
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management - Remote Monitor for Microsoft(R) SQL Server Description, User's Guide and Reference

Sessions (6.0)

Organization of this page


The Sessions (6.0) report displays information related to the statuses of all processes connected to Microsoft SQL Server. This report is displayed as a table. From the displayed report, you can display more detailed drilldown reports.

Storage location

Reports/RM SQLServer/Troubleshooting/Real-Time/


Process Detail (PD_PDET)


Field name


Blocked Processes

Number of processes blocked by the process

Blocking Process

Process ID of a blocking process, if any

DB Name

Name of the database being used by the process at the time of record acquisition


Database ID being used by the process at the time of record acquisition

Mem Usage

Microsoft SQL Server version 2014 or earlier:

Number of procedure cache pages allocated to the process (1 page equals 8 kilobytes)

Microsoft SQL Server version 2016 or later:

Number of pages of memory used in the process


Application program name


Process ID


Logon name of the user who issued the command

Drilldown reports (field level)

Report name


Database Detail (6.0)

Displays detailed information related to a particular database on Microsoft SQL Server. To display this report, click the DB Name field.

Session Detail (6.0)

Displays detailed information related to resource usage by each session. To display this report, click one of the following fields:

  • Blocking Process

  • SPID