
uCosminexus Application Server System Setup and Operation Guide

3.2.8 Acquiring the system setup and the definition information

This subsection describes the procedure to acquire the system setup and the definition information.

Reference note

For details on the reference locations of the windows, commands, and files used in the description, and the storage locations of the commands and files, see 5. Windows, Commands, and Files used in the System Setup and Operations.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Acquiring the system definition information through snapshot logs

  1. Acquire the system definition information, by executing mngsvrutil command with the command prompt.

    You can acquire the definition file related to the operation environment of the management functionality.

    Command execution example is as follows:

    mngsvrutil -m <Host name of Management Server> -u admin -t <Host name> -k host collect snapshot

    Specify a host name for operating the Management Server in Host name of Management Server, and host name of Application Server in Host name.

    Confirm the file name of the acquired snapshot log in the displayed message. The default storage location of the snapshot log is as follows:

    OS type

    Storage location


    <Output directory of Manager log>#1\snapshot\snapshot-<Host name>-log-<date#2>.zip

    <Output directory of Manager log>#1\snapshot\snapshot-<Host name>-log-<date#2>


    <Output directory of Manager log>#1/snapshot/snapshot-<Host name>-log-<date#2>.zip

    <Output directory of Manager log>#1/snapshot/snapshot-<Host name>-log-<date#2>

    #1 <Output directory of Manager log> shows the directory specified in manager.cfg (Manager log setting file). Default value is <Installation directory of Cosminexus>\manager\log.

    #2 The date format is one of the following:

    • yyyyMMddHHmmss

    • yyyyMMddHHmmss+hhmm

    • yyyyMMddHHmmss-hhmm

(2) Acquiring Easy Setup definition file

  1. Export the Easy Setup definition file by executing cmx_export_model command with the command prompt.

    Command execution example is as follows:

    cmx_export_model -m localhost:28080 -u admin -o <File path of Easy Setup definition file>

    In <File path of Easy Setup definition file>, specify the path of the directory in which the Easy Setup definition file is stored and the file name. Easy Setup definition file is in XML format.

(3) Acquiring Connector Property file

  1. Start the Web browser, connect to http://localhost:28080/mngsvr/index.jsp, and then run the management portal.

  2. Enter "admin" in the management user ID on the Login to Management Server window and click the Login button.

  3. Click the Application Management of the logical server on the Management Portal window.

  4. Click DefaultDomain - Logical J2EE server - J2EE server - MyJ2EEServer - Resource - Resource adapter, and then click the Property Settings tab.

  5. In the Property settings of resource adapter, click the Edit Connector property file anchor of Operation.

  6. Copy the file contents displayed in the Edit Connector Property File of Resource Adapter window, and save those with <Any file name> in Any-directory.

    Connector property file is in XML format.

  7. Click the Logout anchor.

  8. Check the displayed message, click the Login window, and close the Web browser.

(4) Acquiring Cosminexus Application Property file (cosminexus.xml)

  1. Acquire cosminexus.xml stored in META-INF directory under Any-directory, and then store in Any-directory.