
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

6.6.1 J2EE server settings

Implement the settings of J2EE server in Easy Setup Definition file. Specify the definitions of the database session failover functionality in the <configuration> tag of a logical J2EE server (j2ee-server) in the Easy Setup definition file.

The following table describes the definitions of the database session failover functionality in Easy Setup definition file.

Table 6‒39: Definitions of the database session failover functionality in Easy Setup definition file


Parameter to be specified


Reference location

Setting of the database session failover functionality


Set in the unit of J2EE server whether to use the database session failover functionality.


Specifying optional name of DB Connector

Specify optional name of DB Connector to be set in DB Connector.

For details on setting optional name of DB Connector, see 6.6.4(2) Specifying optional name of DB Connector.


Setting maximum size of HTTP session attribute information that you can include in global session information


Set maximum size of HTTP session attribute information that you can include in global session information.


Setting of functionality for estimating the size of HTTP session attribute information


Set whether to use functionality for estimating the size of HTTP session attribute information.


Setting integrity mode


Set whether to enable integrity mode of the database session failover functionality.


Setting memory used in serialize processing


Consider the memory used in serialize processing and perform tuning of JavaVM#2.


Setting of inhibiting the database session failover functionality by using extension


If you want to use the database session failover functionality in the unit of J2EE server, set the extensions that inhibit database session failover functionality.


Setting of Inhibiting the database session failover functionality in the unit of URI


If you want to use the database session failover functionality in the unit of J2EE server, set the URIs that inhibit the database session failover functionality.


Setting refer-only requests


Set URI to be treated as refer-only requests.


Setting server ID addition functionality of HttpSession

  • webserver.session.server_id.enabled

  • webserver.session.server_id.value

Set server ID addition functionality of HttpSession. Set different values as server IDs for each replicated J2EE server. #3


Setting if pending queues are insufficient when using the functionality for controlling the number of concurrent execution threads


When the functionality that controls the number of concurrent execution threads in the unit of a Web application is enabled, set operations to be performed when free space in pending queues is insufficient.


Setting of processing of starting a Web application when negotiation fails


Set whether to continue or cancel the processing of starting a Web application when negotiation fails.


Setting of exceptions thrown when using HTTP session in the requests targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality


Set exceptions to be thrown when using HTTP session in the requests targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality.



--: Not applicable


If you specify false in the webserver.dbsfo.integrity_mode.enabled parameter in the setting of integrity mode, you must specify the webserver.session.server_id.enabled parameter and webserver.session.server_id.value parameter in the setting of server ID addition functionality of HttpSession.


For details on how to estimate the size of memory used in serialize processing, see 5.8.1 Estimating memory used in serialize processing. For details on JavaVM tuning, see 7. JavaVM Memory Tuning in the uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide.


In a node switching system consisting of the executing node and standby node, set the same value on both nodes.

For details on the Easy Setup definition file and parameters to be specified, see 4.3 Easy Setup definition file in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings for inhibiting th database session failover functionality

This subsection describes how to specify a URI when inhibiting the database session failover functionality in the unit of URI.

(a) For specifying URI

Specify a URI, which includes the context path and starts with the forward slash (/). Do not include path parameter, query, or fragment. Note that you cannot use a semicolon (;) in URI of set values.

If you want to specify multiple URIs, separate them with semicolons (;).

(b) Exact match specification and prefix match specification

You can specify by using one of the following methods:

Exact match specification

The specified URI is targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality only if it exactly matches with the request URI.

Specification example (in the case of Easy Setup definition file)


In this example, the following request URIs are targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality:

  • http://host/examples/test/TestServlet

  • http://host/examples/test/TestServlet?name=value

  • http://host/examples/test/TestServlet;gsessionid=XXXXXXXXXX

Prefix match specification

If request URI and prefix match, it is targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality.

Specification example (in the case of Easy Setup definition file)


In this example, the following request URIs are targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality:

  • http://host/examples/test/TestServlet

  • http://host/examples/dbsfo/DbsfoServlet?name=value

Note that URI specification must end with the forward slash and an asterisk (/*) in the case of prefix match specification. For example, if you specify the following URI, it is considered for exact match specification and not for prefix match specification.

  • /examples/test*

(c) Normalizing URI

URIs to be targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality must be specified after normalizing. If you specify a URI that is not normalized, the KDJE34341-W message is output and the corresponding URI is not targeted for inhibiting.

An example of normalized URI is:

  • /examples/test/servlet/TestServlet

Examples of URIs that are not normalized, are as follows. These URIs are not targeted for inhibiting.

  • /examples/test/jsp/../servlet/TestServlet

  • /examples/test/./servlet/TestServlet

(d) Mapping with URL encode

If you specify a URL encoded URI as a target for inhibiting, requests of URL encoded URL that match with the specified URI, are targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality. Similarly, if you specify a URI for which URL encoding is not performed, requests of URL, for which URL encoding is not performed, are targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality.

However, if you use URI decode functionality, whether the target URL is to be targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality according to URI is determined after decoding is performed. Hence, if a URL encoded URL matches with the URI specified as a target of inhibiting, the URL is targeted for inhibiting the database session failover functionality in the unit of URI.

The following table describes URLs that are targeted for inhibiting depending on enabled/disabled status of URI decode functionality.

Table 6‒40: URL that are targeted for inhibiting depending on enabled or disabled state of the URI decode functionality


set value

Request URL

URI decode function enabled

URI decode function disabled


Not encoded


Not encoded


Does not inhibit

Does not inhibit


Does not inhibit

Not encoded



Does not inhibit



Inhibits: Inhibits the database session failover functionality (the database session failover functionality is disabled).

Does not inhibit: Does not inhibit the database session failover functionality (the database session failover functionality is enabled).

Encoded: URI that includes URL encoded string.

(Example: /examples/%61/Servlet)

Not encoded: URI that does not include URL encoded string.

(Example: /examples/a/Servlet)

(e) Notes on URI specification

URIs that are set for inhibiting the database session failover functionality by URI, are not checked in negotiation. Therefore, check that URIs set on each J2EE server are the same.

(2) Specifying refer-only requests

This subsection describes how to specify a URI when setting refer-only requests.

(a) Specifying URI

Specify a URI that includes the context path and starts with the forward slash (/). Do not include path parameter, query, or fragment. You can specify up to 512 characters. Note that you cannot use a semicolon (;) in URI of set values.

If you want to specify multiple URIs, separate them with semicolons (;).

(b) Exact match specification and prefix match specification

You can specify by using one of the following methods:

Exact match specification

Only if the specified URI exactly matches with the request URI, it becomes a refer-only request.

Specification example (in the case of Easy Setup definition file)


In this example, the following request URIs become refer-only requests:

  • http://host/examples/test/TestServlet

  • http://host/examples/test/TestServlet?name=value

  • http://host/examples/test/TestServlet;gsessionid=XXXXXXXXXX

Prefix match specification

If the prefix matches with the request URI, it becomes a refer-only request.

Specification example (in the case of Easy Setup definition file)


In this example, the following request URIs become refer-only requests:

  • http://host/examples/test/TestServlet

  • http://host/examples/dbsfo/DbsfoServlet?name=value

Note that URI specification must end with the forward slash and an asterisk (/*) in the case of prefix match specification. For example, if you specify the following URI, it is considered for exact match specification and not for prefix match specification.

  • /examples/test*

(c) Normalizing URI

A URI that you want to make a refer-only request, must be normalized and specified. If you specify a URI that is not normalized, the KDJE34357-W message is output and the corresponding URI does not become a refer-only request.

An example of normalized URI is:

  • /examples/test/servlet/TestServlet

Examples of URIs that are not normalized, are shown below. These URIs do not become refer-only requests.

  • /examples/test/jsp/../servlet/TestServlet

  • /examples/test/./servlet/TestServlet

(d) Mapping with URL encode

If you specify a URL encoded URI as a refer-only request, the request of URL encoded URL tjat matches with the specified URI, becomes a refer-only request. Similarly, if you specify a URI that is not to be URL encoded, the request of URL that is not URL encoded becomes a refer-only request.

However, if you use URI decode functionality, whether the target URL is a refer-only request according to URI is determined after decoding is performed. As a result, if a URL encoded URL matches with the URI specified as a refer-only request, the URL becomes a refer-only request in URI unit.

The following table describes URLs that become refer-only requests depending on enabled/disabled status of URI decode functionality.

Table 6‒41: URLs that become refer-only requests depending on enabled/disabled status of URI decode functionality


set value

Request URL

URI decode function enabled

URI decode function disabled


Not encoded


Not encoded


Does not become a refer-only request

Does not become a refer-only request

Becomes a refer-only request

Does not become a refer-only request

Not encoded

Becomes a refer-only request

Becomes a refer-only request

Does not become a refer-only request

Becomes a refer-only request


Becomes a refer-only request: The request URL becomes a refer-only request.

Does not become a refer-only request: The request URL does not become a refer-only request.

Encoded: URI that includes URL encoded string.

(Example: /examples/%61/Servlet)

Not encoded: URI that does not include URL encoded string.

(Example: /examples/a/Servlet)