
JP1 Version 11 Network Management: Getting Started




An IT device such as a router, switch, PC, or printer.

discovery seed

A node from which the discovery of the monitoring target nodes starts. If nodes are to be automatically discovered, the ARP cache of the discovery seed is used to discover neighboring devices. For the discovery seed, specify a router that has a lot of information about neighboring devices.



Among various events that occur in a network, one with high importance for which information needs to be reported to the administrator. NNMi analyzes the root causes of events that occur in a network, and then reports those root causes as incidents.


The source from which a resource is collected. For example, the instance of the resource CPU Utilization is the CPU utilization of each CPU.


Layer 2 topology

The connection relationship of a network as seen from the data link layer of the OSI Reference Model. A Layer 2 topology shows the connections between the switches and terminals in the network.

Layer 3 topology

A connection relationship of a network as seen from the network layer of the OSI Reference Model. A Layer 3 topology shows the logical configuration of the network.

lifecycle state

An attribute that is used for checking the progress of an incident. The lifecycle states are Registered, In Progress, Completed, and Closed. The state is updated according to the incident-handling status of an incident.


management information base (MIB)

Status information that an SNMP server product or SNMP network device releases externally.

MIB object

A unit of management information in the MIB. A MIB object consists of a hierarchical tree structure. Each level of the tree has a unique name and an identifier that indicates the unique name by using a numerical value. Note that a specific value of a MIB object is called an instance.



A device that is monitored by NNMi.

node group

A collection of discovered network devices that are grouped and organized into a hierarchy based on, for example, the IP address or device type.

node group map

A map that categorizes (such as by each business or region) and displays the network devices in each node group.



A collection of information that SSO collects from SNMP agents. Examples of resources include CPU Utilization and Run Queue Length.

root cause analysis (RCA)

Identification of the cause of a failure by investigating and filtering the correlations among various events that occur because of a network failure, and then analyzing the failure based on the Layer 2 topology.


SNMP trap

Processing that reports information from an SNMP agent to the SNMP manager when a failure occurs on the SNMP agent.


topology map

A network configuration diagram that shows the statuses of discovered network devices and their connection relationships.