
JP1 Version 11 JP1/Performance Management - Agent Option for Enterprise Applications Description, User's Guide and Reference

Dialog Utilization %

Organization of this page


The Dialog Utilization % report displays an analysis report in the event of a problem with dialog work processes. It displays minute-by-minute trends in the dialog work processes over the past hour.

Storage location

Reports/SAP System/SAP Basis/Web Application Server/Troubleshooting/Recent Past/Advanced/


Dialog Service (PI_DIA)


Field name


Instance Name

SAP instance name. This name usually consists of a host name, SAP system ID, and system number. The setting can be changed by the rdisp/myname parameter.

QueueLength %

Average usage of the dispatcher queue for dialog work processes

Utilization %

Average usage of the application server's dialog processes

System ID

SAP system ID