
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Service Support Configuration and Administration Guide

jssmemberdelete (deletes member information)

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This command deletes members from the roles that are registered in the JP1/Service Support database.


jssmemberdelete -i file-for-member-information-entries

Required execution permission

Administrator permissions

Storage folder



-i file-for-member-information-entries

Use 255 bytes or less to specify the name for a file for member information entries. Count two bytes for full-width characters in the file name. You can use an absolute path or a relative path to specify the file name. When you use a relative path, make sure that it will be 255 bytes or less after it is converted to an absolute path. For the file name, you cannot specify a character string beginning with a hyphen (-). For details about role member entry files, see File for member information entries (Optional) in Chapter 13. Definition Files.


Continues processing even if some of the data in the role member entry file is incorrect. When you specify the -f option, the command skips a role member in the role member entry file if the information about the member is incorrect and proceeds to delete the next member.

If you do not specify the -f option and the command fails to delete even a single role member in the role member entry file from a role, the command is canceled and the remaining members will not be deleted from roles.


Deletes role members without displaying a confirmation message. If you do not specify the -q option, the system displays a message asking whether to permit deleting role members.

Return values

Return value



Normal end


Abnormal end

Prerequisites for executing the command



The following example shows how to use the role member entry file (c:\member\member01.csv) to delete role members without displaying a confirmation message.

jssmemberdelete -i c:\member\member01.csv -q