
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.8.3 WebSocket settings for using WebSocket

Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings for outputting WebSocket log data

If you run an application that uses WebSocket in an environment in which a logical Web server links with a J2EE server via a reverse proxy, set the HWSWebSocketLog directive on the logical Web server. The following table shows an example of setting the HWSWebSocketLog directive.

Table 4‒43: Example of setting the HWSWebSocketLog directive



Setting example



HWSWebSocketLog "|\"\"Application-Server-installation-directory#/httpsd/sbin/rotatelogs.exe\" \"Application-Server-installation-directory#/httpsd/servers/HWS_logical-Web-server's-real-server-name/logs/hws_websocket_log\" log-splitting-time-interval -fnum number-of-files -diff time-difference-from-GMT\""



HWSWebSocketLog "|/opt/hitachi/httpsd/sbin/rotatelogs /opt/hitachi/httpsd/servers/HWS_logical-Web-server's-real-server-name/logs/hws_websocket_log log-splitting-time-interval -fnum number-of-files -diff time-difference-from-GMT"

#: Use an absolute path to specify the file or directory.

For details about the HWSWebSocketLog directive, see the uCosminexus Application Server HTTP Server User Guide.

If you specify settings from Smart Composer, use the AppendDirectives (directive addition) parameter. For details about the AppendDirectives parameter, see 4.10.2 Parameters used for setting up the definitions for the Web server in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.