
JP1 Version 12 for UNIX Systems JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Platform Description, User's Guide and Reference

7.2.4 Settings in the Agents tree for collecting information about the operating status of processes

This section describes the settings that are specified in the Agents tree of PFM - Web Console for collecting information about the operating status of processes, as well as how to change and delete the settings.

It also explains how to use application definition templates to simplify operations on the settings.

The settings in the Agents tree can be configured using PFM - Web Console version 10-00.

Screenshots from PFM - Web Console 11-50 are provided to illustrate the descriptions in this section.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting user-defined records (monitoring targets)

To set a monitoring target:

  1. Create an application.

  2. Bind an alarm table to the monitoring agent.

To collect information about operating status on a per-process basis, set only one process for the application when you create the application. To collect information about operating status on a per-application basis, you can set more than one process for the application when you create the application.

The following subsections provide a more detailed description of how to set monitoring targets.

(a) Creating the application

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.

    The Main window appears.

  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, click the Agents tab.

    The Agents tree appears.

  3. In the navigation frame of the Agents tree, select host-name<UNIX> (Agent Collector service).

    A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.

  4. Select the Process Monitoring Settings method in the method frame.

    The Process Monitoring Settings window appears.


  5. To create a new setting, click the Create button. To change a setting, select in Application Definitions the application definition you want to change, and then click the Edit button.

    You cannot select multiple application definitions.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition window or Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition window appears.


  6. If you are creating a new application definition, specify an application definition name in Application definition name.

    The application definition name, and the character string you specify for it, must conform to the following rules.

    • You can choose any name for the application definition name. The specified application definition name is stored in the Application Name field of the PD_APP2, PD_APPD, and PD_APSI records and will be used as an identifier for identifying the application. The application definition name you specify must be unique.

    • The name must consist of 1 to 63 bytes of single-byte alphanumeric and special characters, except for the following characters:

      Tab (\t) \ : ; , * ? " ' < > |

    • A maximum of 64 applications can be set.

  7. If necessary when a virtualized system (such as a container) is used for operation, specify the identifier of the virtualized environment in Virtual environment ID.

    When a virtualized system is used for operation, enter an identifier to identify the virtualized environment. When an environment is specified, the monitoring target is limited to processes of the specified environment.

    For details, see 2.3.22(1) Identifying processes that have the same name in a virtualized system.

    You can specify one of the following values as an identifier of the virtualized environment:

    • For a zone environment:

      Specify a value in the range from 0 to 2147483647.

    • For a WPAR environment:

      Specify a value in the range from 0 to 2147483647.

    • For a Linux container:

      Specify a 64-character hexadecimal value (a single-byte character string consisting of numbers in the range from 0 to 9 and alphabet letters in the range from a to f). If you want to monitor only the processes running in the host environment, specify 0.


    If the version of PFM - Web Console is earlier than 11-50, you cannot specify the container ID.


    For details about how to identify the applicable Docker container's and Podman container's IDs, see the Release Notes.

  8. Set the application details.

    The following table shows the details that can be set in the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition window or the Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition window.

    Table 7‒4: Application details that can be set



    Name of field in corresponding record


    Enter the conditions for identifying the monitoring target.

    All single-byte alphanumeric and special characters can be used except for the tab character (\t). You can specify a maximum of 4,096 bytes.

    Monitoring Condition field of the PD_APPD record


    Specify a label for identifying the monitoring conditions.

    All single-byte alphanumeric and special characters can be used except for the tab character (\t). You can specify a maximum of 31 bytes.

    The default is MonitoringXX,#2 which will be set if nothing is entered.

    Each monitoring label must be unique.

    Monitoring Label fields of the PD_APPD and PD_APSI records


    Select one of Program, Command Line, or No selection.

    • Program

      Evaluate using the value in the Program Name field of the PD_APS record.

    • Command Line

      Evaluate using the value in the Command Line field of the PD_APS record.

    • No selection

      Do not evaluate.

    Monitoring Field field of the PD_APPD and PD_APSI records


    Enter the minimum threshold value for the number of monitoring targets.

    You can specify a value from 0 to 65535. The default is 0.

    Monitoring Min field of the PD_APPD record


    Enter the maximum threshold value for the number of monitoring targets.

    You can specify a value from 0 to 65535. However, you must specify a value that is greater than or equal to the value specified for Minimum. The default is 0.

    Monitoring Max field of the PD_APPD record


    - The wildcards * and ? can be used in process monitoring. An asterisk (*) represents zero or more instances of any character, and a question mark (?) represents any single character.

    - If you enter more than 127 bytes for the monitoring conditions (MonitoringXX Condition) in the settings for collecting information about the operating status of processes, only the first 127 bytes set in the Monitoring Condition field of the PD_APPD record will be displayed. However, monitoring will be performed using the entire monitoring conditions that were set.

    - When the monitoring targets are identified from the monitoring conditions specified in Name, letter case is distinguished by default. For details about changing the setting to distinguish the letter case when the monitoring targets are identified from the monitoring conditions, see 7.2.7 Distinguishing the letter case of monitoring targets.

    - Make sure that the character string you enter in Name matches what is set in the Program Name and Command Line fields of the PD_APS record.

    Any character in the source information that is not in the ASCII character set range of 0x20 to 0x7E will be converted to a hash mark (#: 0x23) before it is stored in the Program Name or Command Line fields of the PD_APS record. Note that multi-byte characters are processed in single-byte units during conversion. For example, the multi-byte (full-width) letter [Figure] is converted as follows:

    Source information

    Post-conversion information

    Character encoding



    Character string














    XX represents a two-digit numeric value in the range 01 through 15 that is set to the numeric value corresponding to the Monitoring Number field in the PD_APPD and PD_APSI records.


    If you select the Agent Collector service for the monitoring target from the Agents pull-down menu in Input support, and then click the Add button, the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window,# or the Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window# is displayed, where you can select a process and set its properties.


    Running Processes or Running Command Lines appears under Monitoring target types, depending on what is specified for Type in the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition window or the Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition window.

    If Program is specified for Type in the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition window or Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition window, Running Processes appears. If Command Line is specified, Running Command Lines appears. The default is Running Processes.

  9. Click the OK button.

    The settings are enabled.

    Note that steps 8 and later in Creating the application are for setting properties from the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window# or the Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window;# the procedure is shown below:


    Running Processes or Running Command Lines appears under Monitoring target types, depending on what is specified for Types in the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition window or Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition window.

    If Program is specified for Type in the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition window or Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition window, Running Processes appears. If Command Line is specified, Running Command Lines appears. The default is Running Processes.

  10. Perform steps 1 to 7 of Creating the application, above.

  11. On the Agents pull-down menu in Input support, select the Agent Collector service for the monitoring target, and then click the Add button.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window, or the Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window appears.


  12. Select a monitoring target type (Running Processes or Running Command Lines) from the pull-down menu to the left of the Display button, and then click the Display button.

    A list of processes appears at the bottom of the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window or the Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window.

    If you specify a keyword in Filter in the list of processes and then click the Search button, only those processes are displayed that contain the keyword in their process name. Click the Clear button to return to the original list of processes.

    If you select Display the Process(s) for each virtual environment and then select a virtual environment ID to be monitored from the Virtual environment ID pull-down menu, only the selected process(es) running on each virtual environment is displayed.

  13. From the list of processes, select the process you want to monitor, and click the OK button.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window or the Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition > Add from Running Processes window closes, and the display returns to the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition window or Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition window.

  14. Change the necessary settings in the Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition window or Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition window.

    For details about the settings, see Table 7-4 Application details that can be set.

  15. Click the OK button.

    The settings are enabled.

(b) Binding an alarm table to the monitoring agent

Next, bind an alarm table to the monitoring agent in order to monitor information about operating status. The alarm for monitoring information about operating status is the Application Status alarm. Edit it as necessary. For details about the Application Status alarm, see Application Status in 8. Monitoring Templates.

Binding an alarm table can be done in the following ways:

  • Bind the alarm table in PFM UNIX Template Alarms [APP] 09.10

  • Bind an alarm table created by the user

To bind the alarm table in PFM UNIX Template Alarms [APP] 09.10:

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.

    The Main window appears.

  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, click the Agents tab.

    The Agents tree appears.

  3. In the navigation frame of the Agents tree, select host-name<UNIX> (Agent Collector service).

    A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.

  4. Select the Process Monitoring Settings method in the method frame.

    The Process Monitoring Settings window appears.

  5. Click the Start button in Process monitoring alarm settings.

    The alarm table is bound to the monitoring agent.

To bind an alarm table created by the user:

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.

    The Main window appears.

  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, click the Agents tab.

    The Agents tree appears.

  3. In the navigation frame of the Agents tree, select host-name<UNIX> (Agent Collector service).

    A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.

  4. Select the Bind Alarm Table method in the method frame.

    The Bind Alarm Table [Select Alarm Table] window appears.

  5. Select an alarm table displayed at the bottom of the UNIX folder and click the OK button.

    The alarm table is bound to the monitoring agent.

To monitor the status of a particular process only, you can create an alarm for the following condition expressions.

Table 7‒5: Condition expressions for monitoring the status of a particular process only

Item set

Condition expressions


Application Process Detail (PD_APPD)


Application Name

Monitoring Label

Monitoring Status

Abnormal condition and warning condition#1

Application Name = Name#2

AND Monitoring Label = Label#2

AND Monitoring Status = ABNORMAL


The same conditions are specified for abnormal conditions and warning conditions.


Specify the application name and monitoring label for the application you want to monitor.

(2) Deleting a user-defined record (monitoring target)

To delete a monitoring target:

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.

    The Main window appears.

  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, select the Agents tab.

    The Agents tree appears.

  3. In the navigation frame of the Agents tree, select host-name<UNIX> (Agent Collector service).

    A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.

  4. Select the Process Monitoring Settings method in the method frame.

    The Process Monitoring Settings window appears.

  5. Select the application definition you want to delete from Application Definitions, and then click the Delete button.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Delete Application Definition window appears.

  6. Click the OK button.

    The setting is deleted.

(3) Using application definition templates

You can use a template to save the settings for collecting information about the operating status of processes (application definitions) that you have made in the Agents tree of PFM - Web Console and then use those settings on other machines.

This section explains how to create, delete, and load application definition templates.

(a) Creating an application definition template

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.

    The Main window appears.

  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, click the Agents tab.

    The Agents tree appears.

  3. In the navigation frame of the Agents tree, select host-name<UNIX> (Agent Collector service).

    A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.

  4. Select the Process Monitoring Settings method in the method frame.

    The Process Monitoring Settings window appears.


  5. Select the Show App Definition Templates menu.

    The Edit Templates menu appears.


  6. Select the Edit Templates menu.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Application Definition Templates window appears.


  7. To create a new template, click the Create button. To change settings, select the template you want to change from Application Definition Templates, and then click the Edit button.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition Template window or Process Monitoring Settings > Edit an Application Definition Template window appears.


  8. In Template name, enter a name for the template.

  9. In Description, enter a description of the template.

  10. Set the application details.

    For details about the settings, see Table 7-4 Application details that can be set in (1) Setting user-defined records (monitoring targets).

  11. Click the OK button.

    The application definition template is created.

(b) Deleting an application definition template

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.

    The Main window appears.

  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, click the Agents tab.

    The Agents tree appears.

  3. In the navigation frame of the Agents tree, select host-name<UNIX> (Agent Collector service).

    A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.

  4. Select the Process Monitoring Settings method in the method frame.

    The Process Monitoring Settings window appears.

  5. Select the Show App Definition Templates menu.

    The Edit Templates menu appears.

  6. Select the Edit Templates menu.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Application Definition Templates window appears.

  7. From Application Definition Templates, select the template you want to delete, and then click the Delete button.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Delete Application Definition Template window appears.

  8. Click the OK button.

    The application definition template is deleted.

(c) Loading an application definition template

  1. From the monitoring console browser, log in to PFM - Web Console.

    The Main window appears.

  2. In the navigation frame of the Main window, click the Agents tab.

    The Agents tree appears.

  3. In the navigation frame of the Agents tree, select host-name<UNIX> (Agent Collector service).

    A check mark is displayed next to the Agent Collector service.

  4. Select the Process Monitoring Settings method in the method frame.

    The Process Monitoring Settings window appears.

  5. Click the Create button.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition window appears.

  6. Click the Load Template button.

    The Process Monitoring Settings > Create a New Application Definition > Input Using Application Definition Template window appears.


  7. From Application Definition Templates, select the template you want to load, and then click the Select button.

    The application definition template is loaded.