
JP1 Version 11 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Smart Device Manager

4.2 What you can do while JP1/ITDM2 - SDM is running

The following describes what you can do while JP1/ITDM2 - SDM is running:

You can:


Prepare smart devices

Prepare smart devices to be managed by JP1/ITDM2 - SDM. The preparation procedure differs depending on whether the device is a newly purchased smart device or stored smart devices.

Distribute new smart devices

If you receive a new application to use a smart device, you can distribute the smart device to the user.

Replace smart devices

Replace smart devices in the organization.

Change smart device users

If a user is transferred, another user can inherit the smart device.

Store smart devices

Store a smart device that is not being used because the user was transferred, or smart devices were replaced.

Dispose of smart devices

Dispose of smart devices that are no longer used because of a hardware problem or some other reason.

Distribute applications to Android devices and give instructions on installation

Distribute applications to multiple Android devices at the same time.

Send instructions to iOS devices to request users to install applications

Send instructions to iOS devices (in a batch) to request users to install the applications you want to distribute.

Install applications by a user operation on a smart device

Users can initiate the installation of applications that have been prepared in advance by an administrator.

Remove applications that are no longer needed

Uninstall and remove an application from an Android device when the application is no longer needed.

Manage security rules

Create security rules based on the organization's security principles to manage smart devices. If a user violates security rules, an event is issued so that the administrator can detect the unauthorized use of the smart device.

Take action if a smart device is lost

If a user loses a smart device, lock or initialize that smart device to prevent unauthorized use.

Take action if a user forgets the Android device password or iOS device passcode

If a user forgets an Android device password or iOS device passcode, change the Android device password or reset the iOS device passcode.

Send notifications of events by email

Use email to notify the administrator of events that occur in JP1/ITDM2 - SDM or smart device. The administrator can check JP1/ITDM2 - SDM errors and unauthorized use of the smart device without logging in to the JP1/ITDM2 - SDM program module.

Send messages to Android devices

If there is information that must be reported to Android device users, messages can be sent from JP1/ITDM2 - SDM to Android devices.

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