the uCosminexus Application Server Web Service Development Guide, also see the following manual if necessary:

For details about XML processing:
  • XML Processor User Guide

The following section describes the types of functionality covered by the manuals.

Organization of this section