
uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide

3.4.2 Configuration where servlets and JSPs are used as access points (when accessing the NIO HTTP server directly)

This subsection describes the Web-based system configuration that uses servlets and JSPs as access points. It also explains the configuration of a system that accesses the NIO HTTP server directly.

When connecting to the Internet with this configuration, set up the deployment of a Web server having a reverse proxy function on the DMZ from the security point of view. For details, see 3.3 Deployment of reverse proxies in a DMZ in the uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Features of the system configuration

A system configuration applied when processing requests sent from the Web browser on the Application Server, in Web front-end systems.

The most basic Web client configuration can be built with a client machine and one Application Server machine. When accessing the NIO HTTP server directly, there is no need to run a Web server in front of the J2EE server. Use functions of HTTP servers on J2EE servers.

The following figure shows an example of a Web client configuration where the NIO HTTP server is accessed directly.

Figure 3‒29: Example of Web client configuration built on one Application Server machine (when accessing the NIO HTTP server directly)


Note: For other legend items, see 3.2 Description of the system configuration.


A Web browser is the only software used by clients.

From the Web browser, direct access to the J2EE server is possible without using Web servers, and hence, the Web browser has a merit of higher performance. Moreover, operations are simple because you need not start a Web server.

Keep the following in mind when configuring a system that accesses the NIO HTTP server directly:

  • The NIO HTTP server only supports the minimum functionality needed to operate as a Web server. For this reason, a configuration that accesses the NIO HTTP server directly is unsuitable for systems that require a wide array of Web server functions. Select the configuration that integrates with the Web server if your system requires these functions. For details about the functions available with the NIO HTTP server, see the manual uCosminexus Application Server Web Container Functionality Guide.

  • The NIO HTTP server does not support HTTPS. Therefore, for using SSL, use the SSL function of the Web server embedded with the proxy module deploying proxy server at the front-end or deploying SSL accelerator at the front-end.

  • From the security point of view, deploy a reverse proxy at front-end, for systems connected to Internet. For details about the configuration deploying a reverse proxy, see 3.3 Deployment of reverse proxies in a DMZ in the uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide.

Request flow

Operate servlets and JSPs that are used as access points, on the J2EE server. These components are directly accessed from the Web browser.

(2) Process and software required for each machine

This subsection describes the software and processes required on the respective machines. For details about processes required to connect to resource, see 3.6 Determining the transaction type.

(a) Application server machine

You must install Application Server on the Application Server machine.

The required processes are as follows:

  • J2EE server

  • Administration Agent

  • PRF daemon

(b) Management Server machine

You must install Application Server on the Management Server machine.

The process to be started is as follows:

  • Management Server

(c) Web client machine

A Web client machine must have a Web browser.