
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

4.1.19 Easy Setup definition file (when using J2EE applications)

Easy Setup definition file is an XML format file for defining the Web systems set up by using the Smart Composer functionality commands.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Configuration of easy setup definition file

Set the following configuration of a Web system in the Easy Setup definition file:

#1 You need not describe the definition of load balancer (definition of the <load-balancer> tag) if you do not perform the load balancer settings, or the start/close of the actual server port by using the Smart Composer functionality.

#2 Definition of cookie switching is necessary when using the Cookie switching functionality of the load balancer. Due to this setting, a series of HTTP requests are processed on one Web Server or the J2EE server. Also, if you are using the Cookie switching functionality of the load balancer, specify Web Server.container.server_id.enabled=true in the Web container settings of the J2EE server in the physical tier definition (<tier> tag).

#3 For the definition to use the database, see 4.1.6 Setting the database connection environment (setting HiRDB), 4.1.7 Setting the database connection environment (setting Oracle), or 4.1.8 Setting the database connection environment (Setting SQL Server).

The following figure shows the mapping between the configuration information of the system for executing the J2EE applications, and the definition of the Easy Setup definition file:

Figure 4‒2: Mapping between the configuration information of the system for executing J2EE applications, and definition of Easy Setup definition file


As shown in the above figure, in addition to the configuration and environment settings of the logical server you can also define the load balancer and hosts in the Easy Setup definition file. You can opt not to specify the host definition when using the hosts of a configured Web system.

For details on tags and parameters of the Easy Setup definition file, see 4.3 Easy Setup definition file in the uCosminexus Application Server Definition Reference Guide.

(2) Tags used in configuration definitions and scope of application

Define the settings for operations of the logical server and for using the functions in the configuration of the logical server. You can define the logical server configuration for all logical servers as well as for each logical server. To set a common definition for all the logical servers, define in the physical tier, and to set the definition for each logical server, define in the service unit. If you define in the physical tier, a common configuration is set for all the logical servers allocated to the hosts belonging to that particular physical tier. If you specify same parameters in the configuration definition of physical tier and service unit, the parameters are applied in the preference order of service unit definition, and then physical tier definition. For the contents automatically set by the Management Server, see Appendix E Contents Set Automatically by Management Server.

The following figure shows the scope of application of the configuration definition of the logical servers:

Figure 4‒3: Scope of application of the configuration definition of logical servers


The following table describes the main tags of the Easy Setup definition file used in the configuration definition.

Table 4‒9: Main tags of Easy Setup Definition file used in logical server configuration definition

Tag name



Set the operation environment of the logical server. Specify the type of the logical server for setting the operation environment in the <logical-server-type> tag.

You can set the <configuration> tag in physical tier definition (in <tier> tag), and in service unit definition (in <unit> tag). The scope of the logical server for applying the settings differs depending on whether you perform settings in the <configuration> tag in the <tier> tag or the <unit> tag.

To change the settings that are common to all logical servers, edit the <configuration> tag in the <tier> tag, and to change the settings of a particular logical server, edit the <configuration> tag in the ,<unit> tag.


Define the type of the logical server for setting the operation environment by using the <configuration> tag. The types of logical servers are as follows:

  • Logical Web Server: Web Server

  • Logical J2EE server: j2ee-server

  • Logical performance tracer: performance-tracer

  • Logical CTM domain manager: ctm-domain-manager

  • Logical CTM: component-transaction-monitor

  • Logical smart agent: smart-agent

  • Logical user server: user-server (cannot be defined in the <tier> tag)


Define the parameters (combination of parameter names and values) used for setting the operation environment of the logical server. Enclose each parameter within the <param> tag.


Define the name of the parameter used for setting the operation environment of the logical server.


Define the setup value of the parameter specified in the <param-name> tag.

If you do not set the parameter name (<param-name> tag) and the value (<param-value> tag) in the <configuration> tag of each logical server, default values are set for the operation environment of the logical server. There is no need to define if you want to continue using the default settings. Add or change the settings of the parameter and value if you want to change the operations set by default, or to enable the functions of Application Server.