
JP1 Version 12 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Overview and System Design Guide

A.4 Lists of parameters

This section describes the parameters used for installation and setup, and the parameters of the Settings module.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Parameters used for installation

JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager installation

The following tables list and describe the parameters used for installing JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager.

Installation type



Specifiable values


Installation Type

Select the installation method.

  • Quick installation

  • Custom installation

Quick installation

User registration (for custom installation)



Specifiable values


User Name

Specify the name of the user who uses the product.

No limit

User name that was set during OS installation

Company Name

Specify the name of the company that uses the product.

No limit

Company name that was set during OS installation

Installation folder (for quick installation)



Specifiable values


JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager Installation Folder

Specify the installation folder.

A path consisting of 40 or fewer characters#1

Folder specified for the %ProgramFiles(x86)% environment variable (if the OS is installed on the C drive, C:\Program Files(x86)\Hitachi\jp1itdmm\)

Database folder

Specify the folder in which the database is created.

A path consisting of 100 or fewer characters#2


#1: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, periods (.), parentheses, underscores (_), and backslashes (\).

#2: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, hash marks (#), periods (.), parentheses, at marks (@), and backslashes (\).

Setting up the database (for quick installation)



Specifiable values


User ID

Specify the ID of the user who uses the database.

A character string of 8 or fewer characters#



Specify the password for the user ID.

A character string of 28 or fewer characters#


Confirm password

Re-enter the specified password for confirmation.

#: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters beginning with an alphabet.

Installation folder (for custom installation)



Specifiable values


JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager Installation Folder

Specify the installation folder.

A path consisting of 40 or fewer characters#

Folder specified for the %ProgramFiles(x86)% environment variable (if the OS is installed on the C drive, C:\Program Files(x86)\Hitachi\jp1itdmm\)

#1: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, periods (.), parentheses, underscores (_), and backslashes (\).

Custom installation (for custom installation)



Specifiable values


Component to Install

Select the component to be installed and the installation method#1.

  • Manager#2

    A component that provides main functions of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2, such as function management and security status management

  • Remote Install Manager#3

    A component that provides GUI functionality for distribution management that uses the remote install manager

    This component can be installed on a computer that is different from the Manager's computer. In such a case, install Remote Install Manager whose version is the same as Manager.

All components

#1: To install the component, click the icon on the left of the component name, and then select from the pull-down list. If you select This feature will not be available. in the pull-down list of the component name, the icon will change to the x icon.

#2: When you install Manager, you also need to install Remote Install Manager. If you have selected This feature will not be available. in the pull-down list of Remote Install Manager, you cannot install Manager.

#3: To install Remote Install Manager on a computer that is different from the Manager's computer, select This feature will not be available. in the pull-down list of Manager.

Type of Manager to be installed (for custom installation)



Specifiable values


Type of Manager to Install

Select the type of the server on which JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager is installed.

  • The management server in a single-server configuration, or the primary management server in a multi-server configuration

    The system is installed as the management server in a minimum configuration, or the management server in a basic configuration, or the primary management server in a multi-server configuration.

  • Management relay server

    The system is installed as the management relay server in a multi-server configuration. The system cannot be installed on a computer on which JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent has been installed.

The management server in a single-server configuration, or the primary management server in a multi-server configuration

Note: This window is displayed when you select Manager in the Custom installation view (during custom installation).

Agent component settings (for custom installation)



Specifiable values


Agent Component

Select the Agent component you want to install on the management relay server.

You need to specify the Agent component for the management relay server, aside from the managed computers.

  • Remote control agent

  • Packager

  • Automatic Installation Tool

Remote control agent

Note: This window is displayed when you select Management relay server in the Type of Manager to Install view (during custom installation).

Installation completed



Specifiable values



Select whether to start setup after installation.


Setup is started.

Not selected

Setup is not started.


Automatic update of components#2

Specify whether to automatically distribute components (such as agents and network monitor agents) registered on the management server to computers if the components are updated.


Components are updated automatically.

Not selected

Components are not updated automatically.

Not selected

Register components as a distribution package#2

Specify whether to create component packages, which allow you to install updated components by using the distribution function.


Packages are created.

Not selected

Packages are not created.

Not selected

#1: Displayed if custom installation of Manager is performed.

#2: Displayed if setup is unnecessary when an overwrite installation is performed. In a cluster system, this item is displayed on the primary server.

JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent installation

The following tables list and describe the parameters used for installing JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent from the provided media.

Installation type



Specifiable values


Installation Type

Select the installation method.

  • Quick installation

  • Custom installation

Quick installation

Installation folder (for custom installation)



Specifiable values


JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent Installation Folder

Specify the installation folder.

A path consisting of 104 or fewer characters#

C:\Program Files\Hitachi\jp1itdma\

Note, however, that if the OS is a 64-bit version of Windows, the default folder is the folder specified for the %ProgramFiles(x86)% environment variable (if the OS is installed on the C drive, C:\Program Files (x86)\Hitachi\jp1itdmm\).

#: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, periods (.), parentheses, colons (:), underscores (_), and backslashes (\).

Types of components to be installed (for custom installation)



Specifiable values


Types of components to be installed

Specify the types of components to be installed.

  • Agent

  • Relay system


Components to be installed (for custom installation)



Specifiable values


Components to be installed

Select the component and its sub components to be installed, and the installation method#1.

  • Agent or relay system#2 (the type specified in the Types of components to be installed dialog box)

  • Packager

  • Automatic Installation Tool

Agent or relay system (the type specified in the Types of components to be installed dialog box)

#1: Select the installation method from the pull-down list that is displayed by clicking the icon on the left of the component name. If you select This feature will not be available. in the pull-down list, the icon will change to the x icon.

#2: The remote control agent is a subcomponent of an agent or relay system.

JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Internet Gateway installation

The following tables list and describe the parameters used for installing JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Internet Gateway from the provided media.

Changing the installation folder



Specifiable values


Folder to which to install JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Internet Gateway

Specify the installation folder.

Path no longer than 104 bytes#

Folder specified for the %ProgramFiles(x86)% environment variable (if the OS is installed on the C drive, C:\Program Files(x86)\Hitachi\jp1itdmg\)

#: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, periods (.), parentheses, colons (:), underscores (_), and backslashes (\).


Do not specify a folder in which other products (including JP1/IT Desktop Management 2) are installed as the installation folder.

(2) Setup parameters

The following tables list and describe the parameters for setting up a management server and agent.

Setup of a management server

Setup selection



Specifiable values


Setup type

Select the setup type.

  • Reconfiguration

  • Database upgrade

  • Server reconfiguration

If the database does not need to be upgraded:


If the database needs to be upgraded:

Database upgrade

Database settings (for setting change)



Specifiable values


Change the password for accessing the database

Specify whether to change the password for accessing the database.


The password is changed.

Not selected

The password is not changed.


Current password

Specify the current password for the user ID.

A character string of 28 or fewer characters#


New password

Specify the new password for the user ID.

Confirm new password

Re-enter the specified new password for confirmation.

#: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters. The first character must be an alphabetic character.

Selecting the server configuration



Specifiable values


Server configuration#

Select the server configuration.

  • Single-server configuration

  • Multi-server configuration

Single-server configuration

#: You cannot change the setting from multi-server configuration to single-server configuration.

Cluster environment



Specifiable values


Use JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager in a cluster configuration

Specify whether to use the management server in a cluster configuration.


Used in a cluster environment

Not selected

Not used in a cluster environment

Not selected


Select the type.

  • Primary system

  • Standby system

Primary system

Logical host name

Specify a domain name.

A character string of 255 or fewer single-byte characters


Logical IP address

Specify an IP address.

An IPv4 IP address


Configuration file to be imported

Specify a configuration file to be imported.

A setup file name consisting of 255 or fewer characters (*.conf)


#: The management relay server in a multi-server configuration cannot be in a cluster configuration.

Database settings (for initial setting)
Password setting



Specifiable values


User ID

Specify the user ID for accessing the database.

A character string of 8 or fewer characters#



Specify the password for the user ID.

A character string of 28 or fewer characters#


Confirm password

Re-enter the specified password for confirmation.

#: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters. The first character must be an alphabetic character.

Address and cache settings



Specifiable values


IP address for accessing the database

Specify the IP address of the management server for accessing the database.

An IPv4 IP address

An IP address acquired by a Windows function#

Cache size when accessing the database

Select the cache size used when accessing the database.

  • 1 GB

  • 16 GB

16 GB

#: The first acquired IP address if multiple IP addresses are set for the management server (for example, when multiple network cards are used).

Folder settings



Specifiable values


Database folder#1

Specify the folder in which database information is stored. For a cluster configuration, specify a folder on a shared disk.

A path consisting of 120 or fewer characters#2


Data folder#1

Specify the folder in which data used by the management server is stored. For a cluster configuration, specify a folder on the shared disk.

A path consisting of 120 or fewer characters#2


Local data folder#1

Specify a folder for the data area on a local disk. Note that a path to a shared disk cannot be specified.

A path consisting of 120 or fewer characters#2


Database extraction folder#1

Specify the folder in which a database is temporarily saved.

A path consisting of 120 or fewer characters#2


#1: The database folder, data folder, local data folder, and database extraction folder cannot be the same and cannot have a parent-child relationship with each other.

#2: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, hash marks (#), periods (.), parentheses, at marks (@), and backslashes (\).

Database upgrade settings



Specifiable values



Select the type.

  • Primary system

  • Standby system

Primary system

Configuration file to be imported

Specify the setup file copied from the primary node.

A setup file name consisting of 255 or fewer characters (*.conf)#2


Database folder#1

Specify the folder in which database information is stored. For a cluster configuration, specify a folder on the shared disk.

A path consisting of 120 or fewer characters#2


Database extraction folder#1

Specify the folder in which a database is temporarily saved.

A path consisting of 120 or fewer characters#2


#1: The database folder, data folder, local data folder, and database extraction folder cannot be the same and cannot have a parent-child relationship with each other.

#2: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, hash marks (#), periods (.), parentheses, at marks (@), and backslashes (\).

Operation log settings



Specifiable values


Use Operation log

Specify whether to acquire operation logs from computers with agents installed.


Operation logs are acquired.

Not selected

Operation logs are not acquired.

For quick installation:

Not selected

For custom installation:

Not selected

Store the operation logs

Specify whether to store the operation logs.


Operation logs are stored.

Not selected

Operation logs are registered in the database, but not stored.

For quick installation:

Not selected

For custom installation:


Operation log backup folder#1

Specify the folder in which the operation logs are stored.

A path consisting of 120 or fewer characters#2



Specify the user name used for accessing the operation log backup folder.

A character string of 158 or fewer single-byte characters



Specify the password for the user name.

A character string of 30 or fewer single-byte characters


Number of managed nodes

Specify the number of devices to be managed.

50 to 30000

For quick installation:


For custom installation:


Maximum number of days for which the operation logs are to be stored in the database

Specify the maximum number of days for which the operation logs are to be stored in the database. For example, specify100 for this item, if operation logs for 100 days are to be stored in the database.#4

30 to 500


Operation log database folder#5

Specify the database folder in which operation logs are stored.

A path consisting of 120 or fewer characters#6


Capacity to be added to the cache

Specify the capacity, to be added to the database cache, for improving retrieval performance of operation logs.

0 to 16


#1: You can also specify a folder on a network drive. To specify a network drive, use UNC format.

#2: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, hash marks (#), periods (.), parentheses, at marks (@), backslashes (\), and hyphens (-).

#3: To specify a domain user, use domain-name\user-name format.

#4: The specified number of days cannot be decreased once it is specified.

#5: If the number of managed computers is in the range from 10,000 to 30,000, Hitachi recommends that you use a physical disk dedicated to the operation log database.

#6 : Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, hash marks (#), periods (.), parentheses, at marks (@), and backslashes (\).

Revision history archive output settings



Specifiable values


Regularly output and save the revision history archive

Specify whether to regularly output the revision history for archival purposes.


A revision history archive is regularly output.

Not selected

A revision history archive is not regularly output.

Not selected

Output folder for the revision history#1

Specify the folder in which the output revision history archive is stored.

A path consisting of 120 or fewer characters#2


User name#3

Specify the user name used for accessing the output folder.

A character string of 158 or fewer single-byte characters



Specify the password for the user name.

A character string of 30 or fewer single-byte characters


#1: A folder on the network drive can also be specified. Use the UNC format to specify the network drive.

#2: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single byte spaces, hash marks (#), periods (.), parentheses (()), at marks (@), backslashes (\), and hyphens (-).

#3: Use the domain-name\user-name format to specify a domain user.

API Settings



Specifiable values


Use the API

Specify whether to use the API.


Using the API.

Not selected

Not using API.

Not selected

Port number settings



Specifiable values


Port number for accepting connections from the administrator's computer

Specify the port number used to connect to the management server from the administrator's computer by using an operation window.

2 to 49151


Port number for API connection

Specify the port number used to connect to the management server from an external system via the API.

2 to 49151


Port number for accepting connections from agents

Specify the port number used to connect to the management server from agents.

5001 to 49151


Port number for agent startup requests

Specify the port number used to connect to agents from the management server.

5001 to 49151


Port numbers used by the server

Specify the start value of the 11 consecutive port numbers used for management server internal processing.

5001 to 49141


Port number used by the API

Specify the start value of the four consecutive port numbers used by the API.

5001 to 49148


Port number used for remote control

Specify the start value of the five consecutive port numbers used by the remote control function.

5001 to 49147


Port number for multi-server configuration connections

Specify the port number used for relays between the management servers.

5001 to 49151


Note: In a multi-server configuration, specify the same port number for both the higher management server and the lower management relay server.

Settings for address resolution



Specifiable values


Specify the type of information that determines the connection-target computer for inter-host communication.

  • Host name

  • IP address

Host name

Address resolution method#1

Specify the addresses resolution method upon job creation or execution.

  • Use the Windows network

    IP addresses are acquired from the Windows network upon job creation or execution.#2

  • Use device information and system configuration information

    IP addresses are acquired only from the system configuration information of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 upon job creation or execution.#3

Use the Windows network

When the address of the job destination cannot be resolved#1

Specify whether to treat a job for which address resolution for the destination failed during job execution as an error.

  • Treat as an error.

  • Do not treat as an error.

Do not treat as an error.

#1: Specify this item when Host name is selected as the type of information that determines the communication-target computer (which is called the ID key for operation).

#2: The hosts file or name server is used for address resolution. If address resolution fails, IP addresses are acquired from the system configuration information of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2.

#3: The IP addresses in the system configuration information of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 must be always maintained in the correct state. In an environment in which jobs are created and executed while the name server is stopped (for example, during the night), even if you select Use the Windows network, address resolution might fail and jobs might not be created. However, if you select Use device information and system configuration information, you do not have to wait until address resolution fails.

Setting the management relay server



Specifiable values


Higher connection destination

Specify the host name or the IP address of the higher management server to which the management relay server connects.#1

A character string of 64 or fewer characters#2


Send the operation log

Specify whether to send the operation log to the higher management server.


The operation log is sent to the higher management server.

Not selected

The operation log is not sent to the higher management server.

Not selected

Send USB-device registration information

Specify whether to send the USB-device registration information to the higher management server.


The USB-device registration information is sent to the higher management server.

Not selected

The USB-device registration information is not sent to the higher management server.

Not selected

#1: Specify in a format selected for the operation key specified in Settings for Address Resolution on the higher management server.

#2: In specifying, consider the following:

  • You can use alphanumeric characters and hyphens (-).

  • A period (.) can only be used as a separator.

  • If you specify an item with a host name, the first character must be alphabetic.

Communication settings of a management relay server



Specifiable values


Interval for reporting to the higher-level server

Specify the interval for reporting to the higher management server.

1 to 60


Polling interval

Specify the polling interval between the management relay server and the higher management server.

1 to 720


Monitor no-communication periods

Specify whether a situation in which the response time from the higher management server exceeds the time specified in Monitoring period is regarded as a communication error.


Regarded as a communication error.

Not selected

Not regarded as a communication error.


Monitoring period

Specify the time for an agent installed on the management relay server to wait for a response from TCP/IP.

1 to 120


Retry if a communication error occurs

Specify whether to retry communication in the case that a communication error occurs.


Communication is retried.

Not selected

Communication is not retried.


Retry count

Specify the number of times the communication is retried.

1 to 999


Retry interval

Specify the interval between the retries.

1 to 7200


User management settings



Specifiable values


Manage users by using JP1/Base

Specify whether to manage users by using JP1/Base.


Users are managed by using JP1/Base.

Not selected

Users are not managed by using JP1/Base.

Not selected

JP1 resource group name

When you choose to manage users by using JP1/Base, specify the name of the JP1 resource group to associate users with JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager.

A character string of 64 or fewer characters#


#: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:

exclamation mark (!), hash mark (#), dollar sign ($), percent sign (%), ampersand (&), single quotation mark ('), left parenthesis ((), right parenthesis ()), asterisk (*), hyphen (-), period (.), at mark (@), backslash (\), caret (^), underscore (_), grave accent mark (`), left curly bracket ({), right curly bracket (}), and swung dash (~)

Other settings



Specifiable values


Currency unit setting

Specify the unit of money displayed in an operation window.

A character string of 10 or fewer single-byte characters

Currency unit set in the system

Control the network bandwidth on the management server

Specify whether to set the maximum transfer rate for sending packages from the management server to agents by using the ITDM-compatible distribution function.


The maximum transfer rate from the management server is set.

Not selected

The maximum transfer rate from the management server is not set.

Not selected

Maximum transfer rate

Specify the maximum transfer rate for sending packages.

2 to 1024


Number of consecutive login failures before the account is locked

Specify the number of consecutive login failures that are allowed before the account is locked.

0 to 10


Number of days until the password expires

Specify the expiration date of the password for the login user.

0 to 999


Suppress operations on asset information from the operation window

Specify whether to suppress operations on asset information from the operation window, for asset management from Asset Console.


Operations on asset information from the operation window are suppressed.

Not selected

Operations on asset information from the operation window are not suppressed.

Not selected

End of setup



Specifiable values


Register components#1

Specify whether to register components such as agents and network monitor agents on the management server.


The programs are registered.

Not selected

The programs are not registered.


Automatic update of components#2

Specify whether to automatically distribute components, such as agents and network monitor agents, registered on the management server to computers if the components are updated.


Components are updated automatically.

Not selected

Components are not updated automatically.

Not selected

Register components as distribution packages#2

Specify whether to create component packages, which allow you to install updated components by using the distribution function.


Packages are created.

Not selected

Packages are not created.

Not selected

#1: Displayed when the first startup is started manually.

#2: Displayed when startup is started as an extension process of installation.

Setup for distribution by using Remote Install Manager




Specifiable values


JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager (management server)

Specify the port number, of the management server, that is used for distribution using Remote Install Manager.

0 to 65535


JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (Relay System)

Specify the port number, of the relay system, that is used for distribution using Remote Install Manager.

0 to 65535


Perform interval transmissions

Specify whether a file is divided by the specified unit and transmitted at the specified interval when a file transmission to agents and relay systems occurs.


Interval transmissions are performed.

Not selected

Interval transmissions are not performed.

Not selected

Number of continuous transmission buffers#

Specify the number of buffers that are used for one file transmission.

0 to 4294967295


Tranmission interval#

Specify the interval between transmissions (transmission suspension period) when interval transmissions are performed.

0 to 4294967295


#: If 0 is specified, interval transmissions are not performed.

Server customization options



Specifiable values


Number of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent instances that can connect to the management server concurrently

Specify the maximum number of the following systems that can connect to the management server concurrently:

  • Agents

  • Relay systems

4 to 100


Number of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent instances that can execute jobs concurrently#1

Specify the maximum number of the following systems that can execute jobs concurrently:

  • Agents

  • Relay systems

  • Remote Install Managers

  • Packagers

0 to 100


Specify when jobs will be deleted#2

Specify whether to delete jobs immediately after the job definitions and execution statuses are deleted.

If jobs are not deleted immediately, specify the time the jobs are to be deleted.


Jobs are not deleted immediately. If this option is selected, also specify the time the jobs are to be deleted.

00:00 to 23:59

Not selected

Jobs are deleted immediately.

Not selected

Monitor the startup of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent

Specify whether to change the job execution status to startup failure and report it to the managing server if a job is not executed because an agent or relay system is not running.


Whether the agents and relay systems are running is monitored and reported to the managing server.

Not selected

Whether the agents and relay systems are running is not monitored.


Break down the reason for a starting failure

Specify whether to break down the reason for a starting failure and report it to the managing server when the startup of an agent or relay system fails.


The reason for a starting failure is broken down and reported to the managing server.

Not selected

The reason for a starting failure is not broken down.

Not selected

Monitor file transfer errors of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent

Specify whether to change the job execution status to communication error and report it to the managing server when a job of one of the following job types falls into a communication error during file transfer with an agent or relay system:

  • Install package

  • Send package, allow client users to choose

  • Transfer package to relay computer

  • Acquire collected files from relay computer

  • Get system configuration information

  • Get system information from computer (UNIX)#3

  • Hold report

  • Cancel holding of report


File transfer errors are monitored and reported to the managing server.

Not selected

File transfer errors are not monitored.

Not Selected

#1: If 0 is specified for this item, startup messages are not sent to the target system. In other words, if 0 is set, job execution from Remote Install Manager and startup of agents using agent control are no longer available.

#2: In general, because many agents are managed in distribution management, deleting job definitions and execution status requires long time for deleting the database. This might cause problems in operations, or place a load on main business operations. You can avoid this problem by delaying deletion of jobs and deleting such jobs at the same time when it is convenient.

#3: This job can also be executed on Mac agents.

Multicast distribution



Specifiable values


Multicast distribution

Specify the port number that is used for multicast distribution of jobs.

0 to 65535


Multicast distribution (when retransmission is required)#1

Specify the port number that is used for a request for resending of jobs by multicast distribution.

0 to 65535


Allow jobs to be sent by multicast distribution#2

Specify this item to send jobs for which multicast distribution is specified, to agents and relay systems by multicast distribution.


Jobs are to be sent by multicast distribution.

Not selected

Jobs are not to be sent by multicast distribution.

Not selected

Multicast address

Specify the multicast address assigned to the distribution-destination multicast group#3. to

Size of one packet

Specify the size of a packet used when a job is distributed.

1 to 60


#1: Because multicast distribution uses the UDP protocol, resending of packets occurs during distribution. Therefore, you must set the port number used for a request for resending.

#2: If you use a router that does not support IP multicast, do not select this option. If you do so, the distribution method is switched to unicast distribution, and it takes time until job distribution finishes.

#3: A multicast group must contain the agents that connect to the management server and the relay systems. If the multicast address for the distribution-destination agents and the relevant relay systems is different from the multicast address specified here, jobs are sent by unicast distribution to the agents and relay systems.

#4: The value of 40 KB is efficient enough for 100BASE communication lines. If the communication line is 10BASE, specify 4 KB. Note that, if the packet size is too large, multicast distribution might fail and change to unicast distribution from the middle of distribution.

Log options



Specifiable values


Record the results of jobs#1

Specify whether to record the execution results of jobs for which no IDs are specified in Remote Install Manager.


The execution results of jobs for which no IDs are specified are recorded in Remote Install Manager.

Not selected

The execution results of jobs for which no IDs are specified are not recorded in Remote Install Manager.


Record result if the job is

Specify the execution status of the jobs to be recorded.


Only the jobs whose execution status is Error are recorded in Remote Install Manager.

Error, Completed

The jobs whose execution status is Error or Completed are recorded in Remote Install Manager.

Error, Completed

Record the results of ID group jobs#2

Specify whether to record the execution results of jobs (for each client) for which IDs are specified.


The execution results of jobs (for each client) for which IDs are specified are recorded.

Not selected

The execution results of jobs (for each client) for which IDs are specified are not recorded.


Record result if the ID group job is

Specify the execution status of the jobs to be recorded.

Error, Finished

Jobs whose execution status is Error or Finished are recorded in Remote Install Manager.

Error, Finished, Completed

Jobs whose execution status is Error, Finished, or Completed are recorded in Remote Install Manager.

Error, Finished, Completed

Note: You can reduce the required disk capacity by recording necessary execution results only. If the large amount of execution results of finished jobs remain, Remote Install Manager might be slower. Therefore, Hitachi recommends that you record only the jobs whose execution status needs to be checked.

#1: The execution status of the following jobs cannot be automatically deleted even after the jobs finish:

  • Send package, allow client users to choose jobs

  • Get system information from computer (UNIX) jobs for which the execution date on agents has been specified

    This job can also be executed on Mac agents.

  • Get software information from computer (UNIX) jobs for which the execution date on agents has been specified

    This job can also be executed on Mac agents.

#2: For the execution results of an agent that belongs to the IDs managed by the relay system, this setting is enabled for all job types. For the execution results of an agent that belongs to the IDs managed by the managing server, this setting is disabled for the following jobs, and all execution statuses are recorded in the managing server:

  • Send package, allow client users to choose jobs

  • Get system information from computer (UNIX) jobs for which the execution date on agents has been specified

    This job can also be executed on Mac agents.

  • Get software information from computer (UNIX) jobs for which the execution date on agents has been specified

    This job can also be executed on Mac agents.

System configuration



Specifiable values


Synchronize changes to the system configuration#

Specify whether to automatically apply the changes in the system configuration information of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 to the system configuration information of the relay system.


The changes in the system configuration information are automatically applied to the system configuration information of the lower system.

Not selected

The changes in the system configuration information are not automatically applied to the system configuration information of the lower system.


Save deletion history

Specify whether to save the history of deleting a host from the system configuration information of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2.


The history of deleting a host from the system configuration information is saved.

Not selected

The history of deleting a host from the system configuration information is not saved.

Not selected

#: In a multi-server configuration, this item is always Selected.

Event service



Specifiable values


Enable the event service

Specify whether to use the JP1/Base event service to report the execution results of jobs and errors in JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 as JP1 events to JP1/IM.


JP1 events are reported to JP1/IM.

Not selected

JP1 events are not reported to JP1/IM.

Not selected

Send job end event - At completion

Specify whether to report that all jobs for all destinations have normally finished.


That all jobs for all destinations have normally finished is reported.

Not selected

That all jobs for all destinations have normally finished is not reported.

Not selected

Send job end event - At error

Specify whether to report that an error occurred in a job.


That an error occurred in a job is reported.

Not selected

That an error occurred in a job is not reported.

Not selected

Send instruction end event - At completion

Specify whether to report that all instructions have normally finished.


That all instructions have normally finished is reported.

Not selected

That all instructions have normally finished is not reported.

Not selected

Send instruction end event - At error

Specify whether to report that an error occurred in an instruction.


That an error occurred in an instruction is reported.

Not selected

That an error occurred in an instruction is not reported.

Not selected

The types of jobs whose execution results can be reported to JP1/IM are shown below. For these jobs, the execution results of jobs can also be reported by more detailed unit (instruction). An instruction is the minimum unit of a job created by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2, and is created for each destination and for each distributed software program. For example, if a job is created that distributes two software programs to each of two destinations, four instructions are created for the job.

  • Install package

  • Transfer package to relay computer

  • Collect files from agent

  • Remote-collect files from agent to relay computer

  • Acquire collected files from relay computer

  • Send package, allow client users to choose

Error Handling



Specifiable values


File names#

Generations of log file to be saved

Specify the maximum number of generations that are to be saved for each log.

1 to 999


Not applicable

MAIN file

Specify the number of lines on which MAIN log entries are output.

500 to 9,999



USER file

Specify the number of lines on which USER log entries are output.

500 to 9,999





COMPO file

Specify the number of lines on which COMPO log entries are output.

500 to 9,999














FUNC file

Specify the number of lines on which FUNC log entries are output.

500 to 9,999






















LONG file

Specify the number of lines on which LONG log entries are output.

500 to 9,999







Type of Event Viewer message

Specify the type of messages that are output to Windows NT's Event Viewer.


Error messages are output.

Error, Warning

Error messages and warning messages are output.

Error, Warning, Information

Error messages, warning messages, and information messages are output.


Not applicable

#: For log files that are not listed here, the number of log generations to be managed and the number of log entries cannot be set.

The capacity of each log file can be calculated by the following formula:

log-file-size (bytes) = (header-size + (size-of-an-entry x number-of-entries)) x (number-of-generations + 1)


17 bytes


192 bytes (except LONG log entries) or 300 bytes (LONG entries)

Audit Log



Specifiable values


Units in which the audit log is to be output

Specify the unit in which the audit log is to be output.

  • Output for each job

  • Output for each command#

Output for each job

#: Note that, if Output for each command is selected, the capacity of the output audit log might greatly consumes free disk space.

Setup of a relay system

Connection-destination settings



Specifiable values


Communicate with the higher system

Specify whether to connect to the management server.


Connected to the management server.

Not selected

Not connected to the management server.


Host name or IP address

Specify the host name or IP address of the management server to connect to.#1

Host name#2 or IPv4 IP address

Host name or IP address of the management server

Port number of management server

Specify the port number that is used when an agent connects to the management server.

5001 to 49151


#1: If, in the settings for address resolution during management server setup, you specified a host name as the node identification key for operation, specify a host name here. If you specified an IP address, specify an IP address here.

#2: Specify the name using a character string of 255 or fewer characters.

Communication settings



Specifiable values


Network Adapter Settings button

Click this button to set the priority among the communication lines used by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 in an environment that has multiple network adapters (multiple LAN connections).



Network adapter settings



Specifiable values


Specify the priority in which network adapters should be used

Specify whether to set the priority among network adapters for use when there are multiple network adapters.


The priority among network adapters is set.

Not selected

The priority among network adapters is not set.

Not selected

Automatically update network adapter information upon service startup or connection

Specify whether network adapter information is automatically updated upon service startup or connection.


Network adapter information is automatically updated.

Not selected

Network adapter information is not automatically updated.


Setup of an agent

Connection-destination settings



Specifiable values


Communicate with the higher system

Specify whether to connect to the following higher systems:

  • Management server

  • Higher system for distribution


Connected to the higher systems.

Not selected

Not connected to the higher systems.


Host name or IP address

Specify the host name or IP address of the management server to connect to.#1

Host name#2 or IPv4 IP address

Host name or IP address of the management server

Port number of management server

Specify the port number that is used when an agent connects to the management server.

5001 to 49151


Perform HTTPS communication with the higher system via the Internet Gateway

Specify whether an agent connects to a higher system via the Internet gateway.


An agent connects to a higher system via the Internet gateway.

Not selected

An agent does not connect to a higher system via the Internet gateway.

Not selected

Host Name or IP address

Specify the host name of the Internet gateway server or IP address.

Set a common name for the SSL server certificate. In the case of a wildcard certificate, specify the host name and the subdomain instead of the asterisk (*). When you set set an IP address as a common name, specify the IP address.

Host name#3 or IPv4 IP address


Port Number (Internet Connection Settings)

Specify the port number to be used when an agent connects to the Internet gateway server.

1 to 65535


#1: If, in the settings for address resolution during management server setup, you specified a host name as the node identification key for operation, specify a host name here. If you specified an IP address, specify an IP address here.

#2: Specify the name using a character string of 255 or fewer characters.

#3: Specify the name using a character string of 255 or fewer characters with single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:

hyphen (-) and period (.)

The beginning and the end of the character string must be single-byte alphanumeric characters.

Communication settings



Specifiable values


Settings for network adapters button

Click this button to set the priority among the communication lines used by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 in an environment that has multiple network adapters (multiple LAN connections).



Authenticate the User

Specify whether to authenticate the user with basic authentication provided by Microsoft Internet Information Services when an agent connects to the Internet gateway server.


The user is authenticated.

Not selected

The user is not authenticated.

Not selected

User ID (Authenticate the User)

Specify a user ID for user authentication.

A string that contains no more than 276 characters


Password (Authenticate the User)

Specify a password for user authentication.

A string that contains no more than 48 single-byte characters

Retype Password (Authenticate the User)

For confirmation, enter the specified password again.

  • Use the values set on the management server

  • Use the values set on the client

Select whether to use the value set on the management server or the one set on the client as the proxy server setting.

Use the values set on the management server

The value set on the management server is used as the proxy server setting.

Use the values set on the client

The value set on the client is used as the proxy server setting.

Use the values set on the management server

Use Proxy Server

Specify whether an agent communicates with the Internet gateway by using a proxy server.


An agent communicates with the Internet gateway by using a proxy server.

Not selected

An agent communicates with the Internet gateway without using a proxy server.

Not selected

Host name or IP Address (Use Proxy Server)

Specify the host name or IP address of the proxy server.

Host name# or IPv4-format IP address


Port Number (Use Proxy Server)

Specify the port number of the proxy server.

1 to 65535

User ID (Use Proxy Server)

Specify a user ID for the proxy server.

A string that contains no more than 276 characters

Password (Use Proxy Server)

Specify a password for the proxy server.

A string that contains no more than 48 single-byte characters

Retype Password (Use Proxy Server)

For confirmation, enter the specified password again.

#: Specify the name using a character string of 255 or fewer characters.

Network Adapter Settings



Specifiable values


Specify the priority in which network adapters should be used#

Specify whether to set the priority among network adapters for use when there are multiple network adapters.


The priority among network adapters is set.

Not selected

The priority among network adapters is not set.

Not selected

Automatically update network adapter information upon service startup or connection

Specify whether network adapter information is automatically updated upon service startup or connection.


Network adapter information is automatically updated.

Not selected

Network adapter information is not automatically updated.


#: Do not select this item when you use the file for connection destinations (itdmhost.conf) for agents. This file is used when, for example, multiple management servers are provided for each range of assigned IP addresses for distributed management to prevent the number of devices managed by a management server from exceeding the limit. If this item is selected, the IP address used to determine the connection destination of an agent is collected from the network adapter having the highest priority. If IP addresses of managed devices are automatically assigned by the DHCP server, the connection destination might change each time the assigned IP address changes. Therefore, in the file for connection destinations, you need to specify the connection destination appropriate for the range of IP addresses that the DHCP server automatically assigns. For example, if the DHCP server assigns IP addresses in the range from to, specify the connection destination for devices whose IP address is in the range from to in the file for connection destinations. You also need to ensure that you understand the IP addresses used by managed devices.

If you upgrade JP1/IT Desktop Management 2, the existing configuration items are displayed without changes, and the default values are displayed for new configuration items.

Setup of an Internet gateway

Connection-destination settings



Specifiable values


Management server

Host name or IP address

Specify either the host name or the IP address of the management server to which the Internet gateway is connecting.

Host name#1 or IPv4-format IP address


Port number

Specify the port number to be used when the Internet gateway connects to the management server.

5001 to 49151


Higher system for distribution that uses Remote Install Manager

  • Management server

  • Relay system

Select a higher system used for distribution by using Remote Installation Manager.

Management server

Specify a management server as a higher system used for distribution by using Remote Installation Manager.

Relay system

Specify a relay system as a higher system used for distribution by using Remote Installation Manager.

Management server

Host name or IP address#5

Specify the host name or the IP address of the higher system used for distribution (management server or relay system).

Host name#2 or IPv4-format IP address


Port number (management server)#3

Specify the port number to be used when the Internet gateway connects to the management server.

1 to 65535


Port number (relay system)#4

Specify the port number to be used when the Internet gateway connects to the relay system.

1 to 65535


#1: Specify the name using a character string of 255 or fewer characters. When you use Remote Install Manager for distribution and the host name of the management server exceeds 64 characters, specify the IP address.

#2: Specify the name using a character string of 64 or fewer single-byte characters.

#3: You can edit this item only when you have selected Management server.

#4: You can edit this item only when you have selected Relay system.


Using Remote Install Manager for distribution

Install a relay system to the Internet gateway server, and specify Relay system to Higher system for distribution that uses Remote Install Manager and localhost to Host name or IP address.

Not using Remote Install Manager for distribution

Specify Management server to Higher system for distribution that uses Remote Install Manager and the host name or the IP address of the management server to Host name or IP address.

(3) User account parameters

The following table lists and describes the parameters in the Account Management view that opens from User Management in the Settings module.




Specifiable values


User Account

Set the user account for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2.

User account


User ID

Specify the user ID used to log in to an operation window.

A character string of 64 or fewer single-byte characters#1



Specify the password for the user ID.

A character string of 32 or fewer single-byte characters#2


Retype Password

Enter the password again.

A character string of 32 or fewer single-byte characters#2


User Name

Specify the user account name.

A character string of 128 or fewer characters



Specify the email address of the user account user.

Email character string



Enter a description of the user account.

A character string of 1,024 or fewer characters


System Administrator#3

Specify whether to assign system administrator permission to the user account.


System administrator permission is assigned.

Not selected

System administrator permission is not assigned.

Not selected

User Management#3

Specify whether to assign user account management permission to the user account.


User account management permission is assigned.

Not selected

User account management permission is not assigned.

Not selected

Security management

Specify whether to set security management as a task for the user account.


Security management is set as a task for the user account.

Not selected

Security management is not set as a task for the user account.


Asset management

Specify whether to set asset management as a task for the user account.


Asset management is set as a task for the user account.

Not selected

Asset management is not set as a task for the user account.


Device management

Specify whether to set device management as a task for the user account.


Device management is set as a task for the user account.

Not selected

Device management is not set as a task for the user account.


Distribution management

Specify whether to set distribution management as a task for the user account.


Distribution management is set as a task for the user account.

Not selected

Distribution management is not set as a task for the user account.


System configuration management

Specify whether to set system configuration management as a task for the user account.


System configuration management is set as a task for the user account.

Not selected

System configuration management is not set as a task for the user account.

Not selected

Set the administration scope for this user account

Specify whether to set an administration scope for the user account.


An administration scope is set for the user account.

Not selected

No administration scope is set for the user account.

Not selected

Administration scope

Specify the administration scope.

Groups in the department

Not set.


Displayed only when the user account has been locked. If Disabled has been selected, you cannot log in to JP1/IT Desktop Management 2.


You can unlock the user account.


The user account has been locked.



Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:

Exclamation marks (!), double quotation marks ("), hash marks (#), dollar signs ($), percent signs (%), ampersands (&), single quotation marks ('), parentheses, asterisks (*), plus signs (+), commas (,), hyphens (-), periods (.), forward slashes (/), colons (:), semicolons (;), less-than signs (<), equal signs (=), more-than signs (>), question marks (?), at marks (@), square brackets, backslashes (\), carets (^), underscores (_), grave accent marks (`), curly brackets, vertical bars (|), swung dashes (~), and single-byte spaces


Observe the following rules when setting a password for the user account.

  • Use 8 to 32 characters.

  • Use single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:

    Exclamation marks (!), double quotation marks ("), hash marks (#), dollar signs ($), percent signs (%), ampersands (&), single quotation marks ('), parentheses, asterisks (*), plus signs (+), commas(,), hyphens (-), periods (.), forward slashes (/), colons (:), semicolons (;), less-than signs (<), equal signs (=), more-than signs (>), question marks (?), at marks (@), square brackets, backslashes (\), carets (^), underscores (_), grave accent marks (`), curly brackets, vertical bars (|), swung dashes (~), and single-byte spaces

  • Use a combination of two or more types of characters.

  • Use a character string that is different from the user ID.

  • When changing the password, use a different character string from the current one.


If neither System Administrator nor User Management is selected, view permission is assigned to the user account.

Email Notification Destinations:



Specifiable values


Email Notification Destinations:

Specify the email notification destination that is used by the email notification function.

Email notification destination


User Name

Specify the name of the email notification destination.

A character string of 128 or fewer characters



Specify the email address of the email notification destination.

Email character string



Specify a description of the email notification destination.

A character string of 1,024 or fewer characters


(4) Agent parameters

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the Add Agent Configuration and Edit Agent Configuration dialog boxes that open from the Windows Agent Configurations and Create Agent Installers view in the Settings module.

Furthermore, if you are operating on a management server for which the large-scale management option was enabled, the default values for some items may vary. For details about the differences in default values, see 2.25.1 Differences due to the large-scale management option.

Basic settings



Specifiable values


Management server

Host name or IP address

Specify the host name or IP address of the management server that the agent connects to.

Host name#1 or IPv4 address

Host name or IP address of the management server

Port number

Specify the port number that the agent uses to connect to the management server.

5001 to 49151

Port number specified for Port number for Agent connection in the Port Number Settings dialog box during management server setup

Higher-level system for distribution that uses Remote Install Manager#2

System type

Specify the higher-level system for distribution using Remote Install Manager. In the following cases, make sure to specify Management server:

  • When you create an agent configuration that is to be assigned to the relay system.

  • When you edit the default agent configuration.

  • Management server

  • Relay system

Management server

Host name or IP address

Specify the host name or IP address of the higher-level system for distribution using Remote Install Manager. In the following cases, make sure to specify the host name or IP address of the management server:

  • When you create an agent configuration that is to be assigned to the relay system.

  • When you edit the default agent configuration.

Host name#3 or IPv4 address

Host name or IP address of the management server

Port number for distribution (for the management server)

Specify the port number that is used when the agent connects to the management server for distribution.

1 to 65535

Port number specified for IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager (management server) of Port numbers under Related to Communications in the Setup for Distribution by Using Remote Install Manager dialog box during management server setup

Port number for distribution (for the relay system)

Specify the port number that is used when the agent connects to the relay system for distribution.

1 to 65535

Port number specified for IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager (Relay System) of Port numbers under Related to Communications in the Setup for Distribution by Using Remote Install Manager dialog box during management server setup

Internet Connection Settings

Perform HTTPS communication with the higher system via the Internet Gateway

Specify whether an agent connects to a higher system via the Internet gateway.


An agent connects to a higher system via the Internet gateway.

Not selected

An agent does not connect to a higher system via the Internet gateway.

Not selected

Internet Gateway

Host Name or IP address

Specify the host name or IP address of the Internet gateway server.

Set a common name for the SSL server certificate. In the case of a wildcard certificate, specify the host name and the subdomain instead of the asterisk (*). When you set set an IP address as a common name, specify the IP address.

Host name#12 or IPv4 IP address


Internet Gateway

Port Number

Specify the port number to be used when an agent connects to the Internet gateway server.

1 to 65535


Port Number to Be Used by the Agent

Specify the port number to be used within an agent when the agent connects to the Internet gateway server.

1 to 65534


Communicate directly with the higher system if the Internet Gateway is unavailable

Specify whether an agent communicate directly with the higher system if the Internet Gateway is unavailable.


An agent communicate directly with the higher system if the Internet Gateway is unavailable.

Not selected

An agent does not communicate directly with the higher system if the Internet Gateway is unavailable.

Not selected

Communicate with the higher-level system

Specify whether the agent communicates with the higher-level system.


The agent communicates with the higher-level system. Select the check box to manage computers online.

Not selected

The agent does not communicate with the higher-level system. Clear the check box to manage computers offline.


Periodically notify the higher system of the information collected from the computer

Specify whether to periodically notify the higher system of the information collected from the computer.


Information is periodically sent to the higher system.

Not selected

Information is not sent to the higher system.


Monitoring interval - Security items (minutes)

Specify the monitoring interval for updates of device information related to agent security.#4

1 to 9999


Monitoring interval - Other information (minutes)

Specify the monitoring interval for updates of device information other than agent security.#4

1 to 9999


Flow Control

Specify whether to use flow control to limit how much data the ITDM-compatible distribution function can transfer per hour when transferring packages to agents from the management server.

Use this parameter for compatibility with the JP1/IT Desktop Management settings. If you do not need compatibility with JP1/IT Desktop Management, select OFF.


Flow control is used. Specify, in the range from 30 to 99 (99 by default), the maximum percentage of network bandwidth the distribution function can use per hour.


Flow control is not used.


Perform polling based on the system startup#5

Specify whether to perform polling based on the system startup.


Polling is performed based on the system startup.

Not selected

Polling is not performed based on the system startup.


Polling timing

Select, from the drop-down list, when polling is to be performed at system startup.#6

Before the client starts

When the agent starts, polling is performed, and then downloaded packages are installed.#7

After the client starts

When the agent starts, downloaded packages are installed, and then polling is performed.#8

Before the client starts

Polling method

Specify the polling method.

Perform polling one time (only when the system starts)

Polling is performed only once when the system starts. You can select Perform polling on every system startup or Perform polling only during the first system startup (once a day) from the drop-down list only when you select Before the client starts for Polling timing.

Periodically perform polling on every system startup

Polling is performed at a specified interval. Specify the interval in the range from 1 to 720 minutes.

Periodically perform polling on every system startup (30 minutes)

Polling start time

Specify the time to wait before polling is started after the system starts, and the timing of startup of polling.

Start polling during system startup

Polling is started at the same time the system starts.

Start polling at the specified timing

Polling is started at an arbitrary timing after the agent starts, until the specified time (seconds) has passed. Specify the time, in the range from 1 to 300 seconds (1 second by default), until which polling is to be started.#9

Start polling at the specified timing

Polling is started after the specified time period (seconds) has passed after the agent starts. Specify the time in the range from 1 to 7200 seconds (1 second by default).

Start polling during system startup

Perform polling at the specified time

Specify whether to perform polling once a day at the specified time.


Polling is performed at the specified time.

Not selected

Polling is not performed at the specified time.

Not selected

Execution time

Specify the time polling is to be executed.

00:00 to 23:59


Detection of change in JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent

Specify whether to display an event indicating that the contents of the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent installation folder have been changed.

Clear this check box only when you need to reduce the memory usage on the managed computer. If you clear this check box, the amount of used virtual memory is reduced by approximately 8 MB.

Note that if you clear this check box, Location under the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent installation folder will not be monitored. Therefore, even if the components are configured to be automatically updated, automatic re-installation (recovery) of an agent does not work, thus lowering the security level.


An event is displayed.

Not selected

An event is not displayed.


Internet Gateway Communication Settings

Authenticate the User

Specify whether to authenticate the user with basic authentication provided by Microsoft Internet Information Services when an agent connects to the Internet gateway server.


The user is authenticated.

Not selected

The user is not authenticated.

Not selected

Authenticate the User

User ID

Specify a user ID for user authentication.

A string that contains no more than 276 characters


Authenticate the User


Specify a password for user authentication.

A string that contains no more than 48 single-byte characters

Authenticate the User

Retype Password

For confirmation, enter the specified password again.

Use Proxy Server

Specify whether an agent communicates with the Internet gateway by using a proxy server.


An agent communicates with the Internet gateway by using a proxy server.

Not selected

An agent communicates with the Internet gateway without using a proxy server.

Not selected

Use Proxy Server

Host name or IP Address

Specify the Host name or IP address of the proxy server.

Host name#13 or IPv4-format IP address


Use Proxy Server

Port Number

Specify the port number of the proxy server.

1 to 65535

Use Proxy Server

User ID

Specify a user ID for the proxy server.

A string that contains no more than 276 characters

Use Proxy Server


Specify a password for the proxy server.

A string that contains no more than 48 single-byte characters

Use Proxy Server

Retype Password

For confirmation, enter the specified password again.

Issue an error if an attempt to connect to the Internet Gateway is made after the server certificate expires

Specify whether communication with the Internet gateway should end in failure when the server certificate expires.


Communication with the Internet gateway ends in failure when the server certificate expires.

Not selected

Even when the server certificate expires, communication with the Internet gateway does not end in failure.

Not selected

Size of Files into Which Uploaded Files Are to Be Split

Set the split size of the file to be sent in kilobytes. Change this value when the proxy server, Microsoft Internet Information Services or other destination server has space limitations.#14

10 to 102400


Customize Installation Options#10

Specify the path into which the agent is to be installed.

A character string of 64 or fewer characters#11


#1: Specify the host name using a character string of 255 or fewer characters.

#2: The value set for this item is always the same as the value for the higher-level system that is displayed in Higher-level system to be polled of Communication settings as the first-priority higher-level system.

#3: Specify the host name using a character sting of 64 or fewer characters. Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, periods (.), and hyphens (-).

#4: For the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server, specify "1440" so that the monitoring interval becomes once a day. If you specify a value lower than "1440", the functions might be affected because the load becomes heavy in operation.

#5: If you execute a job after setting the timing of software execution to Execute the next time the system starts, select the Perform polling based on the system startup check box.

#6: If the agent is not started during job execution, you can use this setting to control the timing for installing packages for which Install when system starts is set.

#7: If a package with Install when system starts specified has already been registered in the managing server, the package is installed immediately after it is downloaded due to the polling upon system startup. Therefore, installation is completed during one system startup. If the ITDM2_Startup folder has been created, the programs registered in the ITDM2_Startup folder are started after the packages with Install when system starts specified are installed. If you want the startup of the programs registered in the ITDM2_Startup folder to be performed earlier, specify After the client starts.

#8: The packages that have already been downloaded are installed when the system starts, but the packages that are downloaded later due to polling and with Install when system starts specified are installed next time the system starts.

#9: When this setting has been specified, even if multiple agents start at the same time, they do not try to connect to the higher system at the same time, which can distribute the load on the network. Setting a larger value for this item can reduce the load when the system performance is not sufficient for the number of agents connected to the higher system, or when too much load is placed on the network.

#10: This item is displayed only when the default agent is set.

#11: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, percent signs (%), periods (.), parentheses, backslashes (\), and underscores (_).

#12: Specify the name using a character string of 255 or fewer characters with single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:

hyphen (-) and period (.)

The beginning and the end of the character string must be single-byte alphanumeric characters.

#13: Specify the name using a character string of 249 or fewer characters with single-byte alphanumeric characters and the following symbols:

hyphen (-) and period (.)

The beginning and the end of the character string must be single-byte alphanumeric characters.

#14: If Request Filtering, which is a role service provided by Microsoft Internet Information Services, is installed, the upload file size is restricted to 30,000,000 bytes by default. Request Filtering is installed by default when Microsoft Internet Information Services is installed.

Password settings



Specifiable values


Settings to protect agents

Setting Password Protection will prevent end users from modifying agent configuration and uninstallation

Specify whether to set a password to prevent users from changing the agent setup settings or performing uninstallation.


A password is requested upon agent setup and uninstallation.

Not selected

No password is requested upon agent setup and uninstallation.



Specify the password that will be requested upon agent setup or uninstallation.

A character string of 1 to 128 ASCII characters


Confirm password

Re-enter the specified password for confirmation.

Settings to protect information from external storage media.#

Use a password to protect information sent using external storage media.

Specify whether to set a password to protect information in external storage media from users.


A password is requested to retrieve information from external storage media.

Not selected

No password is requested to retrieve information from external storage media.

Not selected


Specify the password that will be requested when information in external storage media is retrieved.

A string of 1 to 128 ASCII characters


Confirm password

Re-enter the specified password for confirmation.

Protection settings for registering USB devices

Protect USB Device Registration with Password

Specify whether to set a password to prevent the user from registering a USB device.


A password is requested to register a USB device.

Not selected

No password is requested to register a USB device.

Not selected


Specify the password that will be requested to register the USB device.

A string of 1 to 128 ASCII characters


Confirm password

Re-enter the specified password for confirmation.

#: If the version is upgraded from JP1/IT Desktop Management earlier than 10-01 to JP1/IT Desktop Management 2, the password specified for Settings to protect agents is automatically set.

Relay system settings



Specifiable values


Settings of the system where IDs will be registered

Management server

Host name or IP address

As the host name or IP address of the higher system where IDs will be registered, the host name or IP address specified for Management server of Basic settings is displayed.



System where IDs will be registered

System type

Select the type of system where IDs will be registered.

  • Management server

  • Relay system

Relay system

Host name or IP address

Specify the host name or IP address of the system selected by System type of System where IDs will be registered.#1

If you selected Relay system for System type of System where IDs will be registered when creating an agent configuration to be assigned to the relay system, Hitachi recommend that you specify localhost.

Host name#2 or IPv4 address


Specify ID Key for Operations

Select the ID key for operations (information for identifying a computer) that is used for distribution using Remote Install Manager.

  • Host name

    When you create or execute a job, select Use the Windows network or Use the system configuration information of IT Desktop Management 2 from the drop-down list as the address resolution method. (The default is Use the Windows network.)

  • IP address

Host name or IP address that was specified in the Settings for Address Resolution dialog box during management server setup

Settings to send notifications to JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager

Transmission timing for processing result files

Specify the timing of sending notification files received from lower systems to the managing server.

  • Immediately

  • Periodically


Receive jobs and transmit result file processing in parallel

Specify whether the relay system will execute reception of jobs (download) and transmission of notification files (upload) in parallel during communication with the connected higher system (management server).


Reception of jobs and transmission of processing result files are performed in parallel.

Not selected

Reception of jobs and transmission of processing result files are not performed in parallel.


Notify JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Manager of the status of the split distribution executed on the lower JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent

Specify whether to notify the higher system of the state of progress of the split distribution (of packages) being executed on the lower system.


Notification of the state of progress of the split distribution is sent to the higher system.

Not selected

Notification of the state of progress of the split distribution is not sent to the higher system.

Not selected

Processing settings for the relay system

Number of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agents that can be connected to the relay system concurrently

Specify the number of agents that can be connected to the relay system concurrently.

4 to 1000#3


Number of job download requests for JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agents

Specify the number of agents to be executed concurrently#4 when a job is executed.

Specify the number of job download requests to be executed concurrently

Specify the number of jobs to be executed concurrently in the range from 1 to 9999.

Do not execute job download requests

Because the startup message is not sent to agents, startup of agents using job execution or client control is not available.

Specify the number of job download requests to be executed concurrently (20)

Job management file cache

Specify the upper limit of the cache size#5 on the relay system's memory for the executed job information (management files).

Specify the upper limit of the cache size

Specify the upper limit of the cache size on the memory in the range from 1 to 1,000,000 KB.

Do not cache

Executed job information (management files) is not cached.

Specify the upper limit of the cache size (100,000 KB)

Monitor the startup of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent when a job is executed

Specify whether to change the job execution status to Startup failure and report it to the managing server when a job is not executed because the agent is not running.


The execution status of ID jobs that normally finished on the agent is reported to the relay system.

Not selected

The execution status of ID jobs that normally finished on the agent is not reported to the relay system.


Subdivide the cause of startup failures

Specify whether to subdivide the cause of agent's startup failures and report it to the managing server.


The cause of startup failures is subdivided.

Not selected

The cause of startup failures is not subdivided.


Note: The Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server does not support relay systems.

#1: If, during the setup for the management server, you specified a host name as the ID key for operations specified in Settings for Address Resolution, specify a host name here. If you specified an IP address, specify an IP address here.

#2: Specify the host name using a character string of 64 or fewer single-byte characters.

#3: The value specified in Number of JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agents that can Be Connected to the Relay System Concurrently can exceed the upper limit when JP1/IT Desktop Management version is 10-10 or earlier, or at a time immediately after JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 is upgraded from version 10-50. In this case, a dialog will appear to prompt you to change the upper limit when you click the Edit button in the relevant agent configurations in the Agent - Windows Agent Configurations and Create Agent Installers view under the Settings module.

#4: Specifically, this number is the number of startup messages that the managing server sends to agents at one time. If the number of agents on which jobs are executed is larger than the specified value, the jobs are divided and executed based on this specified value. If 0 is specified, startup messages are not sent to the lower system, so that execution of jobs initiated by the higher system and startup of the destination using client control will not be available. Note that you must specify the size of a file to be distributed, considering the network performance. If the size is too large (10 MB or more), the network load might increase even with a few agent connections.

#5: If the total size of management files exceeds its upper limit, the throughput of job processing will decrease. Hitachi recommends that you specify an appropriate value for the upper limit of cache size of management files based on the scale of your operation environment, in order to prevent any decrease in throughput of job processing. Use the formula below to calculate the guideline value to be specified, by entering the estimated values for individual elements. If the cache size exceeds its upper limit due to an increase in the number of management files, delete the management file that is least referenced, and then cache a new management file. If Do not cache is selected, the job management files on a disk are accessed every time agents request polling, so replying to the agents might be delayed.

Cache size for management files (KB) = number of executed jobs stored in the relay system x number of destinations for each job x number of packages for each job (for remote installation jobs) x 1 KB

User notification settings



Specifiable values


Settings to shut down and restart the computer#1

For user computers, display a dialog box that instructs the user to shut down or restart the computer

Specify whether the user's computer accepts the administrator's instructions for shutdown and restart of the computer.#2


The user's computer accepts the administrator's instructions for shutdown and restart of the computer.

Not selected

The user's computer does not accept the administrator's instructions for shutdown and restart of the computer.


Computer shutdown or restart timing

Specify the timing the user's computer starts shutting down or restarting when an update program or a program that requires restarting is distributed.

Automatically start if no response is received from the user within the specified period

Shutdown or restart is automatically started. Specify the time to wait until the automatic startup begins in the range from 1 to 1440 minutes.#3

Follow the response of the user in the dialog box that instructs the user to shut down or restart the computer

Neither shutdown nor restart is started until the user responds.

Automatically start if no response is received from the user within the specified period (3 minutes)

Display Settings on User Computers

When an action item user is notified of a message

Specify whether to display a balloon tip on the user's computer when the user receives a message that is set as the security determination result in Action Items for a security policy.#4

Displayed (balloon tip)

A balloon tip is displayed on the user's computer.


A balloon tip is not displayed on the user's computer.

Displayed (balloon tip)

When users are instructed to restart the computer

Specify whether to display a balloon tip on the user's computer when restart of the computer is required due to application of security policies or software.#4

Displayed (balloon tip)

A balloon tip is displayed on the user's computer.


A balloon tip is not displayed on the user's computer.

Displayed (balloon tip)

When a user input window is displayed

Specify whether to display, on the user's computer, the message indicating that the system administrator requests input of user information.#4

Displayed (user input screen)

The window for entering user information is displayed on the user's computer.

Displayed (balloon tip)

A balloon tip is displayed on the user's computer.


Neither the window for entering user information nor a balloon tip is displayed on the user's computer.

Displayed (balloon tip)

When distributing packages (ITDM-compatible distribution)

Select whether to display a balloon tip on the user's computer when software distribution is performed.#4

Displayed (balloon tip)

A balloon tip is displayed on the user's computer.


A balloon tip is not displayed on the user's computer.

Displayed (balloon tip)

Display settings for notification dialog boxes

Display when a job fails

Specify whether the notification dialog box is displayed on the user's computer when a job fails.#5


The notification dialog box is displayed on the user's computer.

Not selected

The notification dialog box is not displayed on the user's computer.

Not selected

If a shortcut file that failed to start from ITDM2_Startup exists, display a message asking whether to delete the shortcut file

Specify whether to display a confirmation dialog box for deletion of icons and shortcut files that have been registered in the ITDM2_Startup folder and cannot be executed.#6, #7


A confirmation dialog box is displayed for deletion of icons and shortcut files that cannot be executed.

Not selected

The confirmation dialog box is not displayed for deletion of icons and shortcut files that cannot be executed.

Not selected

#1: This setting is ignored if the computer is the relay system.

#2: Because the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server does not support the display of a dialog box that instructs the user to shut down or restart the computer, clear this check box.

#3: A confirmation dialog box is displayed on the user's computer until the time specified here passes.

#4: Because the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server does not support the display of a balloon tip, select Hidden.

#5: For the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS servers, specify "Not selected" because displaying of a notification dialog is not supported when an execution of a job fails.

#6: You might not be able to execute a program because the execution file of the program registered in the ITDM2_Startup folder has already been uninstalled. In such a case, you can set to display a confirmation dialog box asking whether to delete icons and shortcut files that cannot be executed.

#7: Because the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server does not support the display of a dialog box that asks for confirmation to delete the icons and shortcut files that cannot be executed, clear this check box.

Job settings



Specifiable values


Display settings for dialog boxes indicating that a job is being processed

Display a dialog box indicating that processing is in progress

Specify whether to display a dialog box indicating that download or installation is being processed on the agent.#1


A dialog box indicating that download or installation is being processed is displayed.

Not selected

A dialog box indicating that download or installation is being processed is not displayed.


Display a dialog box indicating that a package is being downloaded

Specify whether to display a dialog box indicating that a package is being downloaded.


A dialog box indicating that a package is being downloaded is displayed.

Not selected

A dialog box indicating that a package is being downloaded is not displayed.


Displayed dialog box

Specify the type of dialog box indicating that download processing is in progress.

Default dialog box

The dialog box provided by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 by default is displayed.

Dialog box specified by the program

The specified program created by a user for displaying a dialog box is started and the corresponding dialog box is displayed.

Default dialog box

Display a dialog box indicating that a package is being installed

Specify whether to display a dialog box indicating that a package is being installed.


A dialog box indicating that a package is being installed is displayed.

Not selected

A dialog box indicating that a package is being installed is not displayed.


Displayed dialog box

Specify the type of dialog box indicating that installation processing is in progress.

Default dialog box

The dialog box provided by JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 by default is displayed.

Dialog box specified by the program

The specified program created by a user for displaying a dialog box is started and the corresponding dialog box is displayed.

Default dialog box

Display the dialog box in the forefront

Specify whether to display the dialog box in the foreground, to indicate that installation processing is in progress.


The dialog box indicating that installation processing is in progress is displayed in the foreground.

Not selected

The dialog box indicating that installation processing is in progress is not displayed in the foreground.

Not selected

Program to display dialog boxes

Specify the name of a program to display dialog boxes when Dialog box specified by the program is selected as the type of dialog boxes to be displayed.

The path to a program (a program file whose extension is exe) created by a user for displaying dialog boxes.#2


Settings to perform a retry when a remote installation or remote collection fails

Perform a retry

Specify whether to perform a retry when an error occurs while remote installation or remote collection of user programs or data is in progress.


A retry is performed.

Not selected

No retry is performed.


Retry count

Specify the retry count that is allowed.

1 to 100


Retry interval

Specify the retry interval.

Periodically perform retries

Specify the interval in the range from 1 to 3600 (seconds).

Immediately perform retries

The specified number of retries are performed without interval.

Periodically perform retries (1 second)

Settings for split distribution of packages

Split packages to be distributed#3

Specify whether to split and distribute a package if it is larger than the size specified here.


A package is split into the size specified here and distributed.

Not selected

A package is distributed without being split.


Split size

Specify the size a package is to be split.

This split size is applied to each package to be distributed.

When specified in KB:

1 to 2097151

When specified in MB:

1 to 2047


Transmission suspension period

Specify the interval (suspension period) between split distributions of a package.

1 to 1440


Installation waiting time settings

Time to wait for a response from the installer

Specify the maximum time to wait for the response from the installer during remote installation of a Hitachi program product.

If no response is received when the specified time expires, an error is reported to the higher system.

180 to 7200


Settings to permit job holds#4

Permit users to hold jobs

Specify whether to have the user select whether to execute a job transmitted from the higher system.#5


The user selects whether to execute the job.#6

Not selected

The user does not select whether to execute the job.

Not selected

Timing to release job holds

Specify the timing to release temporary job holds when whether to execute jobs is selected by the user.

Automatically release job holds if no user response is received within the specified period

Specify the time (in the range from 1 to 1800 seconds) to wait until job holds are released.#7

Do not release job holds until a user response is received

Execution of jobs is held until the response from the user is received.#8

Automatically release job holds if no user response is received within the specified period (180 seconds)

Settings to suppress notifications

Suppress notifications on jobs waiting to be installed and collected

Specify whether to suppress notifications on jobs waiting to be installed or collected, to the higher system.#9


Notifications to the higher system are suppressed.

Not selected

Notifications to the higher system are not suppressed.

Not selected

Interval transmission settings

Perform interval transmissions

Specify whether to split a file by the specified unit and transmit the split files at the interval during file transmission to an agent.


Interval transmissions are performed.

Not selected

Interval transmissions are not performed.

Not selected

Number of continuous transmission buffers

Specify the number of buffers to be used for one file transmission.

1 to 4294967295


Transmission interval

Specify the interval (suspension period) between interval transmissions.

1 to 4294967295


#1: For the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server, specify "Not selected" because displaying dialog boxes indicating that a job is being processed is not supported.

#2: A program created by a user for displaying dialog boxes does not have to display a dialog box. However, it must satisfy the conditions below, including parameters and the window name. Even if the specified user program does not display a dialog box correctly due to an error in the settings, or other reason, the processing continues regardless of the user program's behavior.

The specification format of the arguments that are passed to a program for displaying dialog boxes is shown below. Refer to this format when you create a user program.

parameter-1 parameter-2 parameter-3 parameter-4

Specify whether to always display dialog boxes on top (1 single-byte character).

1: Dialog boxes are not displayed on top.

2: Dialog boxes are always displayed on top.


Specify the type of dialog box being processed (1 single-byte character).

1: Dialog box during download

2: Dialog box during installation


Package ID (1 to 44 single-byte characters)


Package name (1 to 50 single-byte characters or 1 to 25 double-byte characters)


The following are examples for specifying individual types of dialog boxes:

  • Dialog box during download

    1 1 package-ID package-name
  • Dialog box during installation (when it is not displayed on top)

    1 2 package-ID package-name
  • Dialog box during installation (when it is always displayed on top)

    2 2 package-ID package-name
Window name of the dialog box to be displayed

The window name must be the ones shown below. If you set a window name other than these, you will not be able to hide the dialog box. For the katakana in the window name, specify single-byte kana characters.

  • Dialog box during download

    IT Desktop Management 2 - Download

  • Dialog box during installation

    IT Desktop Management 2 - Installation

JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 issues the PostMessage function (with WM_CLOSE specified) to direct the user program to stop displaying the dialog box, and then issues the TerminateProcess function to stop the user program process.

#3: Select this check box when you want to reduce the network load. Note that, even if a package for which split distribution is set is distributed, split distribution is not performed if this check box is cleared.

#4: This setting is ignored for the relay system.

#5: Because the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server does not allow users to put jobs on hold, clear this check box.

#6: When a job is transmitted from the higher system, the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Job Suspended dialog box is displayed, and the user can select whether to execute the job. If the user does not want to execute the job immediately, execution of the job can be temporarily suspended. Note that only the Install package jobs in the GUI installation mode can be suspended unless the execution date (installation date and time of the package, or execution date and time of the job) is specified.

#7: The specified number of seconds is displayed (as the remaining time until the execution) in the JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Job Suspended dialog box. If the value becomes 0, the displayed job is automatically executed, and the dialog box closes.

#8: The JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 Job Suspended dialog box remains displayed until the user operates on the dialog box.

#9: Usually, the display of the Job status window changes at each notification because there is a time gap until completion (or failure) of installation or collection is reported to the higher system after completion of job distribution. However, completion or failure might be reported immediately after notifications on jobs waiting to be installed and collected. If you suppresses notifications, you can reduce the network load (traffic of 170 bytes (340 bytes for ID jobs) for each notification), You can also reduce update processing for the job status on the higher system. You can suppress the following types of jobs:

When the above types of jobs are executed, notifications are suppressed if both Job specification and Suppression condition in the following table are satisfied.

Job specification

Suppression condition

Installation date/time

Install when system starts

GUI installation mode




The specified date and time had passed when distribution of the job was completed.




  • Before the system starts has been set for Polling timing on the agent.

  • The job was distributed during polling at system startup.




  • Before the system starts has been set for Polling timing on the agent.

  • The job was distributed during polling at system startup.

  • The specified date and time had passed when distribution of the job was completed.




Logon to the agent had finished when distribution of the job was completed.




  • The specified date and time had passed when distribution of the job was completed.

  • Logon to the agent had finished when distribution of the job was completed.




  • Before the system starts has been set for Polling timing on the agent.

  • The job was distributed during polling at system startup.

  • Logon to the agent had finished when distribution of the job was completed.




  • Before the system starts has been set for Polling timing on the agent.

  • The job was distributed during polling at system startup.

  • The specified date and time had passed when distribution of the job was completed.

  • Logon to the agent had finished when distribution of the job was completed.

Legend: Yes: Specified. No: Not specified.

#1: The Collect files from agent and Remote-collect files from agent to relay computer jobs are not subject to suppression.

#2: Only the Install package jobs are subject to suppression.

Communication settings



Specifiable values


Settings to perform polling for multiple higher systems#1

Perform polling for multiple higher systems

Specify whether to perform polling (monitoring of directions from the managing server) for multiple higher systems when the managing server can execute a job using multiple paths.#2

The following higher systems can be set for the polling targets:

  • Management server

  • Relay system

Do not set to perform polling for multiple higher systems in the following cases:

  • When you create an agent configuration to be assigned to the relay system

  • When you edit the default agent configuration


Polling is performed for multiple higher systems.

To add a higher system to the polling targets, click the Add button. Then, in the displayed dialog box, specify the host name or IP address, type, and priority of the higher system.

The added higher systems are displayed in Higher-level system to be polled in the order of a priority.#3

Not selected

Polling is not performed for multiple higher systems.

Not selected

Type of polling for multiple higher systems

Select, from the drop-down list, the type of polling to be performed when the relay system (the polling-target higher system) cannot be connected due to a failure.

Hot standby

Polling is performed for higher systems displayed in Higher-level system to be polled in the order of higher priority, and then a higher system that can be connected is regarded as the polling-target higher system.#4

To add a higher system to the polling targets, click the Add button. Then, in the displayed dialog box, specify the host name or IP address, type, and priority of the higher system.

Select the type of polling at system startup (the first polling) from the following three types:

  • Poll all higher systems when the system starts

  • Poll only higher systems whose priority is 1 when the system starts

  • Poll higher systems according to their priority when the system starts

Multiple hosts

Polling is performed for all higher systems.

Hot standby (Poll all higher systems when the system starts)

Communication protocol for receiving execution requests

Use the received IP address for connections with higher systems#5

Specify whether to allow connection to the higher system even when name resolution for the higher system is not available.


Connection to the higher system is available because when an execution request is received from the higher system, the IP address of the higher system in that request information is saved.

Not selected

Connection to the higher system is not available when name resolution for the higher system is not available.


Communication error settings

Timing to assume that a communication error occurred

Specify whether the agent will wait for responses from communication software and assume that a communication failure occurred if no response is received.

Assume that a communication failure occurred if no response is received from communication software within the specified period

Specify the time to wait for responses from communication software in the range from 1 to 120 minutes.#6, #12

Do not monitor responses from communication software

Responses from communication software is not monitored.

Assume that a communication failure occurred if no response is received from communication software within the specified period (5 minutes)

Settings to perform retries when an error occurs

Perform a retry when a socket connection establishment error occurs, and when a file transmission error occurs

Specify whether to perform a retry when a socket connection establishment fails or when a communication error occurs during file transmission from the higher system to the agent.#7


A retry is performed.

Not selected

No retry is performed.


Retry count

Specify the number of retries that are allowed when a socket connection establishment fails or when a communication error occurs during file transmission.

1 to 999


Retry interval

Specify the retry interval (in seconds) for when a socket connection establishment fails or when a communication error occurs during file transmission.

1 to 7200


Non-transmitted processing result files

Retransmit non-transmitted processing result files to higher systems

Specify whether to retry a transmission when there is a notification file that has not been sent to the higher system.


A retry is performed.

Not selected

No retry is performed.


Retry count

Specify whether to specify the retry count of transmissions when there is a notification file that has not been sent to the higher system.


Specify the retry count in the range from 1 to 300.

Do not limit

Retries are repeated until all notification files have been transmitted.

Specify (2)

Retry interval

Specify the retry interval (in seconds) for transmissions when there is a notification file that has not been sent to the higher system.#8

60 to 3600


Multicast distribution settings (distribution by Remote Install Manager)

Use the multicast address to transmit jobs

Specify whether to use the multicast address to transmit jobs during distribution using Remote Install Manager.


The multicast address is used to transmit jobs during distribution using Remote Install Manager.

Not selected

The multicast address is not used to transmit jobs during distribution using Remote Install Manager.

Not selected

Multicast address

Specify the multicast address that is to be used to transmit jobs for which multicast distribution is specified.

Specify the multicast address that has been set for the connection-destination higher system.#9 to

Upper limit of the job transmission packet size

Specify the size of a packet used for distribution of jobs.

1 to 60


Use the multicast address to receive jobs

Specify whether to use the multicast address to receive jobs during distribution using Remote Install Manager.


The multicast address is used to receive jobs during distribution using Remote Install Manager.

Not selected

The multicast address is not used to receive jobs during distribution using Remote Install Manager.

Not selected

Port number

Normal reception

Specify the port number used to receive jobs during multicast distribution.

1 to 65535

The port number specified for Multicast distribution of Port numbers under Multicast Distribution in the Setup for Distribution by Using Remote Install Manager dialog box during the management server setup

Reception for retransmissions

Specify the port number used when retransmissions of packets occur during multicast distribution.#11

1 to 65535

The port number specified for Multicast distribution (when retransmission is required) of Port numbers under Multicast Distribution in the Setup for Distribution by Using Remote Install Manager dialog box during the management server setup

Multicast address

Specify the multicast address that is to be used to receive jobs for which multicast distribution is specified.

Specify the multicast address that is set for the connection-destination higher system.#9 to


This setting is ignored for the relay system.


Usually, the agent receives a direction from the managing server and executes the requested processing. However, no directions might be received as a result of, for example, a communication error, or the agent not running. In such a case, the agent can use polling to receive directions. If you use client control, Hitachi recommends that you use polling. If you use a low-speed WAN, you can reduce unnecessary data transmissions and receptions by not using polling.


The higher system with the highest priority displayed in Higher-level system to be polled is always the same as the one specified in Higher-level system for distribution that uses Remote Install Manager of Basic settings.


If the connection to the polling-target higher system becomes unavailable, polling is performed for the higher systems in the order of higher priority, and then a new polling-target higher system is determined.

  • This setting is not necessary if the ID key for operations is an IP address.

  • If the higher system is a cluster system, connection with the higher system might not be correctly established.

  • In an environment in which the higher system uses multiple network adapters, connection with the higher system might not be correctly established.


You can monitor the agent's processing, such as downloading files.


If a retry is performed, the file transmission resumes from the point where the file transmission was suspended. Thus, you can reduce unnecessary traffic because the part of the file that has already been transmitted before the communication error will not be transmitted again. Note that the retry count and retry interval that are specified here are enabled for unicast distribution only.


For the retry interval for transmissions when there is a notification file that has not been sent to the higher system, specify an appropriate value according to the system requirements. For example, for a security audit system (for which information from clients is immediately required), specify a small value.


If you set for this item the multicast address that is set for the connection-destination higher system, this system will be registered in the multicast group that was set as the distribution destination of the higher system.


A value of 40 KB is efficient enough for 100BASE communication lines. If the communication line is 10BASE, specify 4 KB. Note that, if the packet size is too large, multicast distribution might fail and change to unicast distribution from the middle of distribution.


Because multicast distribution uses the UDP protocol, resending of packets occurs during distribution. Therefore, you must set the port number used for a request for resending.


If Basic Settings - Internet Connection Settings - Perform HTTPS communication with the higher system via the Internet Gateway is enabled, set 30 minutes for Timing to assume that a communication error occurred. However, when collecting files with large capacity exceeding 1 GB with the remote collection function, set the value to 120 minutes. If the setting value is increased, when there is no response from the server due to a temporary failure such as communication failure or server failure, it takes time until it is assumed as an error, so the time to the next polling will be longer.

Startup settings



Specifiable values


Create the startup folder (ITDM2_Startup) for only IT Desktop Management 2#1

Specify whether to create the ITDM2_Startup folder that is used to move the programs registered in the Windows Startup group.#2


The ITDM2_Startup folder is created.

Not selected

The ITDM2_Startup folder is not created.

Not selected

Move startup programs into the ITDM2_Startup folder

If you create the ITDM2_Startup folder, specify whether to automatically move the programs registered in the Windows Startup group to the ITDM2_Startup folder on the agent.


The programs registered in the Windows Startup group are automatically moved to the ITDM2_Startup folder.

To move a specific program to the ITDM2_Startup folder, click the Add button. Then, in the displayed dialog box, specify the program. The specified program is displayed in Startup program (shortcut file) to be moved.

Not selected

The programs registered in the Windows Startup group are not automatically moved to the ITDM2_Startup folder.

Not selected

#1: The ITDM2_Startup folder has not been created by default.

#2: If you move the programs registered in the Windows Startup group to the ITDM2_Startup folder, you can avoid installation failure of packages for which Install when system starts is set. This installation failure is caused by the conflict between the installation of packages for which Install when system starts is set and the startup of the programs registered in the Windows Startup group on the agent.

AMT Settings



Specifiable values


Allow IDE Redirection

Specify whether to use the AMT IDE redirection function to use the remote CD-ROM function during remote control.


The remote CD-ROM function is used.

Not selected

The remote CD-ROM function is not used.

Not selected

Allow Remote KVM

Specify whether to use the AMT remote KVM function to enable remote control of computers via RFB connection.


Remote control of computers via RFB connection is enabled.

Not selected

Remote control of computers via RFB connection is disabled.

Not selected


Specify the password required for using the remote KVM function of the destination computer.

A character string of 8 or fewer single-byte characters#


Retype Password

Enter the specified password again for confirmation.

A character string of 8 or fewer single-byte characters#


Confirm permission for the connection to the user.

Specify whether to display a confirmation dialog box during connection to a computer.


A confirmation dialog box is displayed during connection to the computer.

Not selected

No confirmation dialog box is displayed during connection to the computer.


Display time of dialog (seconds)

Specify how long (seconds) the connection confirmation dialog box is displayed.

10 to 4095


Session Timeout (minutes)

Select whether a timeout occurs when the computer cannot be connected to.


A timeout occurs. Specify, in the range from 1 to 255, the wait time (minutes) that can elapse before a timeout occurs.

Not Do

A timeout does not occur.

Not Do

Default Screen

Select the display to be used when the destination computer has a dual display.

  • Primary

  • Secondary



You need to use at least one character for each of the following types:

  • Uppercase letter

  • Lowercase letter

  • Number

  • Symbols other than ", comma (.), and colon (:)

Remote control settings



Specifiable values


Activation Process

Remote Control Agent Starts Automatically

Specify whether to automatically start Remote Control Agent when the agent starts.


Remote Control Agent starts automatically.

Not selected

Remote Control Agent does not start automatically.


Display Icon in Taskbar

Specify whether to display an icon on the Windows taskbar when Remote Control Agent is running.


An icon is displayed.

Not selected

An icon is not displayed.


Allow end user to terminate the remote control session in Agent

Specify whether to allow the user to terminate Remote control Agent.


The user is allowed to terminate Remote Control Agent.

Not selected

The user is not allowed to terminate Remote Control Agent.

Not selected

After Disconnecting Remote Control

Select the processing to be performed when connection between Remote Control and the management server is disconnected.

  • Keep Remote Control Agent Running

  • Terminate Remote Control Agent

Keep Remote Control Agent Running

Connection Settings

Remote Control Port

Specify the port number used for the standard connection.

1 to 65532

The port number specified for Remote Control port number in the Port Number Settings dialog box during the management server setup

RFB Port

Specify the port number used for the RFB connection.

1 to 65535


Request Server

Connection Destination

Specify the default destination used when a computer requests connections.

Host name# or IPv4 address

Host name or IP address of the management server

File Transfer

Select whether to allow file transfer between the management server and computers.

  • Deny File Transfer

  • Allow File Transfer

Allow File Transfer

Read File From Agent

Specify whether to allow reading files from the computer during file transfer.


Reading files from the computer is allowed.

Not selected

Reading files from the computer is not allowed.


Write File to Agent

Specify whether to allow writing files to the computer during file transfer.


Writing files to the computer is allowed.

Not selected

Writing files to the computer is not allowed.



Start the chat server when remote control agent starts

Specify whether to start the chat server when Remote Control Agent starts.


The chat server is started.

Not selected

The chat server is not started.

Not selected

Display Icon in Taskbar

Specify whether to display an icon on the Windows taskbar when the chat server is running.


An icon is displayed.

Not selected

An icon is not displayed.


Open chat window when chat client connects chat server

Specify whether the Chat window opens automatically when another computer establishes a chat connection while the chat server is running.


The Chat window opens automatically.

Not selected

The Chat window does not open automatically.

Not selected

Settings of allowed controllers

Allowed Controller List

Specify a computer or computers allowed for remote control only when you want to limit the computers that are allowed to use the remote control function.

Host name or IPv4 address


User Authentication

Allowed Use List

Specify the authentication information that the controller will be asked for during remote control connection.

Windows authentication information or any authentication information (user name and password)


Connection Confirmation

Display user-response dialog box on user computers

Specify whether to display a confirmation dialog box for remote control during connection from the management server.


A confirmation dialog box is displayed during connection.

Not selected

A confirmation dialog box is not displayed during connection.

Not selected

Dialog box display

Specify the display period of a confirmation dialog box that asks the user for permission for remote control.

Specify the display period

Specify, in the range from 1 to 180 seconds, the display period of a confirmation dialog box that asks the user for permission for remote control.

Keep the dialog box displayed until a response is received

A dialog box remains displayed until user response is received.

Specify the display period (10 seconds)

When no user response is received

Select the operation to be performed when the user does not respond to the confirmation dialog box that asks the user for permission for remote control.

  • Connect

  • Do not connect


Connection Mode

Select the connection mode to be allowed by the destination computer.

  • Exclusive

  • Shared

  • View



Specify the host name using a character string of 255 or fewer characters.

(5) Installation set parameters

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the Installation Set Creation dialog box that opens from Windows Agent Configurations and Create Agent Installers view in the Settings module.

Installation folder settings



Specifiable values


Installation folder

Specify the path name to the folder in which JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent is to be installed.

A path consisting of 104 or fewer characters#


Generate the host ID based on information about the virtual computer.

Select whether to generate host IDs from virtual computer information by using agents installed on shared VDI-based virtual computers.


A host ID is generated based on virtual computer information.

Not selected

A host ID is not generated based on virtual computer information.

Not selected

If you have selected the Generate the host ID based on information about the virtual computer. check box, select which information item is to be used to generate host IDs.

  • Computer Name

  • Account Name

  • IP Address

Computer Name

#: Available characters are single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte spaces, periods (.), parentheses, colons (:), underscores (_), and backslashes (\).

Account settings



Specifiable values


Set the account to install Agent.

Specify whether to set account information required for users who do not have administrator permissions to install agents.


The account information required for users who do not have administrator permissions to install agents is set.

Not selected

The account information required for users who do not have administrator permissions to install agents is not set.

Not selected

Administrative Account Name

Specify an account (user name) who has administrator permissions.

A character string of 276 or fewer single-byte characters



Specify the password for the account (user name) who has administrator permissions.

A character string of 128 or fewer single-byte characters


Confirm password

Re-enter the specified password for confirmation.


The Set the account to install Agent checkbox is provided to avoid unintentionally updating Administrative Account Name/Password. Administrative Account Name/Password is saved in the installation set regardless of the checked state of the checkbox.

Component settings



Specifiable values


Component to be installed

Specify the type of component to be installed (whether the component is to be installed as an agent or relay system).#1

  • JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (agent)

  • JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Agent (relay system)


Remote control agent

Specify whether to install Remote Control Agent.#2


Remote Control Agent is installed.

Not selected

Remote Control Agent is not installed.


#1: For the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server, select "Agent" because a relay system is not supported.

#2: For the Citrix XenApp and Microsoft RDS server, select "Not selected" because Remote Control Agent is not supported.

Settings for the registration-destination ID



Specifiable values


Registration-destination ID

Specify the ID for agent registration (the group used for receiving jobs from the managing server).

You can create an ID by entering the ID name in the dialog box opened by clicking the Register button.

A character string of 32 or fewer characters


Settings for the file to be deployed



Specifiable values


Files to be deployed

Specify the files to be deployed upon agent installation (and the deploy-destination folder) in the dialog box opened by clicking the Add button.

Files to be deployed

A character string of 100 or fewer characters

Deploy-destination folder

A character string of 255 or fewer single-byte characters


Settings for the file to be automatically executed



Specifiable values


Files to be automatically executed#1

Specify the program that is to be automatically executed after agent installation, the files required for automatic execution, and the arguments#2 in the dialog box opened by clicking the Add button.

The name of the program to be automatically executed, and the name of files required for automatic execution

A character string of 100 or fewer characters#3

File path

A character string of 255 or fewer single-byte characters

Automatically execute this file after installing the agent

Select this option if you want the specified file to be automatically executed after the agent is installed. This option is available if you specify, as the file to be automatically executed, a file other than a ZIP file. Alternatively, this option is available if you specify a ZIP file as the file to be automatically executed and select Use this Archived File without Expanding it for Expansion Category.


If you want the specified file to be automatically executed after the agent is installed, specify the necessary parameters in no more than 127 characters.

If the file to be automatically executed is a ZIP file, specify the following items:

Expansion Category

Specify whether the ZIP file is to be used without being expanded or whether the ZIP file is to be expanded and then automatically executed after the agent is installed.

Type of File to Be Executed

If you specified Expand this Archived File, and Execute it Automatically after Installing the Agent for Expansion Category, specify whether the file to be executed is the Hibun installer.

Path of File to Be Executed

If you specified Expand this Archived File, and Execute it Automatically after Installing the Agent for Expansion Category, click the Select File to Be Executed Automatically in the Expanded Folder button. A window will appear, displaying the path of the specified program file (such as setup.exe) to be automatically executed after the agent is installed.

Specify the expansion folder for the files.

Select whether you want to specify the folder to which the compressed file is to be expanded. This option is available if non-HIBUN Installer is specified for Type of File to Be Executed.

Expand Folder

If you specified non-HIBUN Installer for Type of File to Be Executed, specify a valid folder on the computer where the compressed file is to be expanded. Specify a folder by using no more than 259 characters.#4

File Name


Automatically execute this file after installing the agent

Not selected

Expansion Category

Use this Archived File without Expanding it

Type of File to Be Executed

non-HIBUN Installer


If Type of File to Be Executed is a Hibun installer, /b

Specify the expansion folder for the files.

Not selected

#1: To automatically install Hibun (Hibun DC or Hibun DE) or some other related product on an agent, first prepare (create) installation media containing the related product in a folder in C:\DATA on the administrator's computer. Compress the entire folder or all of the files in the folder to a ZIP file. Then, to automatically install the related product on an agent, specify this ZIP file as a file to be automatically executed after agent installation. For details about how to create installation media for Hibun, see the JP1 Version 11 JP1/HIBUN Installation and Setup (for Administrators).

#2: Specify each argument by using a character string of 127 or fewer characters.

#3: You cannot use single-byte double quotation marks ("), asterisks (*), forward slashes (/), left angle brackets (<), right angle brackets (>), question marks (?), backslashes (\), vertical bars (|), or colons (:).

#4: You cannot use single-byte double quotation marks ("), asterisks (*), forward slashes (/), left angle brackets (<), right angle brackets (>), question marks (?), or vertical bars (|).

Settings for an overwrite installation



Specifiable values


Perform an overwrite installation of the agent

Specify whether to perform an overwrite installation if an agent has already been installed.


An overwrite installation is performed.

Not selected

An overwrite installation is not performed.


Register the agent to the specified registration-destination ID

Specify whether to register the agent to the specified ID upon overwrite installation.


The agent is registered to the specified ID upon overwrite installation.

Not selected

The agent is not registered to the specified ID.


Deploy the files specified in Files to be deployed

Specify whether to deploy the files specified in Files to be deployed upon overwrite installation.


The files specified in Files to be deployed are deployed upon overwrite installation.

Not selected

The files specified in Files to be deployed are not deployed.


Execute the files specified in Files to be automatically executed

Specify whether to execute the files specified in Files to be automatically executed upon overwrite installation.


The files specified in Files to be automatically executed are executed upon overwrite installation.

Not selected

The files specified in Files to be automatically executed are not executed.


(6) Parameters for configuring Active Directory searches

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the Active Directory view displayed from the Configurations view in the Settings module.

Discovery Schedule



Specifiable values


Auto Discovery Schedule

Specify whether to set a schedule to perform searches regularly.


Searches are performed regularly according to a schedule.

Not selected

Regular searches are not performed.


Start At

Specify the start time for searches.

00:00 to 23:59


Repeat Interval

Specify the unit of the interval at which you want to perform searches.

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly



Specify details of the repeat interval.

The specifiable values depend on the item selected for Repeat Interval.

For Daily:

1 to 31

For Weekly:

Sunday to Saturday

For Monthly:

You can specify the date (1 to 31), or the week of the month (first to fourth or last) and the day of the week (Sunday to Saturday).


Discovery Option



Specifiable values


Auto-Manage Discovered Nodes

Specify whether to automatically register discovered Windows computers as management targets.


The discovered computers are automatically registered as management targets.

Not selected

The discovered computers are not automatically registered as management targets.


Auto-Install Agent

Specify whether to automatically install agents on Windows computers discovered by a search.


Agents are automatically installed on the discovered computers.

Not selected

Agents are not automatically installed on the discovered computers.

Not selected

Notification of Discovery Completion



Specifiable values


Report to

Specify the email notification destination to which notification emails are to be sent when the search finishes.

User accounts and email notification destinations that are registered in the Account Management view.


(7) Parameters for configuring network searches

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the IP Address Range view displayed from the Configurations view in the Settings module.

Search range settings



Specifiable values


IP Address Range

Set the search range used for a network search.

A search range

Management server segment#

Discovery Range Name

Specify the name of the search range.

A name consisting of 255 or fewer characters

New search range name


Specify an IPv4 IP address as the start value of the search range.

An IPv4 IP address



Specify an IPv4 IP address as the end value of the search range.

An IPv4 IP address


Credentials Used

Specify the authentication information used to search the specified range.


All the registered authentication information items are used.


Select the authentication information you want to use.


#: For the management server segment, the range of IP addresses in the network segment that contains the management server is specified, and Any is selected for Credentials Used.

Credentials Used



Specifiable values


Credentials Used

Set the authentication information used for a network search.

Authentication information

SNMP standard#1

Credential Name

Specify the name used for managing authentication information.

A name consisting of 255 or fewer characters

New authentication name


Select the type of authentication information.

  • SNMP

  • Windows



Specify the port number used by SNMP.

1 to 65535


Community Name#2

Specify the community name.

A name consisting of 255 or fewer single-byte characters


User ID#3

Specify the user ID with which Windows administrative shares can be authenticated.

To specify a domain user for authentication, use user-ID@FQDN (FQDN: Fully Qualified Domain Name) or domain-name\user-ID format. For FQDN, specify a full domain name without omitting host and subdomain names. For example:

An ID consisting of 276 or fewer characters



Specify the password for the user ID.

A password consisting of 127 or fewer single-byte characters


Retype Password#3

Specify the password again.

A password consisting of 127 or fewer single-byte characters


#1: For SNMP standard, SNMP is selected for Protocol, 161 is specified for Port, and public is specified for Community Name.

#2: Displayed when SNMP is selected for Protocol.

#3: Displayed when Windows is selected for Protocol.

Discovery Schedule



Specifiable values


Auto Discovery Schedule

Specify whether to set a schedule to perform searches regularly.


Searches are performed regularly according to a schedule.

Not selected

Regular searches are not performed.

Not selected

Start At

Specify the start time for searches.

00:00 to 23:59


Repeat Interval

Specify the unit of the interval at which you want to perform searches.

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly



Specify details of the repeat interval.

The specifiable values depend on the item selected for Repeat Interval.

For Daily:

1 to 31

For Weekly:

Sunday to Saturday

For Monthly:

You can specify the date (1 to 31), or the week of the month (first to fourth or last) and the day of the week (Sunday to Saturday).


Discovery Option



Specifiable values


Auto-Manage Discovered Nodes

Specify whether to automatically register discovered Windows computers as management targets.


The discovered computers are automatically registered as management targets.

Not selected

The discovered computers are not automatically registered as management targets.


Auto-Install Agent

Specify whether to automatically install agents on Windows computers discovered by a search.


Agents are automatically installed on the discovered computers.

Not selected

Agents are not automatically installed on the discovered computers.

Not selected

Notification of Discovery Completion



Specifiable values


Report to

Specify the email notification destination to which notification emails are to be sent when the search finishes.

User accounts and email notification destinations that are registered in the Account Management view.


(8) Agent deployment parameter

The following table shows the parameter in Windows Agent Deployment in the Settings module.



Specifiable values


Settings of the Components of the Agents to Be Deployed

Specifies whether to include remote control agents in the agents to be deployed.

  • Include remote control agents

  • Do not include remote control agents

Include remote control agents

(9) Agentless management parameters

The following table lists and describes the parameters in the Agentless Management dialog box that opens from the Agent view in the Settings module.



Specifiable values


Auto Monitoring Schedule

Select whether to collect device information from agentless devices regularly.


Device information is collected from agentless devices.

Not selected

Device information is not collected from agentless devices.


Update Interval

Specify the interval for collecting device information from agentless devices.

1 to 24


(10) Security schedule parameters

The following table lists and describes the parameters in the Security Schedule view that opens from the Settings module.



Specifiable values


Judgment Time

Specify the time at which the computer security status is determined.

00:00 to 23:59


Judgment Interval (days)

Specify the interval (number of days) at which the security status is determined.

1 to 31


(11) Operation log settings parameters

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the Operation Log Settings view in the Settings module.

Automatic restoration of operation logs



Specifiable values


Automatically restore operation logs

Specify whether to automatically restore the operation logs that are received.


Operation logs are automatically restored.

Not selected

Operation logs are not automatically restored.


Period for storing automatically restored operation logs

Specify the period for which automatically restored operation logs are to be stored in the operation log database.

1 to 300#


#: The maximum specifiable value is the value obtained by subtracting the manually restored days from the value specified in Maximum number of days for which operation logs are to be stored in the database during management server setup.

Export of operation logs



Specifiable values


Periodically export operation logs

Specify whether to periodically export the operation logs that are received.


Operation logs are exported periodically.

Not selected

Operation logs are not exported.

Not selected

(12) Parameters for configuring automatic update of the network control list

The following table lists and describes the parameters in the Automatic Updates on Network Filter List view displayed from the Network Filter Settings view via the Network Access Control view of the Settings module.

Automatic Updates on Network Filter List



Specifiable values


Enable all automatic updates

Select whether to enable automatic updating of the network control list.


Automatic updating of the network control list is enabled for all operations.

Not selected

Automatic updating of the network control list is enabled for add operations only.

Not selected

Range of targets subject to automatic updates of the Network Filter List



Specifiable values


Set devices managed by management servers under the local server as the targets of automatic update

Specify whether to include the devices managed by the management relay server under the local server, in the automatic update target of the network control list.


Automatic updates are performed for the devices directly under the local server and for the devices managed by the management relay server under the local server.

Not selected

Automatic updates are performed only for devices under the local server.

Not selected

(13) AMT parameters

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the AMT Settings view that opens from Inventory in the Settings module.

Credentials Used



Specifiable value


User ID

Enter the user ID used for connecting to AMT of a managed computer.

A string of no more than 64 ASCII characters that does not include control characters.



Specify the password for the user ID.

A string of no more than 64 ASCII characters that does not include control characters.


Retype Password

Enter the password again for confirmation.

A string of no more than 64 ASCII characters that does not include control characters.


Password for administrative privileges



Specifiable value



Set the password for administrative privileges for AMT.

A string of 8 to 32 ASCII characters (0x20 to 0x7E)#1.

The password must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one numeral, and one symbol#2.


Retype Password

Enter the password again for confirmation.

A string of 8 to 32 ASCII characters (0x20 to 0x7E)#1.

The password must contain at least one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter, one numeral, and one symbol#2.


#1: You cannot specify colons (:), commas (,), or double quotation marks (").

#2: You cannot specify underscores (_).

(14) Revision history configuration parameters

The table below shows the parameters in the Revision History Settings view displayed from the Device view in the Settings module.

Collection of revision history



Specifiable values


Collect revision history#1

Specify whether to collect a revision history for device information.


A revision history of device information is collected.

Not selected

A revision history of device information is not collected.

Not selected

Collect the revision history of devices that are directly under the device.#2

Specify whether to collect a revision history of device information for the devices that are directly under the device.


A revision history of device information for the devices that are directly under the device is collected.

Not selected

A revision history of device information for the devices that are directly under the device is not collected.

Not selected

Collect the revision history of subordinate devices.#2

Specify whether to collect a revision history of device information reported from a lower management relay server.


A revision history of device information that is reported from a lower management relay server is collected.

Not selected

A revision history of device information that is reported from a lower management relay server is not collected.


#1: This parameter is displayed in a minimum configuration or basic configuration.

#2: This parameter is displayed in a multi-server configuration.

Revision History Collection Targets



Specifiable values


Device Inventory

Select the device information for which to acquire revision history.


A revision history is kept for the selected item.

Not selected

A revision history is not kept for the item.

All device information is selected

(15) Parameters for the report duration and start date

The following table lists and describes the parameters in the Duration and Start Date view that opens from Reports in the Settings module.



Specifiable values


Select the storage duration of the report.

Specify the storage duration of reports.

1 year to 10 years

5 years

Select the start day of week.

Specify the start day of the week on which reports are calculated.

Sunday to Saturday


Select the start day of month.

Specify the start day of the month on which reports are calculated.

1 to 31


Select the start month of year.

Specify the start month of the year on which reports are calculated.

January to December


(16) Summary report parameters

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the Summary Report Notifications view that opens from Reports in the Settings module.

Daily Summary



Specifiable values


Select Daily Summary recipients

Select the user ID or email notification destination to which daily summary notification emails are to be sent. If a user ID does not have a set email address, enter an email address.

Email character string

User accounts and email notification destinations that are registered in the Account Management view.

Weekly Summary



Specifiable values


Select Weekly Summary recipients

Select the user ID or email notification destination to which weekly summary notification emails are to be sent. If a user ID does not have a set email address, enter an email address.

Email character string

User accounts and email notification destinations that are registered in the Account Management view.

Monthly Summary



Specifiable values


Select Monthly Summary recipients

Select the user ID or email notification destination to which monthly summary notification emails are to be sent. If a user ID does not have a set email address, enter an email address.

Email character string

User accounts and email notification destinations that are registered in the Account Management view.

(17) Event notification parameters

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the Event Notifications view that opens from Events in the Settings module.

Select the category and severity of events about which you want to be notified by email:



Specifiable values


Critical, Warning, and Information

Select the severity (Critical, Warning, and Information) of events for which you want to send notification emails.


Event notification emails are sent.

Not selected

Event notification emails are not sent.

Only Critical is selected.


Set events related to security management, such as changes and allocation of policies, judgement results, action results, and startup suppression.


Notification emails for the selected events.

Not selected

Event notification emails are not sent.

All categories under Critical are selected.

Suspicious Operations

Set events related to suspicious operations, such as detection of emails with attachments, detection of file upload to a Web server or FTP server, and detection of copying or moving of files to external media.


Set events related to asset management, such as asset registration, change of the asset status, and addition or deletion of software licenses.

Distribution (ITDM-compatible)

Set events related to ITDM-compatible distribution functions, such as installation and uninstallation of software, and distribution of files.


Set events related to device management, such as addition and deletion of software, and addition and deletion of computer accounts.


Set events related to settings, such as discovery of devices, addition of management targets, and agent distribution.


Set events related to data relays between management servers. This type of event is only output in a multi-server configuration.


Set events related to errors that occur in functions.

Select recipients:



Specifiable values


Select recipients

Select the user ID or email notification destination to which event notification emails are to be sent. If a user ID does not have a set email address, enter an email address.

Email character strings

User accounts and email notification destinations that are registered in the Account Management view.

Interval of notification



Specifiable values


Interval of notification

Specify the interval (number of minutes) at which event notifications are sent.

1 to 1440


(18) Mail server parameters

The following table lists and describes the parameters in the SMTP Server view that opens from General in the Settings module.

SMTP Server Settings



Specifiable values


Host Name

Enter the host name of the SMTP server.

The host name of the SMTP server


Secure Connection

Select the security protection used for communication with the SMTP server.

  • Plain

  • TLS



Specify the port number of the SMTP sever.

1 to 65535


Source E-mail

Specify the source email address of notification emails.

Email character string


Use Authentication

Select Use Authentication to use the user authentication function (SMTP Authentication) on the SMTP server.


SMTP authentication is used.

Not selected

SMTP authentication is not used.

Not selected

User ID

Enter the user ID used for user authentication.

User ID used for user authentication



Specify the password for the user ID.

Password for the user ID


Retype Password

Enter the password again for confirmation.

Password for confirmation


(19) Active Directory parameters

The following table lists and describes the parameters in the Active Directory view that opens from General in the Settings module.



Specifiable values


Get Department Hierarchy Information

Specify whether to acquire the organization hierarchy from Active Directory and apply it to the group configuration of the department.


Organization hierarchy information managed by Active Directory is applied to the group configuration of the department.

Not selected

Organization hierarchy information managed by Active Directory is not applied to the group configuration of the department.

Not selected

Domain Name

Specify the domain name of the Active Directory server.

A character string of 0 to 255 ASCII characters that does not include the following. Domain names cannot begin with a period (.).

  • ASCII control characters

  • Single-byte spaces, exclamation marks (!), double quotation marks ("), hash marks (#), dollar signs ($), percent signs (%), ampersands (&), parentheses, asterisks (*), plus signs (+), commas (,), single quotation marks ('), forward slashes (/), colons (:), semicolons (;), left angle brackets (<), equal signs (=), right angle brackets (>), question marks (?), at marks (@), left square brackets ([), backslashes (\), right square brackets (]), carets (^), grave accent marks (`), left curly brackets ({), vertical bars (|), right curly brackets (}), and swung dashes (~)


Host Name

Specify the host name of the Active Directory server (fully modified domain name).

A character string of 0 to 255 ASCII characters that does not include control characters



Enter the port number used for connecting to the Active Directory server.

1 to 65535


User ID

Enter the user ID used for connecting to the Active Directory server.

A character string of 0 to 276 ASCII characters that does not include control characters



Specify the password for the user ID.

A character string of 0 to 64 ASCII characters that does not include control characters


Retype Password

Enter the password again for confirmation.

A character string of 0 to 64 ASCII characters that does not include control characters


Root OU

Enter the domain name and OU names separated by slashes (/) to specify the path to the root organizational unit (OU) for which you want to acquire information. The entered values are not case sensitive. For example, when the domain name is and the OU names are general affairs department and general affairs section, enter affairs department/general affairs section. The domain name must be entered. OU names are optional. When you acquire information on a department, the hierarchy under the path specified here is applied to the group configuration of the department.

A character string of 0 to 256 ASCII characters that does not include control characters



Specify whether to enable TLS (Transport Layer Security) communication.


TLS is enabled.

Not selected

TLS is not enabled.

Not selected

(20) Support service parameters

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the Product Update view that opens from General in the Settings module.

Customer Support configuration



Specifiable values


Enable Product Update

Specify whether to acquire the latest Windows update information and anti-virus products information from the support service site.


Connect to the support service site.

Not selected

Do not connect to the support service site.

Not selected


Specify the URL of the support service site.

No restrictions

Download User ID

Specify the authentication ID of the Web server.

No restrictions



Specify the password for the download user ID.

No restrictions


Retype Password

Enter the password again for confirmation.

No restrictions


Start At

Specify the time at which to connect to the support service.

00:00 to 23:59

The time when the setup for the management server was completed, rounded up to the nearest hour.#

Repeat Interval

Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly as the unit of the interval at which you want to establish a connection.

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly



Specify details of the repeat interval.

The specifiable values depend on the item selected for Repeat Interval.

For Daily:

1 to 31

For Weekly:

Sunday to Saturday

For Monthly:

You can specify the date (1 to 31), or the week of the month (first to fourth, or last) and the day of the week (Sunday to Saturday)


Specify users to receive Product Update notification e-mails.

Select the user ID or email notification destination to which notification emails about product updates are to be sent. If a user ID does not have a set email address, enter an email address.

Email character string

User accounts and email notification destinations that are registered in the Account Management view.

#: For example, if the setup time is 10:30, the download starts at 11:00.

Proxy Server configuration



Specifiable values


Use Proxy Server

Select this option when using a proxy server.


A proxy server is used.

Not selected

A proxy server is not used.

Not selected

IP Address

Enter the IP address of the proxy server.

An IPv4 IP address



Enter the port number of the proxy server.

1 to 65535


User ID

Enter the user ID used for connecting to the proxy server.

A user ID used for connecting to the proxy server



Specify the password for the user ID.

The password for the user ID


Retype Password

Enter the password again for confirmation.

The password for confirmation


(21) MDM linkage parameters

The following tables list and describe the parameters in the MDM Linkage Settings view that opens from General in the Settings module.

MDM Linkage Settings



Specifiable values


MDM setting name

Specify the name of the setting.

A character string of 255 or fewer characters


MDM system

Select the MDM system you want to connect to.

  • JP1/ITDM2 - SD Manager

  • MobileIron


Host name of MDM server

Specify the common name (CN) assigned to the server certificate of the MDM system.

If you are using MobileIron, specify the CN in FQDN format.

A character string of 255 or fewer characters


Port number of MDM server

Specify the port number used for connecting to the MDM system.

1 to 65535



Specify the URL of the MDM system.

A character string of 0 to 2,083 characters


User ID

Specify the user ID used to log in to the MDM system.

A character string of 276 or fewer characters



Specify the password used to log in to the MDM system.

A character string of 128 or fewer characters


Retype Password

Enter the password again for confirmation.

A character string of 128 or fewer characters


Proxy Server configuration



Specifiable values


Use Proxy Server

Select this option when using a proxy server.


A proxy server is used.

Not selected

A proxy server is not used.

Not selected

IP Address

Enter the IP address of the proxy server.

An IPv4 IP address



Enter the port number of the proxy server.

1 to 65535


User ID

Enter the user ID used for connecting to the proxy server.

A user ID used for connecting to the proxy server



Specify the password for the user ID.

The password for the user ID


Retype Password

Enter the password again for confirmation.

The password for confirmation


Collection Schedule



Specifiable values


Start At

Specify the time at which information is collected from the MDM system.

00:00 to 23:59


Repeat Interval

Select Daily, Weekly, or Monthly as the unit of the interval at which you want to collect information.

  • Daily

  • Weekly

  • Monthly



Specify details of the repeat interval.

The specifiable values depend on the item selected for Repeat Interval.

For Daily:

1 to 31

For Weekly:

Sunday to Saturday

For Monthly:

You can specify the date (1 to 31), or the week of the month (first to fourth or last) and the day of the week (Sunday to Saturday).


(22) JP1/NETM/NM - Manager linkage parameters

The following table lists and describes the parameters in the JP1/NETM/NM - Manager Link Settings view displayed by clicking Edit for JP1/NETM/NM - Manager Link Settings in the Network Filter Settings view via the Network Access Control view of the Settings module.



Specifiable values


Link with JP1/NETM/NM - Manager

Specify whether to link with JP1/NETM/NM - Manager.


The system links with JP1/NETM/NM - Manager.

Not selected

The system does not link with JP1/NETM/NM - Manager.

Not selected

(23) Parameters for device maintenance settings

The tables below list and describe the parameters in the Device Maintenance Settings and Detection Results view that opens from Inventory in the Settings module.

Detection conditions for device maintenance (for duplicate devices)

Detection conditions for duplicated devices



Specifiable values


Detection condition name

Specify the name of the detection condition.

Character string with 256 or fewer characters


Detection target

Specify the types of the devices to be detected as duplicated devices.

Specify one or more of the following types:

  • Agent Management (Windows/Mac OS)

  • Agent Management (UNIX)

  • Agentless Management

  • MDM linkage management

  • API management

All types are selected.

Duplication conditions

Specify whether a device is to be detected as a duplicated device if a condition is met.

Specify one or more of the items below. If you specify multiple items, they are are joined by AND conditions.

  • IP address

  • Host name

    You can specify whether the conditions are case-sensitive.

  • MAC address

  • BIOS serial number

None of the items are selected.

Time Since Last Connected

For devices that meet the duplication conditions and are of a type that is subject to detection, specify how many days a device needs to be disconnected from the management server for it to be detected as a duplicated device.

1 day to 999 days

7 days

Automatic deletion setting



Specifiable values


Among a detected set of duplicate devices, automatically delete those devices whose last alive confirmation date/time is not the most recent

Specify whether to automatically delete devices that are detected as duplicate devices.


Automatically delete.

Not selected

Do not automatically delete.

Not selected

Period until automatic deletion

Specify the period (days) that the devices are kept before they are automatically deleted.

1 day to 999 days

14 days

Detection conditions for device maintenance (for idle devices)

Detection conditions for idle devices



Specifiable values


Detection condition name

Specify the name of the detection condition.

Character string with 256 or fewer characters


Detection target

Specify the type of the device to be detected as idle devices.

Specify more than one of the following types:

  • Agent Management (Windows)

  • Agent Management (UNIX/Mac OS)

  • Agentless Management

  • MDM linkage management

  • API management

All of the types are selected.

Time Since Last Connected

For devices that are of a type that is subject to detection, specify how many days a device needs to be disconnected from the management server for it to be detected as an idle device.

1 day to 999 days

30 days

Automatic deletion setting



Specifiable values


Automatically delete all detected idle devices

Specify whether to automatically delete the devices that are detected as idle devices.


Automatically delete.

Not selected

Do not automatically delete.

Not selected

Period until automatic deletion

Specify the period (days) that the devices are kept before they are automatically deleted.

1 day to 999 days

14 days

(24) Parameters for asset status settings of hardware assets associated with deleted devices

The following table lists and describes the Asset Status Settings of Hardware Assets Associated with Deleted Devices view that opens from Assets of the Settings module.



Specifiable values


Change the asset status of hardware assets associated with deleted devices

Specify whether to change the asset status of the hardware assets associated with the deleted devices.


Change the asset status.

Not selected

Do not change the asset status.

Not selected

Asset Status

Select the asset status after the change.

  • Disposed

  • Asset status arbitrarily added by the user
