
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.1.37 Removing system environment

To remove the systems that are no longer required:

  1. Stop the J2EE application and the resource adapter.

    Use the server management command to stop the J2EE application and the resource adapter.

  2. Start the command prompt.

    Implement the steps from 2 to 6 for both, host to which the Web servers are allocated, and host to which the J2EE servers are allocated. Note that the implementation order for the hosts is random.

  3. Stop the following processes, if they are running:

    • Processes of CTM and OTM (TPBroker Object Transaction Monitor) started without using Management Server

  4. In UNIX, execute the mngautorun command if auto restart is set in the Administration Agent or Management Server, cancel the auto restart settings, and then restart the OS.

    The following is an example of command execution:

    mngautorun -d
  5. Execute the mngunsetup command, check the displayed message, and enter "y".

    A message for confirming the execution of unset up appears.

    On entering "y" the next processing is executed:

    • Stopping the Administration Agent, or stopping and removing the Management Server

    • Auto restart, and cancelling the auto start of the Administration Agent and Management Server

    • Stopping the logical server

      Stop logical performance tracer, logical Smart Agent, logical Naming Service, logical CTM domain manager, logical CTM (including the concurrently started naming services), logical J2EE server, logical Web Server, and logical user server#. Management Server forcefully stops the logical server that does not stop even after the stop monitoring time elapses. Note that the value specified when you start the logical server is enabled as the stop monitoring time for each logical server (mstartup.watchtime parameter in the Easy Setup Definition file).

      # Logical user server stops the processes that are to be monitored. If the stop command is specified, the stop command is used to stop the processes, and if the command is not specified, and if the start type is a direct start, stop the processes of the start command, and for an indirect start, stop the processes acquired by using the process ID acquisition commands defined in the logical user server.

    • Stopping the logical server forcefully

      Forcefully stops the logical performance tracer, logical Smart Agent, logical Naming Service, logical CTM domain manager, logical CTM (including the concurrently started naming services), logical J2EE server, logical Web Server, and logical user server #. Management Server forcefully stops the logical server processes that do not stop even after the forced stop monitoring time elapses. Note that the value specified when you start the logical server is enabled as the forced stop monitoring time for each logical server (mstartup.force.watchtime parameter in the Easy Setup Definition file).

      # The logical user server forcefully stops the processes to be monitored. If the forced stop command is specified, the forced stop command is used to stop the processes. If the command is not specified, and if the start type is a direct start, the processes of the start command will be stopped, and if the start type is an indirect start, the processes acquired with the process ID acquiring command, defined in the logical user server, will be stopped.

    • Removing the environment (actual server) of the logical J2EE server, and the logical Web Server, and deleting the information of the logical CTM domain manager

    • Initialization of the information managed by the Management Server (configuration or settings information of the logical server and management user account information)

    • Canceling the settings of Component Container administrator (for UNIX)

      The settings are cancelled and the user (owner)/ group of super users are set. Following are the values for each OS.

      For AIX: root/system

      For Linux: root/root

  6. On UNIX, execute the mngenvsetup command, and cancel the settings of Management Server management group, as and when required.

    The following is an example of command execution:

    mngenvsetup -mng -d
Important note

Even if unset up is successful, the processes running on the Cosminexus might be retained, depending on the system environment. In such cases the uninstallation of the Cosminexus might fail. After unsetup, if Cosminexus cannot be uninstalled, see Appendix I.6 List of error codes for Application Server installation and un-installation (In Windows), or Appendix I.7 Installation and un-installation log of Component Container and Redirector functionality (In UNIX) and take the necessary measures for the error, and then uninstall Cosminexus again.

Reference note

If you execute the mngunsetup command, the Management Server and the Administration Agent will also be unset up. If you want to remove only the set up system environment (logical server or host), stop the J2EE applications or resources, and then execute the following steps. In this example, the names of the Web system and the host for allocating the management functionality (Management Server) are MyWebSystem and apsv2( respectively.

  1. Start the command prompt on the host for allocating the management functionality (Management Server).

  2. Execute the cmx_stop_target command to stop the system.

    Stop the system to be removed.

    The following is an example of command execution:

    cmx_stop_target-m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -s MyWebSystem -mode ALL
  3. Use the cmx_delete_system command to remove the system from the Management Server.

    Delete the information model of the system managed by the Management Server.

    The following is an example of command execution:

    cmx_delete_system -m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -s MyWebSystem
  4. Unset up the environment of Web Server or J2EE server.

    You cannot unset up the server environment by using the cmx_delete_system command. Use the following methods to unset up the environment of Web Servers and J2EE servers on the host:

  • Unset up of the Web Server environment

    Use the hwsserveredit command of Cosminexus HTTP Server to unset up the Web Server. Specify the logical server name# of Web Server attached with "HWS" in the hwsserveredit command of Cosminexus HTTP Server.

  • Unset up the J2EE server environment

    Use the cjsetup command to unset up the J2EE server. Specify the logical server name# of the J2EE server in the cjsetup command.


You can check the logical server name by using the cmx_list_model command. Check the logical server name before executing the cmx_delete_system command.

However, if you have specified the actual server name of Web Server and J2EE server when setting up the system, specify the actual server name during unset up process as well. Specify the actual server name in the realservername parameter of the physical tier in the Easy Setup definition file.

For details on the server name specified during unset up, see cjsetup (set up or unsetup J2EE server) in the uCosminexus Application Server Command Reference Guide.

Example of the command execution to unset up the J2EE server without specification of the actual server name

cjsetup -d MyWebSystem_J2EE01