
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management Reference

1.9.2 New User window

The New User window is used to create a new Performance Management user. To display this window, in the Users window, in the method frame, choose New User.

The following shows the New User window.

Figure 1‒139: New User window


The following describes the displayed items:

OK button

Saves the settings you specified.

Cancel button

Cancels the operation, and clears the information frame.

User name

Specify a name for the new user account with 1 to 16 characters. The permitted characters are alphabetic characters (upper and lower case), numeric characters, and symbols (! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ ^ _ ` { | } ~ space). The alphabetic characters are not case sensitive.

Any leading and trailing spaces that are specified are deleted.

Password and Confirm password

Specify a new password by using 1 to 16 single-byte characters. The permitted characters are alphabetic characters (upper and lower case), numeric characters, and symbols (! " # $ % & ' ( ) * + , - . / : ; < = > ? @ [ ] \ ^ _ ` { | } ~ space). The alphabetic characters are case sensitive.

Any leading and trailing spaces that are specified are deleted.

Selection of authority and Assignment of business groups

Select the privilege you to set for the user account you create. Business group ordinary user is displayed when the business group access control functionality is enabled.

  • Management user

  • Ordinary user

  • Business group ordinary user

All business groups

This area is displayed when the business group access control functionality is enabled. It becomes available when Business group ordinary user is selected for Selection of authority and Assignment of business groups. The business groups to be assigned to the user account you create are listed.

Arrow buttons ([Figure]/[Figure])

Use these buttons to move the displayed business groups between All business groups and Assigned business groups.

[Figure] button

Moves a business group from All business groups to Assigned business groups.

[Figure] button

Moves a business group from Assigned business groups to All business groups.

Assigned business groups

This area is displayed when the business group access control functionality is enabled. It becomes available when Business group ordinary user is selected for Selection of authority and Assignment of business groups. The business groups to be assigned to the user account you created are listed.


For Performance Management, it is recommended that a password consist of at least six characters and include a mixture of alphabetic characters, numeric characters, and symbols. If the password you enter is not consistent with these recommendations, such as a password consisting of only alphabetic characters, only numeric characters, or fewer than six characters, a confirmation message will be displayed. A message will also be displayed if the entered password is the same as your user name.