
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Microsoft(R) SQL Server Description, User's Guide and Reference

Organization of report folders

The following shows the organization of the report folders for PFM - RM for Microsoft SQL Server. Angle brackets enclose folder names.

<RM SQLServer>
 +-- <Status Reporting>
 |    +-- <Daily Trend>
 |    |    +-- Cache Usage Trend(Multi-Agent) (6.0)
 |    |    +-- Network Activity Trend
 |    |    +-- Server CPU Trend
 |    |    +-- Server Space Trend(Multi-Agent)
 |    +-- <Real-Time>
 |         +-- Database Space Usage (7.0)
 |         +-- Server Configuration Status
 |         +-- Server Space Usage (7.0)
 |         +-- System Overview (7.0)
 |         +-- <Drilldown Only>
 |                   +-- Database Space Usage Detail (7.0)
 +-- <Monthly Trend>
 |    +-- Cache Usage Trend(Multi-Agent) (6.0)
 |    +-- Network Activity Trend
 |    +-- Server CPU Trend
 |    +-- Server Space Trend(Multi-Agent)
 +-- <Troubleshooting>
      +-- <Real-Time>
      |    +-- Blocked Sessions (6.0)
      |    +-- Blocking Locks (6.0)
      |    +-- CPU Usage - Top 10 Sessions (6.0)
      |    +-- Database Summary (6.0)
      |    +-- Lock Overview (6.0)
      |    +-- Lock Overview by Lock Type
      |    +-- Lock Usage - Top 10 Sessions (6.0)
      |    +-- Log Space Usage - Top 10 Databases
      |    +-- Memory Usage - Top 10 Sessions (6.0)
      |    +-- Physical I/O - Top 10 Sessions (6.0)
      |    +-- Sessions (6.0)
      |    +-- <Drilldown Only>
      |         +-- Database Detail (6.0)
      |         +-- Lock Detail (6.0)
      |         +-- Session Detail (6.0)
      +-- <Recent Past>
           +-- Cache Usage (6.0)
           +-- Log I/O Activity (6.0)
           +-- Network Activity
           +-- Pending I/O (6.0)
           +-- Physical Write Activity (6.0)

The following describes each folder:

Additionally, these folders may contain the following folder under them: