
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

E.6 Contents set automatically by Management Server to Web server

The following table describes the contents set automatically by Management Server to the user definition file related to the Web Server.

Table E‒7: The contents set automatically by Management Server (for the Web server)

User definition file

Set contents


For Windows

Include Cosminexus-installation-directory


Include Cosminexus-HTTP-Server-installation-directory


ThreadLimit same-value-as-ThreadsPerChild


Include /opt/Cosminexus/CC/web/redirector/servers/logical-server-name/mod_jk.conf#4

Include Cosminexus-HTTP-Server-installation-directory

/servers/HWS_ real-server-name-of-logical-Web-server/httpsd_manager.conf#2

ThreadLimit same-value-as-ThreadsPerChild#5

ServerLimit MaxClients-value-divided-by-ThreadsPerChild-value#5

MinSpareServers 5#6


For Windows

LoadModule jk_module Cosminexus-installation-directory


JkWorkersFile Cosminexus-installation-directory



LoadModule jk_module /opt/Cosminexus/CC/web/redirector/mod_jk-file-name#3

JkWorkersFile /opt/Cosminexus/CC/web/redirector/servers/logical-server-name/


When operating a Web Server, you must match the contents of the httpsd.conf file to the operation environment and make the appropriate settings. For the contents to be set and how to set those contents, see the uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide.


This value is set if you specify the values for the AppendDirectives parameter of the logical Web Server (web-server) in the Easy Setup definition file, or for the Additional directives of the Item-wise setup in the Web Server Settings dialog box of the management portal.


mod_jk-file-name differs depending on the OS.


This value is set when linking with the J2EE server in V9 compatibility mode.


This value is set only if the J2EE server is linked via a reverse proxy.


This value is set only if the following conditions are met: 1) The J2EE server is linked via a redirector, and 2) MinSpareServers is not set in httpsd.conf.