
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

5.8.1 Estimating memory used in serialize processing

With the session failover functionality, memory is temporarily allocated for serializing HTTP session attribute information when completing the request processing. You must consider the memory space required for this memory allocation when performing JavaVM tuning.

In tuning, estimate the increased amount of memory (maximum increased amount) considering the case if memory allocation processing duplicates in multiple threads. The formulas for calculating maximum increased amount of memory used for request processing, in web application unit and in J2EE server unit, are as follows:

Maximum increased amount of memory used in web application unit (bytes)=
Max Threads#1 x maximum size of HTTP session attribute information#2 
Maximum increased amount of memory used in J2EE server unit (bytes)=
Total maximum increased amount of memory used in web application unit=
    Maximum increased amount of memory used in web application 1 
  + Maximum increased amount of memory used in web application 2 
  + Maximum increased amount of memory used in web application n

If you have set the number of concurrent execution threads in web application unit, indicates the value of Max Threads in web application unit. If you have not set the number of concurrent execution threads in web application unit, indicates the value of Max Threads in web container unit.


Indicates the value estimated by using the functionality of estimating size of HTTP session attribute information.

Execute JavaVM tuning on the basis of the value obtained with the above formulas.