
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.1.31 Changing the system environment definition (parameters in the Easy Setup definition file) (when using CUI)

This subsection describes the tuning procedure when editing only the parameters of the Easy Setup definition file. The following table describes the settings used in the example.

Table 4‒16: Settings used in the example (Changing the system environment definition)


Set up example

Web system name


Name of the Easy Setup definition file


Host for allocating the management functionality (Management Server)


The following figure shows the flow of tuning for editing only the parameters in the Easy Setup definition file.

Figure 4‒5: Flow of tuning for editing only the parameters in the Easy Setup definition file


Organization of this subsection

(1) Editing parameters

Edit the parameter values (logical server parameters specified with the <param> tag) in the Easy Setup definition file (MyWebSystemDef.xml) to execute the tuning. For details on the items that can be tuned and performance tuning, see the following locations in the uCosminexus Application Server System Design Guide.

(2) Changing the system settings

Execute the cmx_build_system command on the host for allocating the management functionality (Management Server), and change the system information model on the Management Server. Apply the changed information model to the actual system.

  1. Start the command prompt on the host for allocating the management functionality (Management Server).

  2. If the system is operating, execute the cmx_stop_target command to stop the system.

    Set all service units in the system to Stopped status. Specify ALL in the -mode option to stop all service units.

    The following is an example of command execution:

    cmx_stop_target-m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -s MyWebSystem -mode ALL
  3. Execute the cmx_build_system command to change the information model of the system and to extract that information model to the actual system.

    Change the information model of system on the Management Server, and set up the system using the changed information model. Specify the Easy Setup definition file wherein the performance is tuned, in the -f option. Specify the -change option to apply the contents of the file specified in the -f option, to the system.

    The following is an example of command execution:

    cmx_build_system -f MyWebSystemDef.xml-file-path -change -m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -s MyWebSystem

    Specify the path of storage destination directory of the Easy Setup definition file edited in (1) Editing parameters, and the file name (MyWebSystemDef.xml) in MyWebSystemDef.xml.xml-file-path.

  4. Execute the cmx_start_target command to start the system with changed configuration.

    Set all service units in the system to operating status. Specify ALL in the -mode option to set the service units to operating status.

    The following is an example of command execution:

    cmx_start_target -m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -s MyWebSystem -mode ALL -strict