
JP1 Version 12 JP1/Navigation Platform Content Editing Guide

4.6.5 Items in the Attribute Settings window (text box part in the guide area)

Figure 4‒7: Attribute Settings window (displayed from a text box part)


The following describes the items in the Attribute Settings window.

Organization of this subsection

(1) Maximum string size text box

Specify the maximum number of input characters for the placed text box. The default is 1024. In the Maximum string size text box, you can enter a single-byte number (integer) in the range from 1 to 65535.

An error occurs in the following cases:

(2) Default value text box

Specify the character string to be displayed as the default in the placed text box. An error occurs in the following cases:

(3) Guide Part ID text box

For Guide Part ID, enter a character string (no more than 20 single-byte characters) that uniquely identifies the Guide Part. Use the Guide Part ID text box when you change an automatically set Guide Part ID.

You can enter single-byte alphanumeric characters, single-byte hyphen (-), and single-byte underscore (_). You can also enter an empty character string. Any character strings that you enter other than an empty character string must be unique to one another in the same guide area.

(4) Read only check box

If you select this check box, character input to the placed text box is disabled. This check box is not selected by default.

(5) Password box check box

Select this check box to use the placed text box as a password box. If you select this check box, the placed text box will display an asterisk (*) for each character that is entered in the text box. This check box is not selected by default.

(6) Input rule text box

You can specify an input rule for the character string that is entered in the placed text box with a regular expression of no more than 1,024 characters. If an input rule is specified, the character string entered in the placed text box is checked according to the input rule when the operation transitions to the next process in the Operational Content Execution Window. If the entered character string violates the input rule, a message specified in the Error message text box is output. In a specific environment, the node on which the error occurred is highlighted.

For details about regular expressions, see the window that appears when you click Example of settings for a regular expression. If you specify an input rule not shown in the window, specify the input rule in the format of the character string that is to be specified in the first argument of the JavaScript RegExp constructor. If an empty character string is entered in the Input rule text box, the system assumes that no input rule is specified.

You cannot perform the following operations:

Case examples in which the Input rule text box cannot be used:

In the cases described below, you need to use a plugin. For details about the plugin, see the manual JP1/Navigation Platform Development Guide.

  • You want to set an input rule that cannot be defined by regular expressions.

  • When you set an input rule that requires referencing the value input to another Guide Part or the user ID of the user.

  • You want to dynamically change an error message, for example, by displaying the value input by the user.

  • You want to highlight 11 or more Guide Parts together when an input value error occurs.

(7) Error message text box

Specify the error message to be displayed when a character string violates the input rule specified in the Input rule text box. The length of the character string must be no more than 200 double-byte characters. In the Error message text box, you cannot enter a character string that contains an ASCII code from 0x00 to 0x1F, or 0x7F.

Note that, when you specify an input rule in the Input rule text box, you must also specify an error message in the Error message text box.