
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

7. Suppression of Full GC by Using the Explicit Memory Management Functionality

With Application Server, you can use a memory space other than the Java heap as the Java object placement destination when executing a Java application. The function is called the Explicit Memory Management functionality. You can suppress occurrence of Full GC by using this functionality efficiently.

This chapter describes how you can use the Explicit Memory Management functionality to suppress occurrence of Full GC.

Note that this functionality cannot be used if G1 GC is used. If the -XX:+HitachiUseExplicitMemory option is specified when G1 GC is used, the following message is sent to the standard output and the Java VM terminates:

Using -XX:+UseG1GC and -XX:+HitachiUseExplicitMemory at the same time is not supported.

Also note that on the application server, the Explicit Memory Management functionality is enabled by default. Therefore, if you use G1 GC, specify the -XX:-HitachiUseExplicitMemory option.

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