
uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide

3.4.1 Configuration with servlets and JSPs as access points (for Web server integration)

This subsection describes a Web-based system configuration with servlets and JSPs as the access points. This configuration is called the Web client configuration. You can use this configuration in a Web front-end system. The configuration for Web server integration is explained here.

When connecting to the Internet with this configuration, from the security point of view Hitachi recommends that you deploy a Web server with a reverse proxy function on the DMZ, apart from deploying the Web server on the same machine as the Application Server. For details, see 3.3 Deployment of reverse proxies in a DMZ in the uCosminexus Application Server Security Management Guide.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Features of the system configuration

This system configuration is applicable in a Web front-end system, when the requests sent from the Web browser are processed in Application Server.

You can build the most basic web client configuration by using client machines and one Application Server machine. The following figure shows an example of a web client configuration built with one Application Server machine:

Figure 3‒28: Example of a web client configuration built with one Application Server machine (in the case of Web server integration)


Note: For other legend items, see 3.2 Description of the system configuration.


A Web browser is the only software used in the client.

Flow of requests

The servlets and JSPs forming the access points run on the J2EE server. These components are accessed from the Web browser through the Web server.

(2) Processes and required software on the respective machines

This subsection describes the software and the processes required on the respective machines. For details about the processes required for connecting to the resources, see 3.6 Determining the transaction type.

(a) Application server machine

You need to install Application Server on the Application Server machine.

The processes required are as follows:

  • Web server

  • J2EE server

  • Administration Agent

  • PRF daemon

Application Server contains the Web server, Cosminexus HTTP Server. In Windows, you can also use Microsoft IIS as the Web server. In this case, you need Microsoft IIS software.

(b) Management Server machine

You need to install Application Server on the Management Server machine.

Invoke the following process:

  • Management Server

(c) Web client machine

The Web client machine requires a Web browser.