
JP1 Version 11 JP1/IT Desktop Management 2 - Smart Device Manager

4.9 Flow of distributing applications to Android devices and instructing installation

Register applications you want to distribute in JP1/ITDM2 - SDM, and then simultaneously install them to multiple Android devices.

You can also distribute the applications in advance, and send instructions to install them at a later stage.

Because distributing applications can place a load on the network, you need to devise an appropriate distribution plan in advance.

The following describes the flow of distributing and installing applications.

  1. Select applications in accordance with the organization's security principles.

  2. Devise an application distribution plan.

    When you distribute an application and instructions to install it, the application is distributed without any intervention by the user of the Android device. If you distribute applications to a large number of Android devices simultaneously, the load on the network can increase to the point where it causes a bottleneck. We recommend that you devise a schedule that distributes applications to 50 devices at a time, at 5 minute intervals.

    To check the result of the distribution process, you need to collect inventory information.


    01:00 - 03:00  Send instructions to install application.
    22:00 - 24:00  Collect inventory information from distribution-target devices.
  3. Register the applications to be distributed in JP1/ITDM2 - SDM.

  4. Place the applications to be distributed on the communication server.


    To confirm that you have placed the applications correctly, try installing them on a test device before distributing the applications or sending instructions to install them.

    If you cannot install the applications, make sure that the correct package names were specified when registering the applications, and that the file names on the communication server are correct.


    This step is unnecessary if you are using simple distribution.

  5. Notify the user to keep their Android device turned on.

    The distribution or installation instruction operation will fail if the Android device is turned off. For this reason, you need to let the user know in advance that their device needs to be turned on.

  6. Distribute the applications to Android devices, or instruct users to install the applications.

  7. Obtain the inventory information from Android devices.

    As a general rule, collect inventory information about 24 hours after distributing the applications or sending instructions to install them.

  8. Check the result of distribution or installation.

    Use the Android Application view or the sdmexportdistributestatus command to check the applications that have been distributed and those that are installed. If distribution or installation has failed on some Android devices, repeat the process for those devices.

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