
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

K.3 Timeout settings

Set the timeout of XDM/RD E2 to the client environment variable of HiRDB, or to the control space start control statement/server space start control statement of the DB connection server. The following table describes the tuning parameters for setting the timeout of H-1 XDM/RD E2.

Table K‒1: Tuning parameters for setting the timeout of XDM/RD E2

Types of timeout

Setting location

Method of setting (parameter name)


Response timeout

HiRDB client environment variable


Specify any value. #1

SQL execution CPU time timeout

Control area start control statement/server area start control statement of DB connection server


Specify any value. #2

SQL execution elapsed time timeout

Control area start control statement/server area start control statement of DB connection server


Specify any value. #2

Transaction elapsed time timeout

Control area start control statement/server area start control statement of DB connection server


Specify any value. #2

Interval time of server processing request

Control area start control statement/server area start control statement of DB connection server


Specify 0 when using the connection pooling functionality. #2


For details, see the manual HiRDB XDM/RD E2 Connection Functionality.


For details, see the manual VOS3 Database Connection Server.

For the timeout settings, see 8.6.6 Setting the database timeout in the uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide.