
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide

C.7 Estimating memory size by taking into consideration the operating condition

Organization of this subsection

(1) Before estimating the memory size

When there are many users simultaneously logging in to Performance Management, or when there is a considerable number of PFM - Agents and PFM - RMs connecting to PFM - Manager, the PFM - Web Console's GUI can take up a vast amount of memory space.

Furthermore, when a report containing a large amount of data is displayed, a large amount of memory might be used. Therefore, estimate the memory requirements based on operations, and then set the appropriate reports.

If you do not use the report cache file function or if you use the monitoring suspension function, you must estimate the memory size as explained here by taking into account the memory space used either to display reports or to use the monitoring suspension function. When you use both the report display function and the monitoring suspension function at the same time, note that memory that is sufficient to use both functions concurrently is required. If you meet the conditions that require you to estimate memory, estimate the memory size by applying the procedure described below.

This section explains how to estimate the memory size required in PFM - Manager (View Server service) and PFM - Web Console when the GUI (PFM - Web Console window) is used to display reports, when the jpcrpt command is used to display reports, and when the monitoring suspension function is used. Estimate the memory size based on the information provided here.

The target memory for this estimate is a Java heap area. The Java heap area available to a program is limited. For example, in an environment where four gigabytes of physical memory are available, a program uses a heap area that has been allocated separately, regardless of the available physical memory. Therefore, the required memory must always be estimated.

The memory requirements for PFM - Manager (View Server service) and PFM - Web Console described in the system estimates above include the Java heap memory whose estimate procedure is discussed here. If you extend the memory, you must evaluate the system by adding the extended memory size to the memory requirements for the PFM - Manager (View Server service) and PFM - Web Console products.

(a) Data communication processing when using the report display function

Figure C‒1: Overview of data communication processing for report display in PFM


The following explains the general procedure for displaying a report.

To display a report:

  1. Request agent-related information (applicable only to PFM - Web Console's GUI).

    When users log in to PFM Web Console's GUI, a request is made to PFM - Manager (View Server service) for agent-related information on a per-user basis.

  2. Request a report.

    When a process that uses PFM - Web Console's GUI or the jpcrpt command to display a report is initiated, a report display request is issued to PFM - Manager (View Server service). The information required to display the report (such as the name of the target PFM - Agent, the records, and the display period) is sent to PFM - Manager.

  3. Request the data required to display the report.

    The View Server service that received the report display request issues a request to the target PFM - Agent to obtain the data required to display the report. The View Server service sends the information required to display the report (such as the target records and the display period) to the PFM - Agent.

  4. Send the data required to display the report.

    The PFM - Agent that received the request for the data required to display the report sends the corresponding data (operating information) to the View Server service.

  5. Send the data required to display the report.

    The View Server service that received the data required to display the report sends that data to the GUI or to the jpcrpt command that initiated the report display process.

  6. Use the GUI or the jpcrpt command to display the report (create a graph image).

    The GUI or the jpcrpt command that received the data required to display the report creates the report using the received data and then displays the report. If the report definition contains graph display settings, the GUI or jpcrpt command generates a graph image.

Because the GUI and the jpcrpt command run as different processes, they use different memory areas. Therefore, you need to estimate the memory requirements for both. On the other hand, the View Server service uses the same memory area whether the report display request is issued from the GUI or from the jpcrpt command.


There is no need to estimate the size of the memory for 2 and 3 in the figure because their memory sizes are very small.

(b) Data communication processing when using the monitoring suspension function

Figure C‒2: Data communication processing when using the monitoring suspension function


The following explains the general procedure for suspending or resuming monitoring, and the general procedure for acquiring the monitoring statuses.

  • Suspending or resuming monitoring (by using PFM - Web Console (GUI) or the jpctool monitor suspend or jpctool monitor resume command)

    1. Request the suspension or resumption of monitoring.#1

      Follow the user-operation process to request the suspension or resumption of a host or service.

    2. Request the acquisition of the monitoring status changes and the monitoring statuses after the change.

      The Master Manager updates the monitoring statuses that it manages according to the request. The Master Manager also acquires a list of monitoring statuses for the agents affected by the request.

    3. Each agent is notified of the monitoring status.

      Each agent is notified of the new monitoring statuses. If a failure to notify an agent occurs, that information is managed as Items of unconfirmed status#2.

    4. The result of the suspension or resumption is output.

      The result of the procedure is output.

  • Acquiring the monitoring status (by using PFM - Web Console (GUI) or the jpctool monitor list command)

    1. Request the acquisition of the monitoring statuses.#1

      Follow the user-operation process to request the acquisition of the monitoring statuses of the required agents.

    2. Request the acquisition of the monitoring statuses.

      The Master Manager acquires the monitoring statuses that it manages according to the request. If an agent for which notification failed is registered in the information indicating that application to the agent could not be confirmed#2, this fact will be attached to the monitoring status for that agent.

    3. The result of the acquisition of the monitoring statuses is output.

      The result of the procedure is output.


In one request, you can specify all agents in the environment.


The information might include information about hosts that do not exist in the environment.

The procedures described below can be executed at the same time.

- Steps 1 to 4 of the procedure for suspending or resuming monitoring, and steps 1 to 3 of the procedure for acquiring the monitoring statuses.

- Steps 1 to 3 in the procedure for acquiring the monitoring statuses

The processes described below cannot be executed at the same time because of an internal system lock.

Steps 2 to 3 of the procedure for suspending or resuming monitoring

(2) Estimating memory size when the GUI is being used

Use the procedure shown below to estimate the size of the memory (memory size design) when the GUI is used.

Figure C‒3: Flow chart for estimating the size of the memory when the GUI is used


Perform the memory size design for the View Server service ([Step1] through [Step 3]), and then perform the memory size design for the GUI ([Step 4] through [Step 6]).

(a) [Step 1] Estimating the size of the memory required for the View Server service

Estimate the size of the memory required for the View Server service, taking into account the memory required when the GUI is used, when the jpcrpt command is used, and when the monitoring suspension function is used.

When the GUI is used to display reports, use the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) and the number of users based on the assumption that multiple login users display reports concurrently.

When the jpcrpt command is used to display reports, use the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for the estimation.

When the monitoring suspension function is used, the amount of data to be handled increases as the number of agents increases. Use the theoretical memory requirements for each agent, the total number of agents in the environment, and the number of users based on the assumption that multiple login users use the function concurrently.

In addition, because the View Server service uses about 30 megabytes of memory when active, the estimation formula is as follows:

Size of memory required for the View Server service (earlier than version 11-00)... (A1)

= maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) × 2 × number of users#1, #2 (report display by the GUI)

+ maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) × 2 (report display by jpcrpt)

+ (0.025 megabytes + 0.01 megabytes × number of users#2, #3) × total number of users in the environment#4 (monitoring suspension function#5)

+ 30 megabytes (memory used by the active services)

Size of memory required for the View Server service (version 11-00 or later)... (A1)

= size of memory required for the View Server service (earlier than version 11-00) × 2

#1: This is the number of users logged in concurrently to Performance Management. For example, in an environment where A represents the administrator users and B the non-administrator users, if one administrator user A and three non-administrator users B are logged in concurrently from PFM - Web Console, the total number of users is four.

#2: PFM - Web Console version 09-00 or later enables you to control multiple logins by the same user by specifying the enableDuplicateLogin parameter in config.xml. By using this function, you can prevent an unexpected increase in the number of user logins in the system that might be caused by multiple logins by the same user name. If you use PFM - Web Console version 08-50 or earlier, prevent an unexpected increase in the number of concurrent logins by multiple users by using an appropriate operational means.

#3: This is the number of users logged in concurrently to Performance Management or the number of users who are executing commands. For example, in an environment where A represents the administrator users and B the non-administrator users, if one administrator user A and three non-administrator users B are logged in concurrently from PFM - Web Console, and any of the following commands is being executed in two Command Prompt windows, the total number of users is six.

  • jpctool monitor list

  • jpctool monitor resume

  • jpctool monitor suspend

#4: Total number of PFM - Agents (Agent Collector service), PFM - RMs (RM Collector service), and remote agents and group agents managed by PFM - RM

#5: Unless you are using the monitoring suspension function, you do not have to calculate the following: (0.025 megabytes + 0.01 megabytes × number of users) × total number of agents in the environment


Schematic diagram of the memory size required for the View Server service


To obtain the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1), obtain the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for the reports to be displayed, and then select the largest of the values obtained. Estimate the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for report display using the GUI separately from that for report display using the jpcrpt command.

Formula for determining the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1)

Amount of data required for receiving report data at one time = record size (C1) × number of records... (B1)

The record size is the amount of data per record (amount of one row of data when reports are output as tables or in CSV format).

The number of records is the number of rows of data when a table for one report is output or when a report is output in CSV format.

Because the number of records greatly affects the amount of data, when you calculate the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1), we recommend that you estimate the memory size for reports that have many records.

Formula for determining the record size

Record size (bytes) = total size of all selected fields# + number of selected fields# × 2 + 34... (C1)

The table below shows the correspondence between field format and size. Note that the sizes provided in this table are those required for displaying reports, not the sizes provided in the list of data types in each PFM - Agent manual.

Table C‒7: Correspondence between field format and size


Field format

Size (bytes)


Character string: char, string

Length of character string + 2


Date/time: time_t, timeval



All other fields


#: When historical reports are displayed, the Date and Time field and the ODBC key field are always acquired even if they are not included in the report display. For real-time reports, the Record time field and the ODBC key field are always acquired.

Formula for determining the number of records

Determine the number of records from the input conditions for the target report (such as the number of record instances, the data collection period, and the report display period). For details about the calculation method, see C.7(8) Estimating the number of records.

  • For details about how to estimate the number of instances for each record, see each PFM - Agent manual.

    Table C-25 Guidelines for the number of records provides the number of records based on a typical data collection interval, number of instances, report display, number of records, and report display period. Use this information for reference.

    For examples of estimating memory sizes, see C.7(6) Example estimate.

  • Reducing the memory load of the View Server service by an operational means

    If report display using the GUI, report display using the jpcrpt command, and the monitoring suspension function execute concurrently, a memory shortage might occur on the View Server service depending on the environment. The shortage might occur because the View Server service uses a common memory area. If you use separate time periods for executing report display by the GUI, for executing report display by the jpcrpt command, or for executing the monitoring suspension function, you can reduce the memory load of the View Server service. You can also use PFM's report display function or monitoring suspension function efficiently with small memory size. This is possible because each function uses memory only while it is running. (Example operation: report display by the GUI is performed from 09:00 to 20:00 daily, report display by the jpcrpt command is performed from midnight 0:00 to 1:00 daily, and report display is not performed when the monitoring suspension function is running.)

    To estimate the required memory size for the monitoring suspension function, and the report display by the GUI, and by jpcrpt in [Step 1], use the formula for determining required memory for the View Server service. Add the required memory size for the functions that might be performed concurrently for each time period. Determine the maximum value and add the memory used by active services. The result is the estimate you want.

(b) [Step 2] Comparing the memory size required for the View Server service and the default memory size, and then determining whether to extend memory

Comparing the memory size required for the View Server service and the default memory size

Check if the value (A1) obtained in [Step 1] is less than the available default memory size. If it is, you have completed the estimation of the memory size for the View Server service. In such a case, skip [Step 3] and go to [Step 4].

The following tables show the default memory size and the extendable range of the memory size for the View Server service.

Table C‒8: View Server service version 08-00 or earlier


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range (megabytes)

View Server service (all OSs)


Through 384

Table C‒9: View Server service version 08-11 or earlier


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range (megabytes)

View Server service (Windows)


Through 384

View Server service (UNIX)


Through 384

Table C‒10: View Server service version 09-00 or later


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range (megabytes)

View Server service (all OSs)


Through 384

Table C‒11: View Server service version 11-00 or later


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range

View Server service (all OSs)


No upper limit#


The actual size of memory that can be used depends on the environment. Estimate the size of memory required for the View Server first, and then specify an appropriate value by taking into consideration the size of memory that is used by the OS and applications other than Performance Management.

Determining whether to extend memory

If the value (A1) obtained in [Step 1] is equal to or greater than the available default memory size, determine whether to extend memory. If memory can be extended and the value of (A1) is within the extendable range, set the memory extension in [Step 3], and then go to [Step 4].

Re-estimating after evaluating the operation

If the value of (A1) is equal to or greater than the available memory size after you have performed Determining whether to extend memory, see C.7(4) Reducing memory usage and re-estimate the memory size for the View Server service.

(c) [Step 3] Setting memory extension for the View Server service (not needed if memory extension is not performed)

Set the memory size determined in Determining whether to extend memory according to the procedure for setting the memory size for the View Server service. For details, see C.7(7) Extending the memory for the View Server service and the PFM - Web Console (GUI and jpcrpt). After you have set the memory extension, go to [Step 4]. If you do not perform memory extension, skip this step.

(d) [Step 4] Estimating the size of the memory required for PFM - Web Console (GUI)

Estimate the size of the memory required for PFM - Web Console. In this case, use the total number of agents managed by each login user, the amount of memory required per login user to display reports, and the number of users based on the assumption that multiple login users display reports concurrently on PFM - Web Console. Also, take into account the maximum amount of memory required for creating graphs and the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) (memory required for CSV output or print screen display from the View Report window) (the print window display function is applicable to version 08-11 or later). Because PFM - Web Console's active services use about 50 megabytes of memory, the estimation formula is as follows:

Size of memory required for PFM - Web Console (GUI)... (D1)

= {0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user#1 #2 (20 megabytes minimum)

+ memory size required for report display per login user (E1)}

× number of users#3

+ maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1)

+ amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) (used in CSV output or print screen display)

+ 50 megabytes (memory size used while services are running)

+ memory size required per login user for displaying a report with the monitor startup and suggestion function of JP1/IM2 (G1)#4

× number of users who use the event monitor and suggestion function

#1: 0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user refers to memory required for one login user to use the PFM - Web Console functions. When the calculated value falls below 20 megabytes, assume that this value is 20 megabytes.

#2: The total number of agents managed by each login user refers to the total number of PFM - Agents (Agent Collector service), PFM - RMs (RM Collector service), and remote agents and group agents managed by PFM - RM.

#3: This is the number of users logged in concurrently to Performance Management. For example, in an environment where A represents the administrator users and B the non-administrator users, if one administrator user A and three non-administrator users B are logged in concurrently from PFM - Web Console, the total number of users is four. PFM - Web Console version 09-00 or later enables you to control multiple logins by the same user by specifying the enableDuplicateLogin parameter in config.xml. By using this function, you can prevent an unexpected increase in the number of user logins in the system that might be caused by multiple logins by the same user name.

#4: This does not need to be included in the formula when the JP1/IM2 linkage function is not used. It also does not have to be calculated if the dispReportsSameTime parameter in config.xml has the false value even when the JP1/IM2 linkage function is used.


Schematic diagram of the memory size required for the PFM - Web Console


The following subsections explain how to estimate the memory area required for each of these.

Estimating the memory size required for report display per login user (This is not necessary when the report cache file function is used.)

In PFM - Web Console, a maximum of 20 historical report data items are cached per login user.# Therefore, estimate the required memory size by taking into account the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) and the cache count. The estimation formula is shown below. For the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1), use the maximum value for the GUI (B1) obtained in [Step 1].

Memory size required for report display per login user... (E1)

= maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) (maximum value for the GUI (B1) obtained in [Step 1])

× 20#

#: You can change the cache retention count with the condCacheSize parameter in the config.xml initialization file.

If you use PFM - Web Console version 08-11 or earlier, add the condCacheSize parameter line. The following example sets the cache count to 5.


     <!-- The maximum limits of the records.
                Specifiable values: 1 to 2,147,483,647
                Default           : 1,440
           <param name="maxFetchCount" value="1440"/>
<param name="condCacheSize" value="5"/>   <-- Added line
        <!-- The display count per a page.
                Specifiable values: 1 to 2,147,483,647
                Default           : 20

If you use a newly installed PFM - Web Console version 09-00 or later, the condCacheSize parameter is included by default. The permitted value range is from 5 to 20. If this parameter is set to 5 and the user opens a sixth report while five historical reports are already open, graph images in the first report can no longer be manipulated (such as zooming in) and a cache expiration message is displayed.

Estimating the maximum size of memory required for graph creation (not required if no graph is displayed)

PFM - Web Console uses a large a amount of memory temporarily when graph images are created. The memory areas required for graph creation for each report are always used in order even when multiple reports are executed concurrently. Therefore, first estimate the memory size required for graph creation for each report and then use the largest value as the maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1). If none of the reports contains graphs, skip this estimation step.

PFM - Web Console enables the user to select eight types of graphs for reports. The memory estimation methods can be classified into three types according to the characteristics of graph drawing.

a) Clustered column charts, stacked column charts, clustered bar charts, stacked bar charts, and pie charts (most-recent graphs)

Estimate the memory size required for creating clustered column charts, stacked column charts, clustered bar charts, stacked bar charts, and pie charts by referencing the table below.

Clustered column charts, stacked column charts, clustered bar charts, stacked bar charts, and pie charts display the records (= instances) acquired by a single collection in the past minute. Therefore, use the maximum number of instances that are obtained by one collection in the display period. For details about the approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation, see C.7(5) Approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation.

Table C‒12: Guidelines for the memory size required for creating most-recent graphs

Maximum number of instances

Guideline for required memory size (megabytes)

1 to 50#



When the maximum number of instances exceeds 50, it becomes difficult to check the data in graphs. Therefore, evaluate setting filters in the report definition to keep the number of instances in check.


For details about how to estimate the number of instances for each record, see each PFM - Agent manual.

b) Line graphs and area charts (time-series graphs)

Estimate the memory size required for creating line graphs and pie charts by referencing the table below. For the number of records, use the maximum value obtained in [Step 1].

Table C‒13: Guidelines for the memory size required for creating line graphs and area charts

Number of records (maximum value obtained in [Step 1])

Guideline for required memory size (megabytes)

1 to 1,000


1,001 to 10,000


10,001 to 30,000


30,001 to 70,000


70,001 to 100,000


100,001 or greater

See the formula below#


If the number of records exceeds 100,000, use the following formula to estimate the memory size:

Memory size required for graph creation = (number of records (maximum value obtained in [Step 1]) ÷ 100,000) × 80 megabytes

c) Stacked area charts

Estimate the memory size required for creating stacked area charts by referencing the table below.

Table C‒14: Guidelines for the memory size required for creating stacked area charts

Number of records#1

Guideline for required memory size (megabytes)

1 to 1,000


1,001 to 10,000


10,001 to 30,000


30,001 to 70,000


70,001 to 100,000


100,001 to 300,000

See the formula below#2

300,001 or greater

Charts cannot be displayed#3


When you estimate the memory size required for creating stacked area charts, obtain the number of records by using the following formula:

Number of records (H1) = data acquisition count × total number of instances

The total number of instances means the total number of instances that existed even once during the data collection period. Therefore, a very large amount of memory is used to create stacked area charts. For details about the approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation, see C.7(5) Approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation.


If the number of records is from 100,001 to 300,000, estimate the required memory size by using the following formula:

Memory size required for graph creation = (number of records (H1) ÷ 100,000) × 200 megabytes


Do not display reports containing stacked area charts when the number of records exceeds 300,000. If such a report is displayed, almost all of PFM - Web Console's extendable memory (1,024 bytes) will be used up. Evaluate reducing the number of records by adjusting the display period and data collection interval and by specifying filters in the report definitions.

Of the memory sizes required for graph creation obtained above, use the largest value as the maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1).

Estimating the size of memory required for CSV output or print screen display from the View Report window

PFM - Web Console enables you to output reports in CSV format and display print screens in HTML format from reports displayed by using the GUI. The memory required for one report display is needed to output a report in CSV format or to display a print screen in HTML format. Therefore, when you estimate the required memory size, use the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) obtained in [Step 1].

For an example estimate, see C.7(6) Example estimate.

Memory size required per login user for displaying a report with the monitor startup and suggestion function of JP1/IM2 (if using the JP1/IM2 linkage function)

With PFM - Web Console, you can link with an instance of JP1/IM2 that is version 12-50 or later to perform monitor startup from a JP1/IM2 event or display reports using the JP1/IM2 suggestion function.

With PFM - Web Console version 12-50 or later, sessions are now managed individually so that display can be performed simultaneously with the PFM - Web Console window displayed in the Integrated Operation Viewer of JP1/IM2. Therefore, the amount of memory for session information must be estimated separately from the memory size required for report display per login user (E1). The estimation formula is as follows:

Memory size required per login user for displaying a report with the monitor startup and suggestion function of JP1/IM2... (G1)

= number of defined alarms × 1 KB

+ number of defined reports × 1 KB

+ number of business groups × 1 KB

+ number of agents × 1 KB

(e) [Step 5] Comparing the memory size required for the PFM - Web Console (GUI) and the default memory size, and then determining whether to extend memory

Comparing the memory size required for the PFM - Web Console (GUI) and the default memory size

Check if the value (D1) obtained in [Step 4] is less than the available default memory size. If it is, you have completed the estimation of memory size for the PFM - Web Console. Go to [Step 6] and set the maximum number of records to be acquired.

The following tables show the default memory size and the extendable range of memory size for the PFM - Web Console.

Table C‒15: PFM - Web Console version 08 -50 or earlier


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range (megabytes)

PFM - Web Console (all OSs)


Through 1,024

Table C‒16: PFM - Web Console version 09-00 or later


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range (megabytes)

PFM - Web Console (all OSs)


Through 1,024

Table C‒17: PFM - Web Console version 11-00 or later


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range (megabytes)

PFM - Web Console (all OSs)


Through 2,048

Table C‒18: PFM - Web Console version 12-10 or later


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range (megabytes)

PFM - Web Console (all OSs)


No limit

Determining whether to extend memory

If the value (D1) obtained in [Step 4] is equal to or greater than the available default memory size, determine whether to extend memory. If the memory is extendable and the value of (D1) is within the extendable range, go to [Step 6] to set the memory extension and the maximum number of records to be acquired.

Re-estimating after evaluating the operation

If the value of (D1) is equal to or greater than the available memory size after you have performed Determining whether to extend memory, see C.7(4) Reducing memory usage and re-estimate the memory size for the PFM - Web Console.

(f) [Step 6] Setting memory extension for PFM - Web Console (GUI) and the number of records

Set the memory extension for PFM - Web Console (GUI) (not needed if memory extension is not performed)

Set the memory size determined in Determining whether to extend memory according to the procedure for setting the memory size for PFM - Web Console. For details, see C.7(7) Extending the memory for the View Server service and the PFM - Web Console (GUI and jpcrpt). If you do not perform memory extension, skip this step.

Specifying the maximum number of records to be acquired for PFM - Web Console (GUI)

Of the numbers of records obtained in [Step 1], specify the largest value in the maxFetchCount parameter (under the <vsa> tag) in config.xml.

Note: If you use the jpcrpt command to output reports, specify the maximum number of records to be acquired in the maxFetchCount parameter under the <command> tag.

(3) Estimating the size of the memory required when the jpcrpt command is used to display reports

Use the procedure shown below to estimate the size of the memory (memory size design) required to display reports when you use the jpcrpt command.

Figure C‒4: Flow chart for estimating the size of the memory required when you use the jpcrpt command to display reports


#1: If multiple instances of the jpcrpt command are executed concurrently, a memory shortage might occur in the View Server service, which might result in problems using the Performance Management functions. If the jpcrpt command is to be executed multiple times in succession, design the system so that only one instance of the jpcrpt command can be executed at a time (for example, first check the return value of the jpcrpt command and then execute the next jpcrpt command).

#2: When a historical report (for one agent) is output in CSV format, a maximum of about one million records of data can be handled per execution. To handle more than one million records of data, execute CSV output multiple times by handling one million records at a time.

The jpcrpt command is useful for handling a large amount of data because it transmits data in segments when historical reports (for one agent) are output in CSV format. Therefore, there is no need to estimate the memory size.# When you handle a large amount of data in report output, perform CSV output on historical reports (for one agent) by using the jpcrpt command.

#: When historical reports (for one agent) are output in CSV format, a maximum of about one million records of data can be handled per execution. To handle more than one million records of data, perform CSV output multiple times by handling one million records at a time.

On the other hand, if the jpcrpt command is used to perform HTML output (PFM - Web Console version 08-11 or later) or CSV output on historical reports (for multiple agents), you must perform the memory size design based on the estimated memory size, because the jpcrpt command is not designed to handle a large amount of data without using segment transmission.

Perform memory size design for the View Server service ([Step 1] through [Step 3]), and then perform memory size design for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt) ([Step 4] through [Step 6]).

(a) [Step 1] Estimating the size of the memory required for the View Server service

See [Step 1] in C.7(2) Estimating memory size when the GUI is being used.

(b) [Step 2] Comparing the memory size required for the View Server service and the default memory size, and then determining whether to extend memory

See [Step 2] in C.7(2) Estimating memory size when the GUI is being used.

(c) [Step 3] Setting memory extension for the View Server service (if you do not perform memory extension, skip this step)

See [Step 3] in C.7(2) Estimating memory size when the GUI is being used.

(d) [Step 4] Estimating the size of the memory required for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt)

Estimate the size of the memory required for the jpcrpt command on PFM - Web Console. To do this, take into account the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) ([Step 1] maximum value of (B1)) and the maximum memory size required for graph creation.

Size of memory required for the jpcrpt command (D1)

= maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) ([Step 1] maximum value of (B1) in jpcrpt)

+ maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1)

The following explains how to estimate each memory size.

Estimating the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time

Use the maximum value of (B1) obtained in [Step 1].

Estimating the maximum size of the memory required for graph creation (not required if no graph display is specified in report definitions)

If graph display is specified in report definitions, the jpcrpt command can output reports containing graphs in HTML format. However, a large amount of memory is used temporarily to create graph images. To estimate the memory size required for graph creation, first estimate the memory size required for graph creation for each report and then use the largest value as the maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1). If the definitions of reports that are to be output by jpcrpt do not contain graphs, skip this estimation step.

PFM - Web Console enables the user to select eight types of graphs for reports. The memory estimation methods can be classified into three types according to the characteristics of graph drawing.

a) Clustered column charts, stacked column charts, clustered bar charts, stacked bar charts, and pie charts (most-recent graphs)

Estimate the memory size required for creating clustered column charts, stacked column charts, clustered bar charts, stacked bar charts, and pie charts by referencing the table below.

Clustered column charts, stacked column charts, clustered bar charts, stacked bar charts, and pie charts display the records (= instances) acquired by a single collection in the past minute. Therefore, use the maximum number of instances that are obtained by one collection in the display period. For details about the approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation, see C.7(5) Approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation.

Table C‒19: Guidelines for the memory size required for creating the most-recent graphs

Maximum number of instances

Guideline for required memory size (megabytes)

1 to 50#



When the maximum number of instances exceeds 50, it becomes difficult to check the data in graphs. Therefore, evaluate setting filters in the report definition to keep the number of instances in check.


For details about how to estimate the number of instances for each record, see each PFM - Agent manual.

b) Line graphs and area charts (time-series graphs)

Estimate the memory size required for creating line graphs and pie charts by referencing the table below. For the number of records, use the maximum value obtained in [Step 1].

Table C‒20: Guidelines for the memory size required for creating line graphs and area charts

Number of records (maximum value obtained in [Step 1])

Guideline for required memory size (megabytes)

1 to 1,000


1,001 to 10,000


10,001 to 30,000


30,001 to 70,000


70,001 to 100,000


100,001 or greater

See the formula below#


If the number of records exceeds 100,000, use the following formula to estimate the memory size:

Memory size required for graph creation = (number of records (maximum value obtained in [Step 1]) ÷ 100,000) × 80 megabytes

c) Stacked area charts

Estimate the memory size required for creating stacked area charts by referencing the table below.

Table C‒21: Guidelines for the memory size required for creating stacked area charts

Number of records#1

Guideline for required memory size (megabytes)

1 to 1,000


1,001 to 10,000


10,001 to 30,000


30,001 to 70,000


70,001 to 100,000


100,001 to 300,000

See the formula below#2

300,001 or greater

Charts cannot be displayed#3


When you estimate the memory size required for creating stacked area charts, obtain the number of records by using the following formula:

Number of records (H1) = data acquisition count × total number of instances

The total number of instances means the total number of instances that existed even once during the data collection period. Therefore, a very large amount of memory is used to create stacked area charts. For details about the approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation, see C.7(5) Approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation.


If the number of records is from 100,001 to 300,000, estimate the required memory size by using the following formula:

Memory size required for graph creation = (number of records (H1) ÷ 100,000) × 200 megabytes


Do not display reports containing stacked area charts when the number of records exceeds 300,000. If such a report is displayed, almost all of PFM - Web Console's extendable memory (1,024 bytes) will be used up. Evaluate reducing the number of records by adjusting the display period and data collection interval and by specifying filters in the report definitions.

Of the memory sizes required for graph creation obtained above, use the largest value as the maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1).

For an example estimate, see C.7(6) Example estimate.


Schematic diagram of the memory size required for the PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt)


(e) [Step 5] Comparing the memory size required for the PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt) and the default memory size, and then determining whether to extend memory

Comparing the memory size required for the PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt) and the default memory size

Check if the value (D1) obtained in [Step 4] is less than the available default memory size. If it is, you have completed the estimation of memory size for the PFM - Web Console. Go to [Step 6] and set the maximum number of records to be acquired.

The following table shows the default memory size and the extendable range of memory size for the PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt).

Table C‒22: jpcrpt command for version 08-00 or later


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range (megabytes)

PFM - Web Console (all OSs)


Through 1,024

Table C‒23: jpcrpt command for version 08-00 or later


Default value (megabytes)

Extendable range (megabytes)

PFM - Web Console (all OSs)


Through 2,048

Determining whether to extend memory

If the value (D1) obtained in [Step 4] is equal to or greater than the available default memory size, determine whether to extend memory. Once you have decided to extend the memory and the value of (D1) is within the extendable range, this step is completed. Go to [Step 6] to set the memory extension and the maximum number of records to be acquired.

Re-estimating after evaluating the operation

If the value of (D1) is equal to or greater than the available memory size after you have performed Determining whether to extend memory, see C.7(4) Reducing memory usage and re-estimate the memory size for the PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt).

(f) [Step 6] Setting memory extension for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt) and the number of records

Set the memory extension for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt) (not needed if memory extension is not performed)

Set the memory size determined in Determining whether to extend memory according to the procedure for setting the memory size for PFM - Web Console. For details, see C.7(7) Extending the memory for the View Server service and the PFM - Web Console (GUI and jpcrpt). If you do not perform memory extension, skip this step.

Specifying the maximum number of records to be acquired for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt)

Of the numbers of records obtained in [Step 1], specify the largest value in the maxFetchCount parameter (under the <command> tag) in config.xml.

Note: If use the GUI to output reports, specify the maximum number of records to be acquired in the maxFetchCount parameter under the <vsa> tag.

(4) Reducing memory usage

To reduce memory usage, evaluate the items listed in the following table, and then re-estimate the required memory.

Table C‒24: Memory requirement items to be re-evaluated


Item to be re-evaluated


View Server service

Adjusting the record size

Reduce the number of selected fields.

Adjusting the number of records

Take some or all of the following actions:

  1. Reduce the display period.

  2. Reduce the number of instances (set filters in the report definitions).

  3. Increase the data collection interval or the report display interval.

PFM - Web Console


Changing the cache retention count

Reduce the condCacheSize parameter value in config.xml.

Adjusting the number of records

Take some or all of the following actions:

  1. Reduce the display period.

  2. Reduce the number of instances (set filters in the report definitions).

  3. Increase the data collection interval or the report display interval.

Controlling multiple logins by the same user

Specify the enableDuplicateLogin parameter in config.xml.

(applicable only to version 09-00 or later)

Distributing systems across multiple sites

Install PFM - Manager at each site so that PFM - Agents, PFM - RMs, and login users are distributed across multiple sites.

For this to work, PFM - Web Console must be connected to the PFM - Manager installed at each site.

PFM - Web Console


Adjusting the record size

Reduce the number of selected fields.

Adjusting the number of records

Take some or all of the following actions:

  1. Reduce the display period.

  2. Reduce the number of instances (set filters in the report definitions).

  3. Increase the data collection interval or the report display interval.

You can adjust the number of records to be acquired by adjusting the data collection interval and the report display period. If you adjust the number of records, use the guidelines shown in the following table for evaluation.

Table C‒25: Guidelines for the number of records


Maximum number of records to be acquired

Data collection interval

Number of instances

Report display interval

Report display period


1,440 (default)

1 minute



1 day

5 minutes



5 days

5 minutes



1 day

1 minute



60 days



1 minute



7 days

5 minutes



35 days

5 minutes



7 days

1 minute



420 days



1 minute



31 days

5 minutes



155 days

5 minutes



31 days

1 minute



1,860 days

(5) Approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation

This subsection explains an approach to estimating the memory size required for graph creation for each type of graph.

In the figure below, each cell containing an alphabetical letter represents one record.

The figure indicates that records A and B were collected at 12:01, A, C, and D at 12:02, and A, B, and C at 12:03.

Clustered column charts, stacked column charts, clustered bar charts, stacked bar charts, and pie charts (most-recent graphs)

The records collected at the most recent time are used to draw graphs.

Figure C‒5: Records required for creating most-recent graphs


To draw a graph, the three records indicated by shading in the figure are required. (The records indicated by dashed lines are collected as data but they not used for drawing graphs).

About the maximum number of instances

This subsection explains the maximum number of instances used for estimating the memory size required for graph creation. The maximum number of instances means the largest number of records collected (= number of instances) at each collection time within the display period.

In this figure, the number of records is two at collection time 12:00, three at 12:01, three at 12:02, and zero at 12:03. Therefore, the maximum number of instances is three.

Because the estimation of the maximum number of instances depends on the records, evaluate the appropriate value by referencing each PFM - Agent manual.

Line graphs and area charts (time-series graphs)

All records in the display period are used to draw graphs.

Figure C‒6: Records required for drawing time-series graphs


A total of eight records, as indicated by shading in this figure, are needed to draw graphs.

Stacked area charts (collection-target records stacked up by time in time series)

All records in the display period are used to draw graphs. Because the records collected at each time must be stacked in the same order, null records (dummy (B), dummy (C), and dummy (D)) are added when there is no corresponding record.

Figure C‒7: Records required for drawing stacked area charts


A total of 12 records, as indicated by shading in this figure, are needed to draw graphs.

About the total number of instances

This subsection explains the total number of instances used for estimating the memory size required for graph creation. The total number of instances means the total number of instances that existed even once during the data collection period.

In this figure, the instances that existed at least once in the display period (12:00 to 12:03) are A, B, C, and D. Therefore, the total number of instances is four.

For records whose instances change dramatically by collection period (such as the PD record of PFM - Agent for Platform), the total number of instances might become very large. Because the total number of instances depends on the characteristics of instances of each record, estimate the required memory size by referencing each PFM - Agent manual.

(6) Example estimate

(a) Example estimate for report display using the GUI

The prerequisites are shown below. In this example, report display by the jpcrpt command is not considered in the memory estimate for the View Server service because report display by the GUI is performed in separate time periods.


Memory settings for the View Server service

256 megabytes (this example assumes an environment in which memory cannot be extended)

Memory settings for PFM - Web Console

512 megabytes (this example assumes an environment in which memory cannot be extended)

Number of monitoring agents

500 agents (UNIX Agent for Platform)

Number of users


Administrator: administrator

Non-administrator: public1, public2, public3

The above accounts are used by four users.

Whether the concurrent login control setting is specified

(enableDuplicateLogin parameter)


Cache retention count (condCacheSize parameter)


Report A

UNIX Agent for Platform

PI_DEVD record

Busy % field

Write % field

ODBC key field: Device Name field (in this example, string (10))

Number of instances: 20

Data collection interval: 60 seconds

Report display interval: Hour (60 minutes)

Report display period: Past month

Graph type: Line

Report B

UNIX Agent for Platform

PD_FSL record

Mbytes Free % field

ODBC key field: File System field (in this example, string (50))

Number of instances: 50

Data collection interval: 300 seconds

Report display interval: Minute (one minute)

Report display period: Past week

Graph type: Clustered column chart

Report C

Windows Agent for Platform

PI record

CPU % field

ODBC key field: None

Number of instances: 1

Data collection interval: 60 seconds

Report display interval: Minute (one minute)

Report display period: Past week

Graph type: Pie chart

Report D

Windows Agent for Platform

PD record

Virtual Kbytes field

ODBC key field: Program field (in this example, string (30)), PID field

Number of instances: 50

Data collection interval: 60 seconds

Report display interval: Minute (one minute)

Report display period: Past 24 hours

Graph type: Line

Starting the memory size design

First, to enable concurrent login control, change the enableDuplicateLogin parameter setting in config.xml from true to false.

[Step 1] Estimating the memory size required for the View Server service

To estimate the memory size required for the View Server service, determine the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) from the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for each report to be displayed.

To effectively perform estimation for multiple reports, we recommend that you use reports that have many records for estimation. To obtain the number of records for individual reports A, B, C, and D:

From the prerequisites, report A satisfies the following condition:

b) Data collection interval < report display interval

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ report display interval, therefore

Number of data collections = 31 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 60 (minutes) = 744 (count)

Number of records = 744 × 20 = 14,880 records

From the prerequisites, report B satisfies the following condition:

a) Data collection intervalreport display interval

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ data collection interval, therefore

Number of data collections = 7 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 5 (minutes) = 2,016 (count)

Number of records = 2,016 × 50 = 100,800 records

From the prerequisites, report C satisfies the following condition:

a) Data collection intervalreport display interval

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ data collection interval, therefore

Number of data collections = 7 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 1 (minutes) = 10,080 (count)

Number of records = 10,080 × 1 = 10,080 records

From the prerequisites, report D satisfies the following condition:

a) Data collection intervalreport display interval

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ data collection interval, therefore

Number of data collections = 1 (day) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 1 (minutes) = 1,440 (count)

Number of records = 1,440 × 50 = 72,000 records

As a result, this example performs memory size estimation for reports B and D that have many records.

Next, the example obtains the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for reports B and D.

Amount of data required for receiving report data at one time = record size (C1) × number of records... (B1)

First, the example calculates the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for report B.

The record size of report B is as follows:

Record size (bytes)

= total size of all selected fields# + number of selected fields# × 2 + 34... (C1), therefore

(16 [date and time field]) + (13 [Mbytes Free % field]) + {(50 + 2) [File System field]} + 3 × 2 + 34 = 121 (bytes)

Amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1)

= 121 (bytes) × 100,800 records = 12,196,800 (bytes) [Figure] 12 megabytes

#: When historical reports are displayed, the Date and Time field and the ODBC key field are always acquired even if they are not included in the report display. For real-time reports, the Record time field and the ODBC key field are always acquired.

Next, the example calculates the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for report D.

The record size of report D is as follows:

Record size (bytes)

= total size of all selected fields# + number of selected fields# × 2 + 34... (C1), therefore

(16 [date and time field]) + (13 [Virtual Kbytes field]) + {(30 + 2) [program field]} + (13 [PID field]) + 4 × 2 + 34 = 116 (bytes)

Amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1)

= 116 (bytes) × 72,000 records = 8,352,000 (bytes) [Figure] 8 megabytes

As a result, the size of the memory required for the View Server service (the jpcrpt command is not considered) is as follows:

Size of memory required for the View Server service

= maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) × 2 × number of users# + 30 megabytes... (A1)

Of the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) obtained for each report, the largest value is 12 megabytes, which belongs to report B.

Size of memory required for the View Server service

= 12 megabytes × 2 × 4 + 30 megabytes = 126 megabytes

#: This is the number of users logged in concurrently to Performance Management. For example, in an environment where A represents the administrator users and B the non-administrator users, if one administrator user A and three non-administrator users B are concurrently logged in concurrently from PFM - Web Console, the total number of users is four. PFM - Web Console version 09-00 or later enables you to control multiple logins by the same user by specifying the enableDuplicateLogin parameter in config.xml. By using this function, you can prevent an unexpected increase in the number of user logins that might be caused by multiple logins by the same user name. If you use PFM - Web Console version 08-11 or earlier, inhibit the number of concurrent logins by multiple users by operational means.

[Step 2] Comparing the memory size required for the View Server service and the default memory size, and then determining whether to extend memory

Because the size of the memory required for the View Server service is 256 megabytes or less, there is no problem in the memory settings for the View Server service.

[Step 3] Setting the memory extension for the View Server service

This step is not required because this example does not extend memory for the View Server service.

[Step 4] Estimating the size of the memory required for running PFM - Web Console

Next, the example estimates the size of the memory required for PFM - Web Console.

Memory size required for report display per login user... (E1)

= maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) × 20

As a result of the calculation performed for each report at [Step 1], the largest value belongs to report B. Therefore, the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) is 12 megabytes.

Memory size required for report display per login user (E1) = 12 megabytes × 20 = 240 megabytes

From the graph type and the number of records for reports B and D, the memory sizes required for graph creation for these reports are as follows:

Memory size required for graph creation for report B is 2 megabytes

Memory size required for graph creation for report D is 80 megabytes

As a result, the maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1) is 80 megabytes.

Size of memory required for PFM - Web Console (GUI)... (D1)

={0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user#1 #2 (20 megabytes minimum)

+ memory size required for report display per login user (E1)}

× number of users#3

+ maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1)

+ amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) (used in CSV output or print screen display)

+ 50 megabytes (memory size used while services are running)

0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user would be

0.1 megabytes × 500 = 50 megabytes (> 20 megabytes). Thus, the memory size required for PFM - Web Console can be calculated as follows:

Memory required for PFM - Web Console =

{0.1 megabytes × 500 + 240 megabytes} × 4 + 80 megabytes + 12 megabytes + 50 megabytes = 1,302 megabytes

#1: 0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user refers to memory required for one login user to use the PFM - Web Console functions. When the calculated value falls below 20 megabytes, assume that this value is 20 megabytes.

#2: The total number of agents managed by each login user refers to the total number of PFM - Agents (Agent Collector service), PFM - RMs (RM Collector service), and remote agents and group agents managed by PFM - RM.

#3: This is the number of users logged in concurrently to Performance Management. For example, in an environment where A represents the administrator users and B the non-administrator users, if one administrator user A and three non-administrator users B are logged in concurrently from PFM - Web Console, the total number of users is four. PFM - Web Console version 09-00 or later enables you to control multiple logins by the same user by specifying the enableDuplicateLogin parameter in config.xml. By using this function, you can prevent an unexpected increase in the number of user logins that might be caused by multiple logins by the same user name. If you use PFM - Web Console version 08-11 or earlier, inhibit the number of concurrent logins by multiple users by operational means.

[Step 5] Checking the memory size required for PFM - Web Console and evaluating memory extension

The estimation reveals that the memory size required for PFM - Web Console exceeds the available default value of 512 megabytes. In this example, memory extension cannot be evaluated. Therefore, the example evaluates the report display operation, changes the cache retention count for reports (condCacheSize parameter in config.xml) from 20 to 5, changes the data collection interval for report B from 300 seconds to 360 seconds, and then re-calculates the required memory size for PFM - Web Console.

[Step 4] Re-estimating the memory size required for PFM - Web Console (re-estimation)

[Re-calculating the memory size required for PFM - Web Console]

First, re-calculate the number of records for report B.

Number of data collections = 7 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 6 (minutes) = 1,680 (count)

Number of records = 1,680 × 50 = 84,000 records

Amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1)

= 121 (bytes) × 84,000 records = 10,164,000 (bytes) [Figure] 10 megabytes

Memory size required for report display per login user... (E1)

= maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) × 20

Change the cache retention count from 20 to 5.

As a result of the calculation for each report, the largest value of the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) is 10 megabytes, which belongs to report B. Therefore,

Memory size required for report display per login user (E1) = 10 megabytes × 5 = 50 megabytes

The maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1) is 80 megabytes.

Size of memory required for PFM - Web Console (GUI) (D1)

={0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user#1 #2 (20 megabytes minimum)

+ memory size required for report display per login user (E1)}

× number of users#3

+ maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1)

+ amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) (used in CSV output or print screen display)

+ 50 megabytes (memory size used while services are running)

0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user would be

0.1 megabytes × 500 = 50 megabytes (> 20 megabytes). Thus, the memory size required for PFM - Web Console can be calculated as follows:

Memory size required for PFM - Web Console =

{0.1 megabytes × 500 + 50 megabytes × 4 + 80 megabytes + 10 megabytes + 50 megabytes = 540 megabytes

#1: 0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user refers to memory required for one login user to use the PFM - Web Console functions. When the calculated value falls below 20 megabytes, assume that this value is 20 megabytes.

#2: The total number of agents managed by each login user refers to the total number of PFM - Agents (Agent Collector service), PFM - RMs (RM Collector service), and remote agents and group agents managed by PFM - RM.

#3: This is the number of users logged in concurrently to Performance Management. For example, in an environment where A represents the administrator users and B the non-administrator users, if one administrator user A and three non-administrator users B are logged in concurrently from PFM - Web Console, the total number of users is four. PFM - Web Console version 09-00 or later enables you to control multiple logins by the same user by specifying the enableDuplicateLogin parameter in config.xml. By using this function, you can prevent an unexpected increase in the number of user logins that might be caused by multiple logins by the same user name. If you use PFM - Web Console version 08-11 or earlier, inhibit the number of concurrent logins by multiple users by operational means.

[Step 5] Checking the memory size required for PFM - Web Console and evaluating memory extension (re-check)

The estimation reveals that the memory size required for PFM - Web Console exceeds the available default value of 512 megabytes. Furthermore, there is no more room for improvement in the report operation.

You must therefore distribute systems over two PFM - Managers, change the number of agents monitored by each PFM - Manager from 500 to 250 and the number of users logging in to each PFM - Manager from 4 to 2, and then recalculate the size of memory necessary for PFM - Web Console.

[Step 4] Re-estimating the memory size required for PFM - Web Console (third try)

[Re-calculating the memory size required for PFM - Web Console]

Because no changes are made to the report display operation, the estimated value would be the same as the one calculated in [Step 4] Re-estimating the memory size required for PFM - Web Console (re-estimation).

Thus, the size of memory required for PFM - Web Console can be calculated as follows:

Size of memory required for PFM - Web Console (GUI) (D1)

={0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user#1 #2 (20 megabytes minimum)

+ memory size required for report display per login user (E1)}

× number of users#3

+ maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1)

+ amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) (used in CSV output or print screen display)

+ 50 megabytes (memory size used while services are running)

0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user would be

0.1 megabytes × 250 = 25 megabytes (> 20 megabytes). Thus, the memory size required for PFM - Web Console can be calculated as follows:

Memory size required for PFM - Web Console =

{0.1 megabytes × 250 + 50 megabytes × 2 + 80 megabytes + 10 megabytes + 50 megabytes = 290 megabytes

#1: 0.1 megabytes × total number of agents managed by each login user refers to memory required for one login user to use the PFM - Web Console functions. When the calculated value falls below 20 megabytes, assume that this value is 20 megabytes.

#2: The total number of agents managed by each login user refers to the total number of PFM - Agents (Agent Collector service), PFM - RMs (RM Collector service), and remote agents and group agents managed by PFM - RM.

#3: This is the number of users logged in concurrently to Performance Management. For example, in an environment where A represents the administrator users and B the non-administrator users, if one administrator user A and three non-administrator users B are logged in concurrently from PFM - Web Console, the total number of users is four. PFM - Web Console version 09-00 or later enables you to control multiple logins by the same user by specifying the enableDuplicateLogin parameter in config.xml. By using this function, you can prevent an unexpected increase in the number of user logins that might be caused by multiple logins by the same user name. If you use PFM - Web Console version 08-11 or earlier, inhibit the number of concurrent logins by multiple users by operational means.

[Step 5] Checking the memory size required for PFM - Web Console and evaluating the memory extension (third try)

Because the memory size required for PFM - Web Console is now 512 megabytes or less, there is no problem in the memory settings for PFM - Web Console.

[Step 6] Specifying the memory extension and the number of records for PFM - Web Console

There is no need to specify memory extension settings because this example does not extend the memory for PFM - Web Console. Lastly, specify the maxFetchCount parameter (under the <vsa> tag) in config.xml. This example specifies 84,000, which is the largest number of records for all reports calculated as (B1) in [Step 1].

The memory size design is now completed.

(b) Example estimate for report display using the jpcrpt command

The prerequisites are shown below. In this example, report display by the GUI is not considered in the memory estimate for the View Server service because report display by the jpcrpt command is performed in separate time periods.


Memory settings for the View Server service

256 megabytes (this example assumes an environment in which memory cannot be extended)

Memory settings for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt)

64 megabytes (this example assumes an environment in which memory cannot be extended)

Report A

UNIX Agent for Platform#:

PI_DEVD record

Busy % field

Write % field

ODBC key field: Device Name field (in this example, string (10))

Number of instances: 20

Data collection interval: 60 seconds

Report display interval: Hour (60 minutes)

Report display period: Past month

Graph type: Line

Report B

UNIX Agent for Platform#:

PD_FSL record

Mbytes Free % field

ODBC key field: File System field

(in this example, string (50))

Number of instances: 50

Data collection interval: 300 seconds

Report display interval: Minute (one minute)

Report display period: Past week

Graph type: Clustered column chart

Report C

Windows Agent for Platform#:

PI record

CPU % field

ODBC key field: None

Number of instances: 1

Data collection interval: 60 seconds

Report display interval: Minute (one minute)

Report display period: Past week

Graph type: Pie chart

Report D

Windows Agent for Platform#:

PD record

Virtual Kbytes field

ODBC key field: Program field (in this example, string (30)), PID field

Number of instances: 50

Data collection interval: 60 seconds

Report display interval: Minute (one minute)

Report display period: Past 24 hours

Graph type: Line


Historical report (for one agent)

Because reports A, B, C, and D are all historical reports (for one agent), the memory size must be estimated for all reports.

Starting the memory size design

[Step 1] Estimating the memory size required for the View Server service

To estimate the memory size required for the View Server service, determine the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) from the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for each report to be displayed.

To effectively perform estimation for multiple reports, we recommend that you use reports that have many records for estimation. To obtain the number of records for individual reports A, B, C, and D:

From the prerequisites, report A satisfies the following condition:

b) Data collection interval < report display interval

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ report display interval, therefore

Number of data collections = 31 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 60 (minutes) = 744 (count)

Number of records = 744 × 20 = 14,880 records

From the prerequisites, report B satisfies the following condition:

a) Data collection intervalreport display interval

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ data collection interval, therefore

Number of data collections = 7 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 5 (minutes) = 2,016 (count)

Number of records = 2,016 × 50 = 100,800 records

From the prerequisites, report C satisfies the following condition:

a) Data collection intervalreport display interval

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ data collection interval, therefore

Number of data collections = 7 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 1 (minutes) = 10,080 (count)

Number of records = 10,080 × 1 = 10,080 records

From the prerequisites, report D satisfies the following condition:

a) Data collection intervalreport display interval

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ data collection interval, therefore

Number of data collections = 1 (day) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 1 (minutes) = 1,440 (count)

Number of records = 1,440 × 50 = 72,000 records

As a result, this example performs memory size estimation for reports B and D that have many records.

Next, the example obtains the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for reports B and D.

Amount of data required for receiving report data at one time = record size (C1) × number of records... (B1)

First, the example calculates the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for report B.

The record size of report B is as follows:

Record size (bytes)

= total size of all selected fields# + number of selected fields# × 2 + 34... (C1), therefore

(16 [date and time field]) + (13 [Mbytes Free % field]) + {(50 + 2) [File System field]} + 3 × 2 + 34 = 121 (bytes)

Amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1)

= 121 (bytes) × 100,800 records = 12,196,800 (bytes) [Figure] 12 megabytes

Next, the example calculates the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) for report D.

The record size of report D is as follows:

Record size (bytes)

= total size of all selected fields# + number of selected fields# × 2 + 34... (C1), therefore

(16 [date and time field]) + (13 [Virtual Kbytes field]) + {(30 + 2) [program field]} + (13 [PID field]) + 4 × 2 + 34 = 116 (bytes)

Amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1)

= 116 (bytes) × 72,000 records = 8,352,000 (bytes) [Figure] 8 megabytes

As a result, the size of the memory required for the View Server service (GUI report display is not considered) is as follows:

Size of memory required for the View Server service

= maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) × 2 + 30 megabytes... (A1)

Of the amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) obtained for each report, the largest value is 12 megabytes, which belongs to report B.

Size of memory required for the View Server service = 12 megabytes × 2 + 30 megabytes = 54 megabytes

[Step 2] Comparing the memory size required for the View Server service and the default memory size, and then determining whether to extend memory

Because the size of the memory required for the View Server service is 256 megabytes or less, there is no problem in the memory settings for the View Server service.

[Step 3] Setting the memory extension for the View Server service

This step is not required because this example does not extend memory for the View Server service.

[Step 4] Estimating the size of the memory required for running PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt)

Next, the example estimates the size of the memory required for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt).

As a result of the calculation performed for each report at [Step 1], the largest value belongs to report B. Therefore, the maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) is 12 megabytes.

From the graph type and the number of records for reports B and D, the memory sizes required for graph creation for these reports are as follows:

Memory size required for graph creation for report B is 2 megabytes

Memory size required for graph creation for report D is 80 megabytes

As a result, the maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1) is 80 megabytes.

Size of memory required for the jpcrpt command... (D1)

= maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) (value of (B1) for jpcrpt in [Step 1])

+ maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1)

Memory required for the jpcrpt command = 12 megabytes + 80 megabytes = 92 megabytes

[Step 5] Checking the memory size required for PFM - Web Console and evaluating memory extension

The estimation reveals that the memory size required for the jpcrpt command exceeds the available default value of 64 megabytes. In this example, memory extension cannot be evaluated. Of the memory sizes estimated, the size required for graph creation is very large compared to the available default memory size (64 megabytes). Therefore, the example evaluates the report display operation, changes the data collection interval for report D from 60 seconds to 300 seconds, and then re-calculates the required memory size for the jpcrpt command.

[Step 4] Re-estimating the memory size required for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt) (re-estimation)

Re-calculating the memory size required for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt)

First, re-calculate the number of records for report D.

Number of data collections = 1 (day) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 5 (minutes) = 288 (count)

Number of records = 288 × 50 = 14,400 records

Maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1) is 30 megabytes.

Size of memory required for the jpcrpt command (D1)

= maximum amount of data required for receiving report data at one time (B1) (value of (B1) for jpcrpt in [Step 1])

+ maximum memory size required for graph creation (F1)

Memory size required for the jpcrpt command = 12 megabytes + 30 megabytes = 42 megabytes

[Step 5] Checking the memory size required for PFM - Web Console and evaluating the memory extension (re-check)

Because the memory size required for PFM - Web Console is now 64 megabytes or less, there is no problem in the memory settings for PFM - Web Console.

[Step 6] Specifying the memory extension and the number of records for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt)

There is no need to specify memory extension settings because this example does not extend the memory for PFM - Web Console (jpcrpt). Lastly, specify the maxFetchCount parameter (under the <command> tag) in config.xml. This example specifies 100,800, which is the largest number of records for all reports calculated as (B1) in [Step 1].

The memory size design is now completed.

(7) Extending the memory for the View Server service and the PFM - Web Console (GUI and jpcrpt)

(a) Extending the memory for the View Server service

In Windows (earlier than 11-00):

The following explains how to extend the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service.

  1. Stop PFM - Manager.

  2. Create an empty file named jvmopt.ini immediately under installation-directory\mgr\viewsvr.

  3. Use a text editor to open jvmopt.ini and add the following two lines:



  4. Save jvmopt.ini by overwriting the file.

  5. Restart PFM - Manager.


This example sets the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service to 384 megabytes.



Note 1:

The numeric value specified in the -Xmx option is the maximum heap memory size available to the View Server service. Specify this value in megabytes (multiple of two) (only single-byte alphanumeric characters are permitted).

Note 2:

The -Xmx option specifies the maximum heap memory size available to the View Server service. This does not mean that the View Server service constantly uses the specified amount of heap memory.

Note 3:

If you run PFM - Manager in a logical host environment, edit the jvmopt.ini file in the installation directory in both the executing system and the standby system.

In Windows (11-00 or later):

The following explains how to extend the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service.

  1. Stop PFM - Manager.

  2. Create an empty file named jvmopt.ini immediately under installation-directory\mgr\viewsvr.

  3. Use a text editor to open jvmopt.ini and add the following two lines:




  4. Save jvmopt.ini by overwriting the file.

  5. Restart PFM - Manager.


This example sets the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service to 1 gigabyte.



Note 1:

The numeric value specified by the -Xmx option becomes the maximum size of heap memory used by the View Server service (this is different from the size of heap memory used by all services). You can select byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, or terabyte as the unit for the value to be set. The default is byte. The value must be specified using a single-byte number. The unit is not case-sensitive.

Note 2:

The -Xmx option specifies the maximum heap memory size available to the View Server service. This does not mean that the View Server service constantly uses the specified amount of heap memory.

Note 3:

If you run PFM - Manager in a logical host environment, edit the jvmopt.ini file in the installation directory in both the executing system and the standby system.

In UNIX (earlier than 11-00):

The following explains how to extend the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service.

  1. Stop PFM - Manager.

  2. Use a text editor to open /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr and search for the following line:

    -Xmxmaximum-heap-memory-used-by-View-Server-service \

  3. Save /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr by overwriting the file.

  4. Restart PFM - Manager.


This example sets the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service to 384 megabytes.


Δ: Singe-byte space

Note 1:

The numeric value specified in the -Xmx option is the maximum heap memory size available to the View Server service. Specify this value in megabytes (multiple of two) (only single-byte alphanumeric characters are permitted).

Note 2:

The -Xmx option specifies the maximum heap memory size available to the View Server service. This does not mean that the View Server service constantly uses the specified amount of heap memory.

Note 3:

If you perform overwrite installation, the /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr file is overwritten. If you have extended the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service, back up the /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr file before performing overwrite installation. Then perform overwrite installation and specify the settings again.

Note 4:

If you run PFM - Manager in a logical host environment, edit the /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr file in the installation directory in both the executing system and the standby system.

In UNIX (11-00 or later):

The following explains how to extend the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service.

  1. Stop PFM - Manager.

  2. Use a text editor to open /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr and search for the following line:

    -Xmxmaximum-heap-memory-used-by-View-Server-service \

    [k|K|m|M|g|G|t|T] \

  3. Save /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr by overwriting the file.

  4. Restart PFM - Manager.


This example sets the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service to 1 gigabyte.


Δ: Singe-byte space

Note 1:

The numeric value specified by the -Xmx option becomes the maximum size of heap memory used by the View Server service (this is different from the size of heap memory used by all services). You can select byte, kilobyte, megabyte, gigabyte, or terabyte as the unit for the value to be set. The default is byte. The value must be specified using a single-byte number. The unit is not case-sensitive.

Note 2:

The -Xmx option specifies the maximum heap memory size available to the View Server service. This does not mean that the View Server service constantly uses the specified amount of heap memory.

Note 3:

If you perform overwrite installation, the /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr file is overwritten. If you have extended the maximum heap memory available to the View Server service, back up the /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr file before performing overwrite installation. Then perform overwrite installation and specify the settings again.

Note 4:

If you run PFM - Manager in a logical host environment, edit the /opt/jp1pc/mgr/viewsvr/jpcvsvr file in the installation directory in both the executing system and the standby system.

(b) Extending the memory for PFM - Web Console

To extend the upper limit of the memory used by the PFM - Web Console service, change add.jvm.arg=-Xmx of the option definition file (usrconf.cfg).

For details about the option definition file (usrconf.cfg), see the chapter that describes definition files in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.

(c) Extending the memory for the jpcrpt command

This subsection explains how to extend the maximum memory available to the jpcrpt command. To extend the maximum memory size for the jpcrpt command, specify the maximum heap size in the -mx option. For details, see the chapter that describes commands in the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.

Example command line to extend the maximum memory to 256 megabytes

jpcrpt -o output-file -mx 256 input-file

(8) Estimating the number of records

To calculate the number of records, use the following formula:

Number of records = number of data collections × number of instances

The number of data collections depends on the display period and collection interval, as shown below:

a) Data collection interval report display interval:

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ data collection interval

b) Data collection interval < report display interval:

Number of data collections = report display period ÷ report display interval


For details about how to estimate the number of instances for each record, see each PFM - Agent manual.


This example assumes the conditions shown below for each report.


Report A

Number of instances: 20

Data collection interval: 60 seconds

Report display interval: Hour (60 minutes)

Report display period: Past month

Report B

Number of instances: 50

Data collection interval: 300 seconds

Report display interval: Minute (one minute)

Report display period: Past week

Report A

This satisfies b) Data collection interval < report display interval, meaning that the number of data collections = report display period ÷ report display interval.


Number of data collections = 31 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 60 (minutes) = 744 (count)

Number of records = 744 × 20 = 14,880 records

Report B

This satisfies a) Data collection intervalreport display interval, meaning that the number of data collections = report display period ÷ data collection interval.


Number of data collections = 7 (days) × 24 (hours) × 60 (minutes) ÷ 5 (minutes) = 2,016 (count)

Number of records = 2,016 × 50 = 100,800 records

(9) Using the GUI to display reports that use data with many records

Not unexpectedly, data with the minute as the display interval and a display period of the past month might consist of a large number of records. However, report display by the GUI is not suitable for referencing data with many records.

This subsection explains how to use the GUI and Performance Management's record characteristics display reports whose data consists of many records.

PFM handles three major types of records (PI, PD, PL). The following table explains the characteristics of each type.

Table C‒26: Characteristics of the record types

Historical data format

Characteristics and usage

Recommended report operation

PI record

(summary record)

Automatically creates and records summary records, such as per-minute, hourly, and daily records, based on the collected performance data.

Suitable for checking changes and trends in performance data.

Changes and trends in performance data can be checked by selecting graphs whose abscissa is time-series, such as line graphs, area charts, and stacked area charts.

A period in which a problem occurred can be identified quickly by drilling down from reports with long intervals to reports with short intervals.

PD and PL records

(non-summary record)

Records the collected performance data as is.

Suitable for obtaining detailed information at a specific time.

Detailed information at a specific time can be checked by selecting graphs that display information at a specific time, such as bar graphs and pie charts.

The following subsections present example operations and explain how to display reports by using the GUI and the characteristics of each record when the data consists of many records. The examples use data for which the display period is set to month and minute.

(a) Example operation 1

Displaying a report of PI records for the past month

A report of PI records can be obtained by using drilldown reports.

The following provides an overview of the drilldown functions and explains how to specify the settings.

• Using the drilldown functions from historical reports of PI records

Some drilldown functions of Performance Management must be associated explicitly by the user and some are set automatically for the historical reports of PI records. This example uses the typical drilldown functions used for historical reports of PI records.


To create:

The following explains how to create drilldown reports:

  1. On the Reports page, create a report.

  2. Set a record of the PI record type.

  3. In Settings for the report display period, specify Within the past month for Date range and Day for Report interval.

  4. For Display Style, specify Table and Graph.

  5. For Graph type, specify Stacked area.

  6. Skip Drilldown settings.#

#: You specify here settings for report drilldown and field drilldown. However, for the PI record type, you drill down automatically to the next report interval without having to specify these settings.

To check:

The following explains how to display the report created with the procedure under To create by using the drilldown report functions:

  1. A report whose date range is Within the past month and report interval is Day is displayed.

  2. In the Date and time field of Table in the report displayed in step 1, click Day to be checked.

  3. Twenty-four hours worth of the selected Day is displayed in hours.

  4. In the Date and time field of Table in the report displayed in step 3, click Time to be checked.

  5. One hour of the selected Time is displayed in minutes.

(b) Example operation 2

Displaying a report of PD and PL records for the past month

Drilldown reports are not available for PD and PL records, because they are for PI records. Therefore, use the following operations to reference data:

  • CSV output by the jpcrpt command

    This example uses the jpcrpt command to reference data that consists of many records. See the chapter that describes commands in the manual to edit the sample file stored at the following location to create an input file for jpcrpt:

    Windows: installation-directory\sample\conf

    UNIX: /opt/jp1pcwebcon/sample/conf

  • Reducing the number of records to display reports

    Reduce the number of records by the methods described below and then display reports (see C.7(4) Reducing memory usage).

    • Reduce the report display period and split the report display period into multiple periods to display reports.

    • Use the report filtering function.

    • Set the data collection interval to a large value.

    Taking into account the above guidelines, evaluate the report display settings that are appropriate to the system operation and design a system that can achieve safe operations.