
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.1.21 Notes on setting the Easy Setup definition file (when using J2EE applications)

This subsection describes the notes on setting up the Easy Setup definition file.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Settings for enabling functions of Application Server

Default values are set in the configuration definition of the Easy Setup definition file. The default settings might include the disabled items depending on the functions of Application Server to be used. In such cases, add or change the parameters or values of the Easy Setup definition file to enable the functions. You cannot define some of the items in the settings items set for using the functions by using the Easy Setup definition file. Define the items that cannot be set using the Easy Setup definition file, by using a different user definition file.

For example, if you want to change the settings of naming services, transactions, connections, containers, logs, and security of the J2EE server, or if you want to change the start options for JavaVM of the J2EE server, change the settings by using the Easy Setup definition file. Use the text editor to set the parameter name to be changed and the changed values in the Easy Setup definition file. However, you cannot change the settings of the security policy of the J2EE server and the property of the Web application by using the Management Server. Use the text editor for editing the User definition files (server.policy, other than the Easy Setup definition file, and change the operation settings.

Important note

For editing the server.policy, or the, the setup of the J2EE server to be edited needs to be complete. Also, to change the operation settings in UNIX, the root permissions (when Component Container Administrator is not set), or Component Container Administrator permissions (when Component Container Administrator is set) are required.

(2) Direct settings of httpsd.conf in the AllText parameter

This section describes the notes on direct setting of httpsd.conf in the AllText parameter, if you specify text for the SetBy parameter in the <configuration> tag of the logical web server (Web Server) while creating the Easy Setup definition file.

(3) Notes on environment settings to connect the host to multiple network segments

This section describes the notes on the environment settings for connecting the host to multiple network segments.

As the following figure shows, if a host is connected to multiple network segments and possesses multiple IP addresses, then ensure that the IP addresses or the host names are set properly.

Figure 4‒4: Example of a host connected to multiple network segments


If the system configuration is same as in the figure above, specify the following settings in the host definition of the Easy Setup definition file: