
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide

jssdbrecovery.bat (recovers a database)

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This command recovers data in the database of JP1/Service Support. To run this command, go to the Start menu and click Programs, JP1_Service Support, and JP1_SS Command Prompt. Then execute the command.


jssdbrecovery.bat {-f backup-file-name | 
                   -i name-of-the-folder-to-output-the-backup-file-to {-ALL | -mdb | -sdb}}
                  {-maint | -expand}

Required execution permission

Administrator permissions

Storage folder



-f backup-file-name

Use an absolute path to specify the name of the backup file to be used to recover the data in the database of JP1/Service Support. When JP1/Service Support uses the Item storage database, the data is recovered in both the Item management database and the Item storage database.

Note the following when you specify a backup file:

  • Make sure that the folder that was used for backup is specified for the storage folder for the JP1/Service Support database.

  • The backup file must exist on a local drive. You cannot use a backup file on a network drive.

  • You cannot use a UNC path to specify the backup file.

  • The path for the backup file must be an absolute path consisting of 259 bytes or less. The backup file name itself must be 255 bytes or less. Count full-width characters for 2-byte characters in the file name.

  • The backup file name must not contain multi-byte characters. In addition, you cannot use character strings that are not recognized by the OS.

  • The backup file created by the jssdbbackup.bat command with the -o option cannot be specified for the -f option in the jssdbrecovery.bat command.

-i name-of-the-folder-to-output-the-backup-file-to

Use an absolute path to specify the name of the folder to which to output a backup of the database of JP1/Service Support. Specify this option when you recover the backup file created by the jssdbbackup.bat command with the -o option.

Note the following when you specify name-of-the-folder-to-output-the-backup-file-to:

  • For name-of-the-folder-to-output-the-backup-file-to, specify the folder to which the backup file created by the jssdbbackup command with the -o option has been output. Do not rename the files and folders in this folder.

  • Make sure that you specify a local drive for the drive to output the backup file to. You cannot specify a network drive.

  • You cannot specify a UNC path.


Recovers the backup files for the Item management database and Item storage database, which are stored in the folder (specified by the -i option) to output the backup files to.


Recovers the backup file for the Item management database, which is stored in the folder (specified by the -i option) to output the backup files to.


Recovers the backup file for the Item storage database, which is stored in the folder (specified by the -i option) to output the backup files to.


Recovers a backup file that was created by using the jssdbbackup.bat command with the -maint option.


Restores a backup file that was created by using the jssdbbackup.bat command with the -expand option.

Return values

Return value



Normal end


Abnormal end

Prerequisites for executing the command



The following example shows how to recover the data in the Item management database using a backup file (c:\backup\backup).

jssdbrecovery.bat -f c:\backup\backup -maint