
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide

H.4 Settings for outputting action log data

The settings that govern action log output are defined in the jpccomm.ini file. Action logs are not output unless the file contains these settings. The following describes the settings required to output action logs, and the setting procedure.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Setting procedure

  1. Stop all Performance Management services on the host.

  2. Use a text editor or a similar tool to edit the jpccomm.ini file.

  3. Save and then close the jpccomm.ini file.

(2) Details about the jpccomm.ini file

(a) Storage directory

On physical hosts
  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


On logical hosts
  • In Windows


  • In UNIX


(b) Format

Define the following information in the jpccomm.ini file.

  • Whether action logs are output

  • The location to which action logs are output

  • The maximum number of log files

  • The size of each action log file

Specify each item in the following format:


The following table lists the available settings.

Table H‒4: Items available in the jpccomm.ini file and their default values





[Action Log Section]

The section name. It cannot be changed.


Action Log Mode

Specify whether to output action logs. This item is mandatory.

  • Initial value:

    0 (do not output)

  • Available values:

    0 (do not output), 1 (output)

    If you specify any other value, an error message is output, and Performance Management will not output action logs.


Action Log Dir#

Specify the output destination for action logs as an absolute path.

In a logical host environment, specify a directory on the shared disk. If the directory you specify is not on the shared disk, Performance Management will output action logs to each physical host that forms the basis for the logical host.

If you specify a path that exceeds the maximum allowable length or the system is unable to access the directory, an error message is output to the common message log and Performance Management will not output action logs.

  • Initial value:


  • Value used when item is omitted (default):

    On physical hosts:

    Windows: installation-folder\auditlog\

    UNIX: /opt/jp1pc/auditlog/

    On logical hosts:

    Windows: environment-directory\jp1pc\auditlog\

    UNIX: environment-directory/jp1pc/auditlog/

  • Available values:

    Character strings from 1 to 185 bytes in length


Action Log Num

Specify the maximum number of action log files to save. The value you specify includes the current output file and all shift files.

  • Initial value:


  • Value used when item is omitted (default):


  • Available values:

    Integers from 2 to 10.

If you specify a character string that contains non-numeric characters, an error message is output and the default of 5 is used.

If you specify a value outside the allowable range, an error message is output, and the integer from 2 to 10 that is closest to the specified value is used.


Action Log Size

Specify the size of each log file in kilobytes.

  • Initial value:


  • Value used when item is omitted (default):


  • Available values:

    Integers from 512 to 2,096,128

If you specify a character string that contains non-numeric characters, an error message is output and the default of 2,048 is used.

If you specify a value outside the allowable range, an error message is output, and the integer from 512 to 2,096,128 that is closest to the specified value is used.


When you use the jpcconf ha setup command to set up a logical host after you configure action log output on the physical host, the settings in the jpccomm.ini file of the physical host apply to the logical host. If the logical host and the physical host are being used simultaneously, make sure that the action logs are output to different directories.