
uCosminexus Application Server Expansion Guide

5.6.2 Defining refer-only requests of an HTTP session

The functionality for defining refer-only requests in HTTP session sets the URL patterns of the requests that are only to be referenced and not to be updated (refer-only requests), and thus deters the serialization of HTTP sessions or access to the database, for requests of those URL patterns.

This functionality can be used if the integrity mode of the database session failover functionality is disabled.

Note that you can use the session failover inhibition functionality in the case of the requests, which not only update but also not refer to the HTTP session. The requests corresponding to both the refer-only requests and the requests targeted for session failover inhibition functionality, processing are executed as the requests targeted for the session failover inhibitionion functionality. For details on the session failover inhibitionion functionality, see 5.6.1 Inhibiting the session failover functionality.

You can set the functionality of defining refer-only requests of an HTTP session in the J2EE server unit or Web application unit.

For details on the settings in the J2EE server unit in the case of the database session failover functionality, see 6.6.1 J2EE server settings.