
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

Organization of report folders

The following shows the organization of the report folders for PFM - Agent for Enterprise Applications. Angle brackets enclose folder names:

<SAP System>
 +-- <SAP Basis/Web Application Server>
     +-- <Monthly Trend>
     |    +-- Dialog ResponseTime Trend
     |    +-- Dialog ResponseTime Trend(Multi-Agent)
     |    +-- SAP Buffer Hitratio Trend
     |    +-- SAP Memory Used Trend
     |    +-- UsersLoggedIn Trend
     |    +-- UsersLoggedIn Trend(Multi-Agent)
     +-- <Status Reporting>
     |    +-- <Daily Trend>
     |    |    +-- Dialog ResponseTime Trend
     |    |    +-- SAP Buffer Hitratio Trend
     |    |    +-- SAP Memory Used Trend
     |    |    +-- UsersLoggedIn Trend
     |    |    +-- <Advanced>
     |    |         +-- Background Processing SystemWideQueue
     |    |         +-- Background Service ServerSpecificQueue
     |    |         +-- Background Service Utilization %
     |    +-- <Real-Time>
     |         +-- Dialog ResponseTime Status
     |         +-- Process Overview Status
     |         +-- SAP Buffer Hitratio Status
     |         +-- SAP Memory Used Status
     |         +-- <Drilldown Only>
     |             +--  SAP Buffer Detail(CUA)
     |             +--  SAP Buffer Detail(FieldDescription)
     |             +--  SAP Buffer Detail(GenericKey)
     |             +--  SAP Buffer Detail(InitialRecords)
     |             +--  SAP Buffer Detail(Program)
     |             +--  SAP Buffer Detail(Screen)
     |             +--  SAP Buffer Detail(ShortNameTAB)
     |             +--  SAP Buffer Detail(SingleRecord)
     |             +--  SAP Buffer Detail(TableDefinition)
     |             +--  SAP Memory Detail
     +-- <Troubleshooting>
          +-- <Real-Time>
          +-- <Recent Past>
               +-- Dialog ResponseTime
               +-- <Advanced>
                    +-- Dialog Utilization %
               +-- SAP Buffer Hitratio
               +-- SAP Memory Used
               +-- <Drilldown Only>
                    +-- Process Detail

The following describes each folder:

These folders may also include the following folder: