
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

8.12.5 Regarding the key in which the suffix of ends with .level

In of the J2EE server, among the keys in which the suffix ends with .level, the following phenomena occur if you set a key with a value other than SEVERE, WARNING, INFO, CONFIG, FINE, or FINEST in the value range.

  1. When you start the server, the java.util.logging.LogManager class checks the values of the keys, in which the suffix ends with .level, when reading the keys. If a value is out of range, java.util.logging.LogManager class outputs an error message to the standard error output.

    (Example) If you specify, sample.level=Error

    Bad level value for property : sample.level is output

  2. If the value of the user log functionality key, in which the suffix ends with .level is not appropriate, an error message is output in the same way as in case 1.

However, in both the cases, only a message is displayed and it does not affect the operation.