
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.1.24 Starting the system (when using CUI)

Once the system is running, the logical servers in the service unit are started and then the requests are received or processed.

Reference note

We recommend that you use default settings for the starting order of logical servers. Note that you can set the starting order of logical servers by using the parameter in the <configuration> tag for each logical server in the Easy Setup definition file.

Start the command prompt on the host (apsv2( for allocating the management functionality (Management Server), execute the cmx_start_target command, and set all service units in the Web system to running state. Specify ALL in the -mode option to set the service units to the operating state.

The following is an example of command execution. The name of Web system used in the example is MyWebSystem.

cmx_start_target -m -u cosmi_admin -p cosmi_admin_passwd -s MyWebSystem -mode ALL -strict

Specify the Web system name set in the <name> tag of the <web-system> tag in the Easy Setup definition file (MyWebSystemDef.xml), in the -s option of the cmx_start_target command.