
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Performance Management Planning and Configuration Guide

4.1.2 Process flow for installation and setup

Figure 4‒2: Process flow for installation and setup


This subsection describes the procedures to install and set up PFM - Manager and PFM - Web Console. The installation and setup procedures of PFM - Agent or PFM - RM depend on the product. For details, see the appropriate PFM - Agent or PFM - RM manual.

You can elect to execute setup commands that require user entries in the interactive mode or the non-interactive mode.

If the commands are to be executed in the interactive mode, you must enter appropriate values as instructed by the commands.

If the commands are to be executed in the non-interactive mode, no user entries will be required because option specifications and definition files will be used in lieu of making entries manually. Batch processing and remote execution enable the setup tasks to be automated, thereby reducing the administrator's workload and operating costs. Using the non-interactive mode for entering commands is useful in the following cases:

For details about the commands, see the manual JP1/Performance Management Reference.