
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Automatic Operation Configuration Guide 

4.6 Procedure to change the URL

If you change the host name or IP address of the JP1/AO server or the port number used for communications between JP1/AO and the Web browser, you also need to change the URL by using the hcmds64chgurl command.

To change the URL:

The following examples show the steps for changing the URL from to

  1. Execute the hcmds64chgurl command with the list option specified to find the currently registered URL.

    Example in Windows:
    hcmds64chgurl /list
    JP1/Automatic Operation
  2. Execute the hcmds64chgurl command with the change option specified to update the URL.

    Example in Windows:
    hcmds64chgurl /change "" ""
    The URL was changed from "" to "".
  3. Execute the hcmds64chgurl command with the list option specified to confirm that the URL has been updated.

    Example in Windows:
    hcmds64chgurl /list
    JP1/Automatic Operation