
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

8.12.4 Setting log output mode of EJB client applications

Two types of modes are used to output logs of EJB client applications. The operation mode that creates a subdirectory of a log output destination for processes is called the subdirectory exclusive mode. The operation mode that shares a subdirectory of log output destination with multiple processes is called the subdirectory common mode.

Because the subdirectory exclusive mode is used for compatibility with the versions earlier than 06-50, we recommend you to use the subdirectory common mode for creating an EJB client application.

Use the subdirectory common mode, if you want to use the user log functionality of EJB client applications or if you want to execute EJB client applications with the cjclstartap command.

For details on how to output logs of EJB applications, see 3.8 System log output of EJB client applications in the uCosminexus Application Server EJB Container Functionality Guide. For details on the subdirectory to which logs of EJB applications are output, see Chapter 7 in the uCosminexus Application Server Operation, Monitoring, and Linkage Guide.