
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

L. Sample programs provided by Application Server

Application Server provides the following sample programs:

This section gives an overview and describes the execution procedure and execution example of each sample. Execution procedure and execution example of sample programs are explained with the server management commands.

Important note

When using the sample program in UNIX environment, replace the text as follows.

  • Replace the directory (Cosminexus-installation-directory\) for Windows with the directory /opt/Cosminexus/for UNIX.

  • Batch file used in the Windows environment serves as the shell script in the UNIX environment. Remove the extension.

    For example, for the Windows environment: testClient.bat; for the UNIX environment: testClient

When you run sample programs provided by the Application Server, we recommend that you use the sample program by copying to another directory having the write permission.

Organization of this section